Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 16, 2016

Reader Contribution | What needs to be done with this gematria knowledge next


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Good idea. But the only way to truly expose them is thru sports betting. Takes money to pique peoples interests, takes money to make them care, money will make them believe. Keep giving out parlays and their bank accounts keep getting bigger, then youll have their undivided attention

    2. No its not. Literally any game is a 50/50 pick on who wins. Not statistically, but yes, a 10 game consecutive run would help. Outsiders aren't as convinced. I had to watch videos a lot, to believe the craft.

      Take minnesota over green bays 3 point road favorite. I will lay that out Sunday morning.

      Take the colts games over the season and put your kids in Stanford, 9 and 0 against the spread, in last 9 games. Quite a streak as far as Vegas isn't concerned. That's your cash cow for the season, not super bowl competitor.

      Then watch me screw it up!

      We all have had stuff turn out different than predicted. We need a predicted Biden mini-presidency down to the date in my opinion to get the attention. If that's the case list look at like 9.25.16, 9.26.16, 10.6.16 (106 prophecy and 33 days from election not incl., also 4 was 5 days, 45th presidency by 44th) or 10.7.16

    3. Would I be entirely nuts to believe Colorado upsets Michigan this tomorrow in the BigHouse?

      I did a good amount of gematria behind it and their are some strong connections, albeit we know that doesn't guarantee anything

    4. Part of me feels like we're actually doing the enemy a favor by paying attention to these rigged games, but at the end of the day, if everyone on this board stopped watching, they'd still be making money hand over fist, so the only way we can expose this shit is to continue being right more often than not. I think a lot is riding on this football season, but then you have the chance that they'll flip the script. I think we'll find out how ballsy these Zionist scumbags are if they stick with the Colts.

    5. Basically what Im saying is you have to call the longshots. Like they predicting a Colts Superbowl victory, now Colts are a longshot, if they win this blog will get a ton perhaps 1000s of new readers. The only reason Im here is because I ran across a video on youtube 'guaranteeing' a Cavs championship comeback when the Warriors were up 3-1. Im thinking aint no way in hell Cavs win 3 straight. Before that I never even heard of Gematria, nor did I believe sports were rigged. Then it happened, the big 3 consecutive wins by the Cavs, and now he has my undivided attention, because they did that against the best regular season basketball team ever. Not only that he guaranteed it was going to happen. So he wasnt some pundit wishing but guaranteed it. Then it happened, and now watching that video by Warriyah Truth lead me to do my research on gematria and I ran across this blog on a google search engine. Making connections after the fact is nowhere near as intriguing as making predictions and watching it come to pass.

    6. Dakota M. - Only problem I see would be that it goes against the Michigan championship prediction. Didnt they predict Michigan to win the title this year? A upset to Colorado would almost eliminate the possibility.

    7. thelegionary07 - No one pays numerologists enough attention for them to flip the script.

    8. This comment has been removed by the author.

    9. Cortavius, I don't think this loss, if it were to happen would kill Michigan, they can easily win Big10 championship game with 1-loss and make final playoff..

    10. Hey CA. Shoot me an Email. I've got some Infor for you, but don't want to post it publicly.


    11. Dakota M. - Yeah, you right. They have a strong enough schedule to pull them back up into the top 4 if they win out. If you think you got something then go for it. I am interested in seeing your information on the game though

    12. One thing for sure, gematria needs to be divided into sections, and get more organized. Whether your interested in the sports betting or the political and social side of things, need to have a section for each category. The sports betting category would be a great place for all numerologists to link up and post info, and perhaps add a voting sections for who you think the winners will be and what not. Site definitely needs to be created.

    13. Dakota M. - LOL.Colorado beats Michigan and you the contributor of the month

    14. That would be the second best upset pick Ive since Cavs coming back to win

  2. I was also thinking about simliar things lately. I had a google spreadsheet in mind where new findings could be entered and sorted by the numbers. A sort of gematria database if you wish. The idea of a wiki is also great. I was thinking about a discussion group on facebook or something like that but a wiki is a truly great idea.

    Sports betting in my country (Germany) is also legal. I alredy did it a few times successfully in the past weeks. We should really use their sports rigging against them.

    1. Heck yes, use sports rigging against them. But gematria is only good for the underdog. Doesnt tell if a favorite will cover spread or not

    2. In Europe we have fixed odds once a bet is placed and no spread. So if we pick the correct team we will always make money for the project.

  3. Zach I need a way to figure out how to get people to use what I have made. What I have now is powerful, but I'm not quite done with the final version.

    I would like to finish what I'm doing and then have a place where I can distribute the program to everybody.

    What are your thoughts?

