Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 15, 2016

47 54 66 74 93 119 | September 29, 2016, 'Galatic Tick Day', the celebration of the sun's trip around the Galaxy

Galactic Tick Day = 57/66/129

I appreciate that this story was written September 6, or 9/6.  Freemason = 96

The date of celebration connects to the word 'sun' and 'masonic'.  It also connects to 'time', which this is a celebration of.

9/29/2016 = 9+29+20+16 = 74 (Masonic) (Jewish) (Occult) (Jesus) (Jesus... the "son" of God)
9/29/2016 = 9+29+(2+0+1+6) = 47 (Time = 47) (Authority) (Foundation)
9/29/2016 = 9+2+9+2+0+1+6 = 29 (11)
9/29/16 = 9+29+16 = 54 (Sun)

*Don't forget the 47-degrees that separate the earth's tropics, 23.5 N & 23.5 S

September 29 is also the day that leaves 93-days left in the year, the number for 'Saturn', the keeper of time.

Remember, the 'sun' is 93-million miles away.... so "they" say.

And let us not forget the gematria of the 'Milky Way', what the sun is supposedly traveling around in.

Saturn = 119 (Francis Bacon) 93+26 = 119 (Uppercase adds +26 to each letter)


  1. How the fuck do they know how far the sun has "orbited" around the galaxy? If true it would likely take longer than the universe had existed to orbit once at that distance.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Must suck to be blind study physics pay all sorts of money for a fake education. Then it must be really easy to use that knowledge to switch sides when you realize it's bullshit. Apply that to sports/Politics/education/government/ and every other industry. People sell out from pure emotional shock. Just a different perspective.

  4. You missed on little bit, the offical Facebook page says this is the 235th galactic tick day, because apparently it happens every 633.7 days. So let's do fun math.

    633.7×235=148,919.5 Days or
    407.99 years

  5. Oh Lord...

    407.99= Mathematical bullshit 😈

    Can you believe that. Someone actually spent time on false calculation. These people sure have time.

    1. Its all bullshit when it comes to the heavens

    2. This reality and it's entire history are all fiction most likely.

      Planet Earth: The Interactive Movie
      Directed by Stanley Kubrick
      Dialogue by Mad Libs

  6. This is really some amazing work. Thank you.

  7. first waiting list for commercial flights to space back in the day was 93,000 people.

  8. Good Work, Zach.. Astouungding how your findings connect to my research about the Black Sun. The Distance of the Sun with 93 Mio miles fits to Saturn. Saturn in occult Circles is a stand in for the Black Sun, the Celestial Sphere what in my view is the real keeper of time. Im supporting the Concave Cell Earth Model and i looked for the Gematria of different scientific inventions which are needed to confirm Heliocentrism and the Globemodel. For Example Dark MAtter =666, BigBang 33, Flat eArth = 33 , Blue Marble = 33 and so on.. But what really got me are the Connections between the "Black Hole" and the "Black Sun. In the heliocentric Model the Black Hole is the Center of the MilkyWay Galaxy, the Center we are spiraling around. In the Concave Earth Model the Black Sun is the Center, the Celestial Sphere rotating in 23h 56min 4sec around its axis. And now see the Connections beween the 26 of "God" and "Saturn", the 119 of ISIS (like Tesla) and the 69 between the Sun and Moon Column (JAchinBoaz=69, Equinox=26)

    "BLACK HOLE", jewish Gematria = 119
    "ISIS", pythagorean / simple, side by side= 9 1 9 1 / 9 19 9 19. The Number 911 is supposed to be a Number of ISIS. ISIS is tied to Planet Venus and the BLACK SUN (there s alot of occult research confirming this).
    "BLACK HOLE", simple Gematria = 69
    69, the Number of Cancer on top of the Royal Arch. Between the Sun and Moon Pillar. Symbolically in the Center, the Center of the Universe is the BLACK SUN. (see also the Checkerboard Floor representing the Celestial Sphere with 88 Constellations embedded. 8x8 Fields on a chessgame, Light and Dark = Stars and Background)
    "SIX NINE" = 26 in menorah Code
    "BLACK HOLE", Menorah Code = 26
    "SATURN", Menorah Code = 26
    "SATURN" in occult Circles is a Stand in for the BLACK SUN
    "BLACK HOLE", Pythagorean Ge. = 33

    See how this is all connected to Black Sun Symbolism and the supposed true Shape of Earth, even some Songtitles refering to the Black Hole / Black Sun Analogy (Soundgarden BLACK HOLE SUN...)

  9. Hey Zack

    My trying to work on the up coming Mr. Olympia Finals. Trying to figure out how to do multiple guys for a sports event like the Mr. Olympia Finals. I wonder if you could do one For this Mr. Olympia. The favorite is 51 year old Kevin Levrone who is make a comeback. Since Kai Greene drop out, their is only 5 top competitors. Im sure if the Mr. Olympia is fixed or not but they are make heavy bets in Vegas for Levrone.

  10. Hey Zack

    My trying to work on the up coming Mr. Olympia Finals. Trying to figure out how to do multiple guys for a sports event like the Mr. Olympia Finals. I wonder if you could do one For this Mr. Olympia. The favorite is 51 year old Kevin Levrone who is make a comeback. Since Kai Greene drop out, their is only 5 top competitors. Im sure if the Mr. Olympia is fixed or not but they are make heavy bets in Vegas for Levrone.


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