Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 8, 2016

11 | NFL ratings down 11% from last year through first four weeks of 2016 season


  1. Don't know whether this is part of the script or not, but I'm sure your work has helped. I was an avid fan and haven't watched a lick this year.

    1. Same here.Stevie Wonder could see the last two Super Bowls(Scam Newton and the famous pass on the goal line from Seattle) was scripted.Zach put the nail in the coffin for me!

    2. Same. When Manning to Owen Daniels 18-81 went for 18 yards right out of the gate, I knew Zach called the game 100% right.

    3. Same guys. If that rating is actually a real figure, maybe that 11% are people who've realized the NFL is scripted or maybe that's just people who can't afford cable TV lol. There's no way 11% of NFL viewers found Zachs work, not yet anyway. I can't wait til the day that pro sports no longer exist.

  2. What do you think they'd do if we were successful somehow in getting viewership down by like 30%? How can you possibly get people back once they become skeptical without actually admitting the truth of the problem? We truly have all the power in this.

  3. What is reported to us probably is, but the Nielsen ratings company has billions in annual revenue, so someone is paying for real research and data somewhere.

  4. Cam not winning, no Peyton Manning, and No Tom Brady.The faces of the league are either not there or not winning.

  5. If Colts win the superbowl, and Michigan wins college football playoff, gematria will have its moment in the spotlight.

    1. we're looking at the NFC to win the SB though

  6. Reported by who? Apple has billions in revenue too, but is clearly a CIA psyop, along with all the other ones. Or is Nielsen on of the good guys?

  7. Reported in SEC filings like all other publicly-traded companies. And reported in quarterly earnings calls. Not saying they're good, just that someone is paying them so the real data must exist somewhere. They operate throughout the world.

  8. Zach it seems this year could be a tribute to Tom Landry I'm not sure if you've said this but take a look at him and he retired at the end of the 88-89 season the 23rd sb and the San Francisco beat Cincinnati 20-16 not saying either one of them could be there but he has Luck and Giant ties could it be the sequel to the 88 -89 season same toilet different shit

  9. I think America is a kind of military run experiment, a prison without viSable walls. Melting pot population convinced that they are free and their form of government is the best in the world, bombarded with propaganda 24/7, monitored and studied for reaction.
    The constant shooter drills and terrorist attacks seem like sociology experiments. Thinking back on the serial killer stories of the 60s and 70s and the Satanic cult hysteria (led by Geraldo Rivera) of the 80s, David Icke's lizard people conspiracy, etc... these things strike me as sociological experiments. Maybe the Salem witch trials were an experiment too. If they actually happened, that is.

    I don't care who becomes president. Thats the clown show. What I want to know is, who is running the military?

  10. Whenever I walk by a TV football game, all I see is numbers running across the field and tackling each other.

    The numbers on their jerseys are SO big and the helmets covering their faces, a little bit dehumanizing. I don't understand football at all, but it's interesting to see which numbers get squashed.

    The vesica Pisces shaped ball is really interesting too. America seems to be the only country where this sport is played, right?

    1. Canada has the CFL. Europe is being force fed this as well - London, really.

    2. Australia has it's own football sport with the same shaped ball.

  11. Like an well oiled machine, Pru, it runs itself until its owner shuts it off, recalibrates it, then turns it back on. A machine doesn't have to know its owner to work, it just does what it was made to do. In other words, those same 13 or so families that run the whole mess control them all. Its like playing chess against yourself, incredibly boring unless you're a psychotic.


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