Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

33 137 | Afro gematria (ESPN's Colin Kaepernick shot, October 11, 2016)

I got this thought looking at the picture above... "I wonder if there is a connection to the word 'Afro' and 'race war' through gematria.  After all, we are living under people who rule by symbols, and seemingly, the "symbolic way" words are spelled, with certain letterings and values.

Well, again, gematria does not disappoint.

Also, just before I had that thought... I laughed.  Only because I know Colin has grown his 'afro' for the purposes of playing the part in his ongoing NFL actor career.

Gematria.  Necessary knowledge.


  1. "Hey Kaep... Stay just like that"

    Haha... I bet he never even threw that ball. They just wanted to get their Nike Saturn swoosh in there, with that pose.

    1. Jews Mock Black Athlete" in the English Reduction system equals 64

      Forty Niners" in the English Reduction system equals 64

      Nike Kapernick" in the English Reduction system equals 64

      Swoosh Kapernick" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

      Swoosh Kapernick" in the English Reduction system equals 70 / 79 / 88

      Throws Like A Girl" in the English Ordinal system equals 187

      Throws Like A Girl" in the English Reduction system equals 79 / 88

      Nike" in the English Reduction system equals 21

      Nike" in the English Ordinal system equals 39

      Buffalo NY" in the English Reduction system equals 39

      Buffalo NY" in the English Ordinal system equals 102

      Pretty Nike and ESPN are saying Colin is gonna lose Sunday. To continue the narrative if you question the Government during War Time. You should be scolded and hated by all.

    2. I just realized I misspelled all over the place in the previous post.Still going with 49er's losing bad Sunday.

  2. I thought maybe the news was saying he was shot with a gun when I read this title.

    1. I obviously skimmed it and missed the "EPSN'S"

  3. The race war narrative continues... Kaepernick's start against the Buffalo Bills will be on 10/16/2016...10+16+16= 42. Buffalo NY is also located on the 42nd parallel. 10/16 will also be 112 days until Super Bowl 51. Today is 117 days until SB. Buffalo Bills equal 117 in ordinal. And no I'm not saying the Bills are going to SB lol

    I'm starting to think that 112 may not solely be be a Super Bowl connection, but a connection to something that hasn't been revealed yet.

    1. Zionist = 112
      112 is also the alt dialing code for 911

  4. It was only a matter of time when we would see Kap start a game.

  5. "Kaep" = 33
    "Negros" = 33/42
    "Kaep Fro" = 31 402 67
    "Kneel" = 110
    "Psy Ops" = 110 28
    "Boycott" = 28
    "Race Bait" = 59 311
    His initials by letter "CK" = 3 and 11 (311)
    "CK" = 84 (Obama's pretend birthday)
    "Black and White" = 113
    "Land of Lincoln" = 59
    "Cotton Picker" = 59

  6. Brief summary I noticed Kap & chip both sit at 27 wins how fitting they possibly can 28th wins together, & Kap & chip both have 28 BornDay numerology, chip full name = 87 which ties into them getting there 560th win for 49ers. Tyrod Taylor = 56 like NFL week 6 = 56, chip kelly = 47 like NFL week 6, Rex full name = 76 - October 16th = 76, also Rex game to bday is 58 days & Rex could pick up his 58th win. 271 = 58th prime, 49ers lead the series (11) 6-5, could Bills tie it up in the 12th matchup & the record goes to 6-6 seen as 66, NFL = 66, also in week 6, Bills record goes to 4-2, SF 1-5, last game 10/7/2012 we lost 45-3 then the game before we lost 10-3 so I'm noticing a lot of 3’s so I'm assuming it could mean Bills go 3-3? 1470 days Or 4 years, 9 days, 210 weeks, it's possible Tyrod could get 9th lost in 19th game if he lose it reads 10-9 seen as 19, Rex can pickup his 12th win with bills in 22nd game coached in Buffalo, Kap is 1-0 vs Bills so if he lose his record goes 1-1 seen as 11 as Tyrod would get 11th win, Colin = 53/26 matches gameday numerology & chip getting 26th lost, Kap BornDay = 120 matches & 397 = 120 meaning bills 397th win, also it's chip 53rd game coached, also 57 could be seen as 5-7 if 49ers won Sunday,

    Chip Kelly Born: 11/25/1963 = 28 (Age: 52)
    Bday to gameday = 40

    Kap Born: 11/3/1987 = 28 (Age: 28)
    From bday to game 18 days
    His Completion Percentage = 59.9%
    Colin = 53/26
    Kaepernick = 93/48

    Rex Ryan Born: 12/13/1962 = 25 (Age: 53)
    Bday to gameday = 58

    Tyrod Born: 8/3/1989 = 38 (Age: 27)
    From bday to game 74 days
    His Completion Percentage = 61.9%
    Tyrod = 82/28
    Taylor = 91/28

    Chip would pick up his 26th loss Sunday if they were to lose.
    26 = 159/42-51 - 26th prime - 101 & drop 0 it's seen as 11 Tyrod getting his 11th win
    26th = 187/52

    Rex could pick up his 58th win. 271 = 58th prime
    58 = 115/61
    58th = 123/69

    12th match in the regular league between the sides.
    12 = 87/24 + 12th prime = 37. 37 = 165/57-66.
    165 = 103, 103 becomes 13. 13 = 45. 45th prime = 197
    13 = 6th Prime. Could mean bills get 6th win.
    57 = 59, 59 = 54, 54th prime is 251
    66 = 41, 41 = 46, 46th prime = 199
    63rd prime = 307 if Tyrod win record will be 6-3 @ home drop 0 you get 37.

    Rex would pick up his 61st loss Sunday if they were to lose.
    61 = 131/41-50. 18th prime = 61 & 61st prime = 283

    Chip could pick up his 28th win. 107 = 28th prime
    28 = 156/57
    28th = 164/65

    Rex 118th game coach 118 = 181/100
    Chip 53rd game coach 53 = 122/59

    Another nugget - 40 Days from chip birthday.
    Another nugget - 58 Days from Rex birthday.

    40 = 30 = 113 - 30th prime 7 = 20
    58 = 61 = 18th prime - Six = 16

    40th prime = 173 & 173rd - 1031. Drop the 0 & u get
    131, 131 = 107 - 107 - 28th prime or 17th prime = 59
    Drop the 0 in 107.

    58 = 58th prime 271, 271 - 1741


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