Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, September 9, 2016

September 9, 2016, ESPN's error in reporting on Cubs-Astros game (Purposeful?)

Dear ESPN, the Cubs defeated the Astros today, not the Brewers.  That said, those two teams do have something in common....

Again, today is September 9, or 9/9.  Illinois = 99


  1. Nice find, Zach. This is looking more like the Astros are going to the WS and losing.

  2. Cubs 5 hits Astros 7 hits, 57....?

    1. awesome work zach you have really opened up my eyes that sports are 100% scripted. I have money on your picks against my cousin who thinks I'm insane. I don't even care to take his money I just want him to see that sports are scripted. So lets go CUBS vs Astros. I give you all the credit if that happens.

  3. So I know we can pretty much assume that neither the Yanks or Mets will be in the World Series...but they have both won 6 in a row. Is there a narrative for one of them to sneak into the playoffs? Yanks especially after no one thought they'd be here after selling 4 players at the deadline.

    1. If that is the case, I bet the hint is the Alex Rodriquez news story this year.


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