    1. What did you make? I made a calculator in Excel to show Simple, Pythagorean (basis and with the s,v, and k exceptions), Jewish, and Sumerian all at the same time. Then I have a tab with over 1,000 different words/phrases saved that I can sort. Curious to know what route you took with yours?

    2. Yes basically the same with Date, Time, and Number calculators built in.

      I have a 7,000 word and phrase database to pull from so far. Mine....matches up Reduction with Reduction, Ordinal with Ordinal, and Jewish with Jewish, so that I can find exact matches for numbers and words very quickly.

      As the Gematria is exposed for the Word, it outputs common matching words, and identifies the Prime and Fibonacci.

      For example: If the Gematria is 239
      Its tells me that it is the 52nd Prime


      For Example: If the Gematria is 89
      It tells me that it is the 11th Fibonacci.

      We can team up if you want.

    3. I can send you a PDF version of the output, so you can see the interface if you want. I would like to finish completely with what I wanted to do, before I give out the Program.

      Whats your email address?

    4. Yeah, that'd be great man. I sent you my email address via Google +

  4. Replies
    1. We are happy to have your representation here. Study hard and unplug yourself from time to time.

  5. Gematriapedia? Brilliant idea. I have no clue how to build that, but could spend eons connected articles together. An easy point and click to other words that match? Awesome. Even brief bits about the important matches to trim to excessive "Sarah Palin is Alaskan DemonQueen" type fats. Nothing worse then trying to sift through the list of who's a reptile on Gematrix.

    1. Haha! Yeah, 9/10 times I start looking down those lists, I have to mentally slap myself

    2. I use gematrix 15% of the time. I like riding the Beast site is Never messed up, and my own excel spreadsheet formulas the most. Not a fan of matching phrases to Sarah Palin and mis-spelled Obama hits either

    3. Yeah, I made my own spreadsheet to show Simple, Pythagorean, Pyth w/ s exceptions, w/ k&v exceptions, Jewish, and Sumerian/ saves a lot of time seeing everything all at once.

  6. For the wiki I guess we need at least a domain, a webserver for hosting and open source wiki software.

  7. Ive seen a couple good glossaries out there.... brother berg comes to mind(great recent stuff as well, which is the norm ha). I remember Korey talking about making some kind of spreadsheet too. It'd be awesome if you folks with interenet knowledge could pull together and combine Zachs amazing work with the collective minds of all the intelligent people Ive seen out there trying to contribute by exploring gematria connections and sharing them. Ive been working a lot in pythagorian as well as simple, and have written down many interesting words/numbers which I'd love to add to some glossary.

  8. @Zack

    2017 we need to get a meeting up in Seattle!
    Invite everyone from the forum and who ever is ready to transition in the New Germatria/Wiki/sports information teams.

  9. Brilliant idea, very well worded also. This movements catching on more by the day, spreading like a pesky degenerative bacteria making the NWO vulnerable

  10. Replies
    1. She's been sick and busy with things. She mentioned it in the comments section on her blog.

  11. We need someone to develop some kind of Gematria Webcrawler that searches for stories like Zach & others post, that connects by the numbers. I majored in Math, not computer programming

  12. I’ve also been compiling a Gematria dictionary, with primes/Fibonnaci and other important numerological info. What I have at the moment is a long list in MSWord, using five systems, Reduction, Ordinal, Jewish, Sumerian, English.

    What I’m looking for is the best software to be able to display the info in the most obvious way—a two-way interface between numbers and words, with search function and ‘clickability’.

    What I’d like to be able to do is:

    * when a number is searched, or clicked on, the result displays a clean text page with all the relevant matching words, with their relevant system. Plus additional relevant numerological info about that number, maybe in a box at the top.

    * when a word is clicked on, the result displays that word in the five systems.

    As to how the words should be displayed: I think the words themselves should in plain text, followed by a symbol to identify which system. I have these symbols color-coded. If you color the actual words themselves, it’s too much for the eye. Then everything is highlighted, ‘rainbow overkill’.

    For example:

    —search “52”:


    Earth O
    Create O
    Heart O
    Now O
    Prophecy R
    Catastrophic R
    Hurricane R
    Flood R

    —click on “Create” and get this:

    25 Create R
    52 Create O
    194 Create J
    304 Create E
    312 Create S

    The software is probably the easy part; the harder thing is to know is just which words and phrases to include, or more specifically, what to leave out. I think to begin with, the first 2,000 or so words should be fundamental words to human beings that relate directly to our experience with the power matrix, over the long-term view. By fundamental I mean, single words more than phrases, not too many specifics, like “Sandy Hook” for example. To me the specifics should be secondary.

    But I think we’re all agreed that whatever form it takes, it should be nothing like the lists on That looks a lot like muddying the waters to me, probably on purpose.


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