Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, September 1, 2016

64 135 | Obama is giving "Climate Change" address today from Pacific Ocean, Midway Atoll

Midway Atoll = 135
The Key of David = 135

Pacific = 47
Authority = 47
President = 47

Notice Obama is traveling near home, or 'Hawaii'.  Hawaii = 33

If anything happened to Obama before leaving office, it night be on 'Air Force One'.  The President is killed in 24 (TV show) on Air Force One.  There's a lot of predictive programming in that show.

Air Force One = 64
Barack Hussein Obama = 64
Civil Rights = 44

Talk about something that would change the climate...

Bonus, checkout the CNN video linked about whale hunting... you'll see how Japan has an apparent limit on hunting 333 whales each year.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. "Three Hundred Thirty Three Whales" = 156 & 165
    "False Flag" = 156
    "United Nations" = 165

    "Three Three Three Each Year" = 126 & 234
    "One Two Six" = 144 <====
    234 + 432 = 666 ["Prophecy" = 666]

    In Satanic Gematria [234 * 6 = 1404, Kind of like 144]

    "Three Hundred Thirty Three" = 133
    "Military Industrial Complex" = 133

    She wears a Red Shirt:
    "Red Shirt" = 47, 56 & 101
    "Mind Control" = 56
    "Bulls Eye" = 101

    or maybe it is a Red Dress?
    "Red Dress" = 38 & 56, & 92

    That's weird, it matches up exactly to:
    "Pentagon" = 38, 56, & 92

    You don't think she works for the Military do you?
    How could that be?

    If I was being lied to, I would know...Because I'm smart!


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