Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

33 51 58 | Two Belgium police stabbed in suspected "terrorist attack", October 5, 2016

Sixteen = 33; Belgium = 33; Police = 33 
Today is right for a masonic hoax in Belgium involving the police.  (When aren't the police involved?)

This story comes in the lone '33' month, October.

It also comes on a date with '51' numerology.

10/5/2016 = 10+5+20+16 = 51

Notice they're also saying 'two' were stabbed.

Two, the number of division.  Divide and conquer.

Masonic = 223
Maelbeek Metro Station = 223
March 22, or 22/3


  1. Brussels Belgium" in the English Reduction system equals 58

    Brussel's Police" in the English Reduction system equals 58

    87 Days Left in The Year on Oct. 5th.

    Eighty Seven" in the English Ordinal system equals 139

    Eighty Seven" in the English Reduction system equals 58

    Freemasonry Stabbing" in the English Reduction system equals 87

    Now Look at The Time and The Names of CNN Girls That wrote this article supposedly. if they even exist.

    Angela Dewan Lindsay Isaac" in the English Reduction system equals 87

    Angela Dewan " in the English Ordinal system equals 87

    Angela Dewan " in the English Reduction system equals 42

    Stab" in the English Ordinal system equals 42

    Eleven Twenty Five AM" in the English Ordinal system equals 226

    226-87= .. 139 ..

  2. As always, Great Work Zach. See these SATURN CODES, MASONIC FINGERPRINTS, FEARPORN in this Headline of today... Numbers: 26,33, 69,690,996, 223.

    Look today, Date 5.10.2016
    5+1= 6 and 2+1+6 = 9. = 69
    or 5+10=15 / 1+5=6 and 20+16 = 36 and 3+6= 9 = 69

    Gematria "Brussels" = 690 (engl) like "Apocalypse"
    Gematria "Brüssel" = 26 (pi) = like "God" (si)," Saturn" (pi) und "IHVH" (hebr.)
    "Belgium" = 69 (simpel) 33 (e.O.)
    "Libre belgique + Frédéric Sacré" = 223 (=Jachin, Date 22.3.) 3 popssible Combinations: 223+322+232=777
    Frédéric Sacré = 99 (simpel)
    "Infrabel, Frédéric Sacré"= 996 (simpel)
    "Brussels Nord" = 996 (engl.)

    interesting how this fits to the Dresden Unity Day what marks the Beginning of jewish 5777 and how it relates to the 69 / 33 (Dresden/Belgium = 69/33) encodings..New Motto of Angela Merkel "Alle sind das Volk" ("All are the People" instead of "We are the People") equals 960 (engl) and the for the Festival in Dresden was "Brücken bauen" (building Bridges) = 96. They really love these Saturn Numbers (9,69 km/Sec Speed of Saturn)..

    Please check this Channel to see the Importance of Saturn Numbers and how they calculate important dates :

    Also watch out for these coming dates in Oct: 13.10.; 23. - 26. October, they connect to 23, 26, 33, 69, 99, 6996, 666, 7, 77 ,7777 and 9999.

    1. here the headline, xD:


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