Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

36 44 45 90 108 | 'It's over', Angelina Jolie files for divorce from Brad Pitt, September 19, 2016 (Staged celebrity relationships exposed)

Reportedly, Angelina Jolie filed for divorce yesterday, September 19, 2016.  That date came in a span of 108-days from her 41st birthday.

The date of her filing, September 19, also has numerology connecting to 'divorced' and her birthday, June 4.

9/19/16 = 9+19+16 = 44
9/19/2016 = 9+19+20+16 = 64 (Her birthday is June 4, or 6/4 or 4/6)

Her married name, Angelina Jolie Pitt, even connects to 'divorced'.

The headline is also synched with Brad Pitt and his birthday.

From the date of the divorce filing to Brad Pitt's birthday is 90-days.

I'm sure these headlines are coming today because they deal with 'marriage'.

9/20/16 = 9+20+16 = 45


  1. How does 'anorexia' fit in do you think. That whole marriage and such (with the adopted kids) very strange - making some weird points.

  2. Hahaha, I was just reading about this as part of a class assignment and wondered if it was by the numbers as well. They've really got the people they make celebrities by the balls, I think more so than we even fully understand at this point. I'm sorry my presence in the comments section has been absent for awhile, I've continued to watch all your videos, but I've recently started college. This college shit is frustrating Zach, as a college graduate yourself, what's your take on the whole college indoctrination system these days. It seems to me that unless you're lucky enough to be born into money or farming or something, you almost have to obtain that 'degree' to stand a chance at maintiang your survival without being impoverished. WHat's your take on it all? I'd really like to dedicate most of my time to helping you with your work and your cause. You're the greatet teacher I've ever had, can you spare any adive to someone who discovered this knowledge at an age 11 years younger than when you did? I never would've learned about this had it not been for you my man, I always was a sceptic of the world of celebrity...but never in my wildest dreams would I have thought itd be what it really is

    1. Have a plan friend. Know what you want to do in this world. A degree can help you, or it can be a waste of your time. Don't take on any debt for college, that is my advice. College is a hoop to jump through, but depending on what you want to do, some hoops must be jumped through. I hated college personally, but I went right through and finished in four years at the top of my class. Then I took a break and worked, then went back to grad school to teach. I hated that too.

    2. I do have a plan, but it requires a Master's degree. I hate school, there's no doubt. Everything that I really hold true, or think is important, I've learned on my own. Plus, I've found that planning can only do so much, especially when most of planning is assuming that a specific outcome will workout. Luckily, I've been able to avoid debt so far, but my parents have to pay the price down the road. I've considered becoming many things, all under the umbrella of serving greater humanity. My conflict is, most things in this world are controlled by you know who. What I'm planning on doing is free of that, but it's still participating in the same system of taxation and work-a-day life. I know you're not a psychologist, but I still appreciate your advice and what you do everyday, immensely. I admire the work you do more than anything else in this world, but I have to make money somehow to have a roof over my head and internet.

    3. my man, take a look into independent insurance claims adjusting. easiest money I've ever made, entry level 24/hr doing what a drunk monkey could accomplish. is a good place to start. get your home state license (of Texas or Indiana) or designate of those two as your home state. from there, get into some certification courses through State Farm affiliate companies - Renfroe/Worley/Pilot/Eberls. after that, it's paying for individual state licenses. seriously, easiest shit I've ever done.

    4. Thank you, I'm definitely gonna check his out. As long as I can spend most my time on this blog!

    5. I'm on deployment AS WE TYPE. this shit is chill man, just gotta be able to navigate proprietary software efficiently.

    6. 24/hr plus OT at 60 hours a week - you do the math. second deployment people are at 37/hr seven days a week. 20-30 hrs of overtime is the jam boogie.

    7. Man... Holy shit. How'd you get involved with something like this? I live in ohio so would I even be eligible? You said something about Texas and Indiana

    8. for sure y'all, no worries! I was a roofer in Kansas for years and danced around the idea of getting into the other side of the game - finally did. it's great but the only real drawback I see thus far - these people out here are THIRSTY. other than everyone trying to fuck everyone else - golden.

    9. but yeah man, if you don't live in one of the licensing states, mainly Texas and Indiana since they're licesnces are the main reciprocal ones, just designate whichever state you take the licensing through as your "home" state. it's literally just another quick step in the process.

