Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 22, 2016

58 | Clayton Kershaw gives up two runs in the first inning, NLCS, Game 6, October 22, 2016

C = 3; K = 11

Two runs from Clayton Kershaw in the first inning?

After the purposeful error by the left field of the Dodgers, I'm having Yoenis Cespedes de ja vu from Game 1 of the World Series last year, 2015.


  1. That double came off a 2-2 count haha

  2. I think you mean Yoenis Cespedes not Miguel Tejada.

    1. Yes, that is what I meant, thank you!

    2. Btw did you see the way the left fielder went for that ball? He didn't even have his glove all the way on. You could see the palm of his hand.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Man was picked off 1st base when the Cubs pitcher had 22 pitches too.

  5. Any meaning with Kershaw's pitching style? He winds up, hesitates, and then throws.

    1. His style reminds me of "way back in the day", like the last time the Cubs won the World Series.

  6. #44 with 5th run in the 5th inning on Kershaw's 88th pitch. They flashed to Theo Epstein too.

    Theo Epstein = 55

  7. I wonder what Toni tell it like it is' response to the game will be. He really liked the Dodgers winning it all

    1. Yeah he's very unorganized and some of those phrases he tries to decode and make a case for are pretty out there.

    2. I think what Toni tries to do is to decode & determine Champs on a daily basis. IN THEORY, it makes sense (cause time & events flow), but it can be kinda annoying when you change your picks every time. He seems like a good guy though, but I respect him for trying

    3. Dude bottom line EVERY FUCKING BODY 80 percent of what they get comes from Zach the man!! or started from what zach put out

    4. Yeah I'm not talking shit, I respect Toni for making videos and doing research. Zach is the real deal though, bottom line. Like you said

  8. Wow seeing how fucking excited some of those fans are is sad. Some of them look like their heads are gonna explode, lol. Probably the happiest they've ever been in their adult life. That right there is called control. Letting these scripted sports control their emotions like that. Oh if they only knew...

    1. It's been long time for the Cubs. The Cubs fan base sometimes runs in families for generations. The area, Wrigleyville, where Wrigley Field is located, is a different universe.

  9. I just realized something. A. Miller and A. Chapman both started the season on the Yankees. Now both are making the World Series. One for the Indians, and one for the Cubs.

  10. Wow! Cubs pitcher CRUISING and they take him out after 88 pitches.

    1. Lol yeah just like Rizzo hitting that homer on pitch 88 from 311.

  11. Replies
    1. Yeah wtf. I guess you hit the ball for a living, you can hit it wherever you want, especially if you know where the pitches are going.

  12. Cubs have shirts that say "Raise The Flag" on 'em.

    "Raise The Flag" = 57 (World Series), 111

  13. I suppose Zach earned that $66.60 he'll be getting for the project next week. He picked the wrong team (Texas Rangers), but I used his teaching to figure out back in August that it would be Chicago and Cleveland in the World Series. It was so obvious I thought no way it would be that simple. Looks like it was.

  14. You hear that announcer Don Verducci talk in a hushed monotone about the anniversary of Sianis' death in the 7th inning? At the end of it he was like, "It was 46 years ago," with an awkward pause before Joe Dbag started talking again. Like 46 is supposed to mean something? The plebe's were definitely scratching their heads on that one. "Why does 46 years ago matter? Why do people on TV always make a big deal out of uneven anniversary dates? Oh well dum dadum..." If they only knew.

  15. does cleveland have any connections to beat chicago numerically cuz this dude whos uncle is in the mafia just told me cleveland would win but im not sure


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