Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, October 23, 2016

39 | SNF, Seattle Seahawks @ Arizona Cardinals, October 23, 2016 (Discussion Thread)

It's SNF in Arizona.

Russell Wilson, the QB of the Seahawks, has '39' birth numerology as well.  He was born November 29, 1988

11/29/1988 = 1+1+2+9+1+9+8+8 = 39

Last year on his birthday, Russell Wilson defeated the Steelers with '39' points.

Today's game comes on October 23, 2016.

10/23/2016 = 10+23+20+16 = 69 (69-days left in the year)
10/23/2016 = 10+23+(2+0+1+6) = 42 (Washington is the 42nd State)
10/23/2016 = 1+0+2+3+2+0+1+6 = 15
10/23/16 = 10+23+16 = 49 (Washington = 49)
10/23 = 10+23 = 33 (Glendale = 33) (Glendale, on the 33rd parallel) (Seahawks = 33)

This will be the 35th game all-time between both teams, and the series is currently a perfect tie, 17-17.

The singular, 'Cardinal', sums to '35'.

Cardinal = 35


  1. Cardinals should win this one, i put the numbers i found in another thread.

  2. Replies
    1. Palmer: 7+1+3+4+5+9=29


      Seven(as in week 7): 10+5+4+5+5=29 (s exception)

    2. Palmer in the English Sumerian System=390. So if you silence the 0, it is 39 :)

    3. I get 39 in the gematria website

    4. Week seven= 109 or 106 (prophecy)

  3. Carson Palmer In Arizona Sports Article
    "Looked great" =113

    Seattle coach Pete Carroll has coached "113" games with Seahawks.

  4. A little off topic but I saw a headline that this week is the first time in history the Cavaliers, Indians, and Browns will all be playing at home in the same week. So all their games might be strongly interconnected.

  5. Both QBs wear #3, 33. Kicker #s 7 and 4, 74..

  6. they put up a picture of aenas williams #35 on the screen

  7. Watch the halftime score be 3-3 lol

  8. People don't understand or question why teams can score at will in their 2 minute offense, especially if they haven't put up points all game. Wouldn't you ask yourself why not run the 2 minute offense every play? Sheeple!

  9. WI'll it end 6-3? 9-3?
    12-3 ?(10/23=1+2+3?)

  10. Curry posted this pic of a tribute to his birthday a pumpkin carving of the Pi symbol
    223 days after his birthday or 224 total days
    Three point one four=224

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. The last game that ended 3-0 was a New York Jets win against the Washington Redskins on Dec. 11, 1993. The last scoreless tie in league history took place Nov. 11, 1943, in a game between the visiting New York Giants and Detroit Lions, according to the Elias Sports Bureau

  13. this is a reggie wayne tweet on adam vinaterri and the number 43

  14. I smell a 3-3 OT, with a TD for the win...

    1. You don't think because they just talked about the Seattle kickers 63% success rate the final will be 6-3?

    2. I don't know, I'm not watching the game on tv, so I don't see those stats. Very possible.

    3. I was SURE he was going to miss the 36 yard fg!!! Keep his kick % at 63 with a 3 6 loss...wrong

  15. Penalty after penalty after penalty after penalty. Good god

  16. Holy crap we're,re being mocked by 33. Both quarterbacks wear 3, and the game is 3-3 heading into overtime. Wake the sheep!

    1. To the regular fan, those numbers fly over their head. Only points scored by the kickers #7 and #4....

  17. Last time game 2 years 11 days ago 112.
    Or 106 weeks ago...
    Teams Cincinatti vs Carolina. CC

  18. I thought Hauschka would miss for sure, score was 3-6, it was a 36 yard attempt, if he missed he would've been 3 of 6 all time on tying/lead changing field goals.

  19. ha game status - Score: 6-6, Tim 6:42 ... 666, 42

  20. @Wildfire 211 also a tribute to Luck (Luck=47; you know what's up just throwing it in)
    The score might be a 6-6 tribute for the Thirty-three=66 tribute and a total of 12 points (Luck wears#12)

  21. Wilson 34 attempts, palmer 47 attempts, might end here

  22. Not watching but they bringing on FG unit? Cause after those runs Johnson has 33 attempts 113 yards lol

  23. Unbelievable that he missed that FG!

    1. plus Wagner didn't clear the jump, should've gotten a penalty, you could tell Arizona messed up on purpose, on the close run they ran up and ran another play like they didn't want the crew to review if it was a TD lol

    2. ^^^^^^ Hilarious CantStopGeorge!!!!!!

  24. So why would the Cards hurry up to the line and run a play so that the previous play of the Cardinal SCORING wouldn't be reviewed? Because can you say SCRIPTED as A TIE tribute for the 6-6 and 211/47 Luck tribute? I also like how 33 was the game saving tackler for the Seahawks. Wow this is blatant.

  25. If Seattle misses this FG I'm going to lol

  26. this is unfuckingbelievable, how more blatant can it be 2 chip shots missed

  27. Hahahahaha that's fucking hilarious.. that's the best 33 tribute I've ever seen

  28. Hope whoever took Seattle took the points

  29. WOOWWWW. The most scripted bullshit ever put on TV. Second kicker aimed it WAY wide left. So, 2 years 11 days or 106 weeks from tie to tie. Last tie involved Carolina, who lost in the Super Bowl. Luck=47, 211 47th prime, kickers 4 & 7 making all points and both missing game winning kicks. All of this on COLTS day 10/23/2016
    69, 15 both numerology matching 'Colts'. I think they are officially a lock, especially seeing the 92 Colts were one of the teams to last go to a3-3 ot game 15 seasons ago. Wow.

  30. Zach, this Arizona game is the biggest proof of rigged sports ever. You should study every inch of this game the entire week. Im sure this will help you and the rest of us forever.

    1. Every game is rigged brother, the same could be said about all of them.

  31. It's been 44 years (44=kill) since the last 6-6 tie, it also involved the cardinals lol.

  32. Arians is such a dickhead lmao, says 'why didn't the refs review the run to see if was a TD', when you're the offensive team that might've scored you don't run up to the line and run a play and then bitch. They could've stopped and asked for a review and would've gotten it, but he knew it was a TD so he ran up and ran a play. Arians needs a pay increase, needs to go to acting school.

  33. Yeah the Cards running up to call a quick play is the kind of bad acting that makes the average fan start to question rigging....I mean seriously, that was as bad as the Cleveland player recovering the phantom fumble...

  34. I just watched the blocked FG. The center didn't even bother to get in his blocking stance after he hiked it lol

  35. Total points from last tie was 74, kicker numbers.

  36. Tie=16
    16 days until election.

    Score 6-6

  37. Does anyone here make posts about this stuff like on or ESPN or maybe Facebook? It would be good if we could do it together to add credibility.

    1. There is no credibility with the mass media that creates the illusions to receive the masses of the people

  38. Zachary please do a video on this one!


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