    10. I wanna say the initial exam and pre licensure course/review material is a little under $300. you'll want to take the STATE FARM Property and Auto courses, when possible. those are held on scheduled dates throughout the year, 3-5 times or maybe more if they deem necessary. from there, get your east coast state licenses (FL, GA, Bama, SC, LA, Miss, TX and so on) which are going to run on average $110 each. TX, FL and I think GA as well require fingerprints which is another $50 or so on top but the rest don't require prints. during this process you're going to want to get on as many IA firms' (independent adjusting) rosters as you can. get assigned a dispatcher, get your software certifications, be polite with these people but be steady on their radar saying you want to be deployed. once you get your first assignment with State Farm (having an SF alias is HUUUUUGE) just run with it! make as many connections as you can, network network network and see about getting to the next deployment! keep in mind, the nature of independent adjusting is to work yourself out of a job aka clean up the storm claims.

    11. anyone at all interested - ANYONE - shoot me an email. fuck it, I've been contemplating putting my real name back on my google account anyways. hit me up, I'll be glad to share what I know with anyone interested.

  3. Evangelist, Zach is correct try to take on as little debt as possible and know exactly what you want. Yes the degree helps when ppl are hiring and looking at resumes but it doesn't guarantee anything. My advice is to make connections and friends in college, you never know if someones parents friends will connect you with a job afterward. In the job world its more who you know instead of what you know.

    1. Thank you, yes I know a degree dosent guarantee shit. Especially if you study something non specific. I just wanna help people. You can imagine my frustration being a 20 year old and trying to convince my peers and people older than me that the pro sports are rigged.

    2. None of us can convince our wives either... or husbands.

  4. "Its Over" = 1034 J
    "Presidential Assassination" = 1034

    "Vesica Piscis" = 134
    "One Thousand Thirty Four" = 1776 <===

    "Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie" = 223 <===
    "Masonic" = 223

    1. Good finds, Pitt reminds me of Pittsburgh. The divorce comes 1 month 21 days (121) before the election.

  5. Notice That Jim Carrey is in The News Today Also for possibly being involved in the death of his wife.

    Divorce Murder" in the English Reduction system equals 74

    William Bradley Pitt " in the English Reduction system equals 85

    James Eugene Carrey " in the English Reduction system equals 76 / 85

    Eighty Five" in the English Reduction system equals 62

    Celebrity Lie" in the English Reduction system equals 62

    Mason" in the English Ordinal system equals 62

    If you add Carrey and Pitt's Age 54+52= .. 106 ..

    Tuesday September Twentieth " in the English Ordinal system equals 322

    Tuesday September Twentieth " in the English Reduction system equals 106

    322-106 .. 216 ..

    1. His movie, The Number 23, totally codes the death of his girlfriend from a couple years ago. Down tobthe exact date being written down on screen. Good stuff.

  6. Just took a look at the baseball standings. Houston is 3 games back of the wild card with 12 games left. Still very possible they sneak in. That Boston-Houston wild card clue from last month doesn't look like it'll pan out though. Boston looks like the clear division winner. DO NOT BE SURPRISED IF BOTH THE BLUE JAYS AND ORIOLES CHOKE FROM HERE ON OUT, AND DETROIT-HOUSTON IS THE WILD CARD GAME.

    Tigers manager Brad Ausmus born on a date with 106 numerology (4+14+19+69=106). He played the brunt of his career with the Astros. Prince Fielder retiring could have been a tribute to the Tigers, where his father Cecil became famous. Prince/106/Prophecy/Tigers/Ausmus... Oh, and check this out...

    "Detroit Houston Wild Card" = 106 in ER.

    1. i hope you are right
      - tigers fan

    2. Tigers would have to win about 10 of the last 12 to get in. Ausmus is 47 this year. Not to Mention he is Jewish born in New Haven , Connecticut and has 223 wins as Tiger Manager going into tonight's game vs. Twins.

      Wildcard" in the English Reduction system equals 38

      New Haven " in the English Reduction system equals 38

      9+20+2+0+1+6= .. 38 ..

      Bradley David Ausmus " in the English Reduction system equals 66

      Sixty Six" in the English Reduction system equals 41

      Sixty Six" in the English Ordinal system equals 149

      Skull and Bones" in the English Reduction system equals 41

      Skull and Bones" in the English Ordinal system equals 149

      Brad Ausmus went to Dartmouth and is known to be Chummy with Bonesmen including Bush. If Tigers Tear up the Twins on a Walk Off or something tonight. This is a solid theory Legion.

    3. I'm guessing an Ian Kinsler or Victor Martinez Walk off would be a way to cue this scenario where Tigers make a run for the Wildcard.

      Walk off" in the English Ordinal system equals 74

      Walk off" in the English Reduction system equals 29

      Bradley David Ausmus " in the English Reduction system equals 66 / 75 /84

      Bradley David Ausmus " in the English Ordinal system equals 201

      Walk off Wildcard Run" in the English Ordinal system equals 201

      Walk off Wildcard Run" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    4. I don't even think they need to be THAT GOOD. Say the Jays and O's go 5-7 in their remaining 12. As it currently stands, the Tigers are 2 and a half out with 11 to play. Something like 8-3 does it. They play Minnesota tonight (funny that it's Minnesota), and they should beat them up considering the Twins are one of the worst in baseball. We'll see. This narrative is definitely in play IMO.

    5. Tuesday September Twentieth " in the English Ordinal system equals 322

      Tuesday September Twentieth " in the English Reduction system equals 106

      Remember Brad Born in New Haven went to Dartmouth.

      Tuesday September Twentieth Wildcard" in the English Reduction system equals 144

      Bradley David Ausmus George Walker Bush" in the English Reduction system equals 144

      Bush Ausmus" in the English Ordinal system equals 144

      144-106= .. 38 ..

      Wildcard" in the English Reduction system equals 38

      Connecticut Michigan" in the English Ordinal system equals 188

      Bush Use to Live in New Haven with Brad but Now he lives in Texas and owns part of the Rangers.

      Texas Detroit" in the English Reduction system equals 52

      106 & 52

    6. Good stuff. I could be wrong, but I see connections here. Both the O's and Jays have been struggling, and these sports leagues love drama down the stretch.

    7. Ok, so get this... The Tigers actually have 13 games left not 11, and they end with a series in Atlanta. Atlanta (on the 33rd parallel) in its last season at Turner Field (Turner 33). Houston on the other hand ends in Anaheim (also on the 33rd parallel)... Anaheim = 33.

      Wow lol.

    8. Just an update after tonight's games...

      -Detroit won with ease 8-1.

      -Houston won 2-1 in 10 innings (It's amazing how many times a 112 like coding has been put into their games this year... I'd be shocked if they don't make the playoffs.)

      -Baltimore LOSES to the Red Sox.

      -Blue Jays are crushing the Mariners tonight.

      So the Tigers are now 1.5 games out of a WC spot, and the Astros are now 2 out. I really think these are the 2 teams that will get in.

  7. Interesting that they are 11 years apart and have twins and shes a Gemini. Blond and brunette. Sun and moon.

    This is also another Cancer story probably. AJP had double masectomy, Ovaries, Fallopian rubes removed and now cutting BP out of life.

  8. To add on to what Pru said, I wonder if the span of dates between AJs breast removal and the unveiling of the "breastless" Baphomet in Detroit reveal any creepy numbers

  9. they are all part of a matrix of occult ritual

  10. Another "Pilot Eject" Air Force Jet Crash in California. How many does this make within in the past 3 years?

  11. So this happened 1 month and 21 days before the election (121) Revelation
    I wonder if "Pitt" could have something to do with "Pittsburgh?"

  12. Red 97? Nfls 97th season and the opposing team has on colts colors.

  13. This is just heartbreaking. Lmfao!!!! Great post.

  14. Patrick Kane wears #88 for USA hockey

    He was born in 88 and first American born MVP

    He scored 106 points lmao

    His Russian rookie teammate scored 77 lmao points in 80 games a rookie record.

  15. so they werent actually married or what?

    1. More likely an arranged marriage. I think they are Agents.

  16. I think something will happen in Boston. The Boss keeps making news. Boss town equals Boston. He played in Foxboro aka 666boro and went past noise time where they paid a large fee. Patriots beat Texans 27-0. Kevin Garnett retiring in the NBA after 21 years and David Ortiz is playing out his final year at #34. Also the new satanic temple international headquarters opened in Salem, MA and there's been reports of emergency drills in W Worcester, Boston, and East Longmeadow.

    1. The reason I think Boston and Houston game was played on fall equinox occult holiday and score was 27-0 so either 3 days from now or 10/27 in their holiday season

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