Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 21, 2016

66 228 | October 21, 2016 "internet outage" promoted to CNN front page news... but is this even happening?

United States of America = 228
Empire = 66

Netflix?  Twitter?  Reddit (33)?

FBI Investigating?

Has anyone been impacted by this today?  No one in Washington or Oregon has had any problems that I know of.  Outside of the MSM, this seems to be a non-issue.

The only thing I noticed today is I had to upload my videos to YouTube 4 and 5 times before they processed.  I don't think that had anything to do with this "darkened internet" though, and had everything to do with truth suppression... which could be the front page story everyday.


  1. Matt CoreyOctober 21, 2016 at 9:11 PM

    Zach! Did you know that the early Internet, known as the ARPANET, was developed by DARPA, and guess when the overall structure of the network was finalized? August 1968. Was the Internet developed much like the Twin Towers? Those were just buildings, by comparison, if the Internet was built to be sabotaged, imagine how much chaos there would be to exploit.

  2. My Facebook hasn't been able to load all day. It's literally only Facebook that won't load though. I'm barely in the area they show, if at all. I never think it's a big deal anymore as I can't even comment to people on my Youtube about 75 percent of the time anymore. It just instantly deletes my comments to others, and once in a while they show back up.

    1. Totally agree with that about YouTube -- I don't even bother trying to comment there anymore. When I tried, they showed up on my computer -- but checking from other people's devices, the comments weren't there.
      Oh well ... their use of filters doesn't equal a crisis to freak out about -- we've seen this coming for awhile now.

      Same with these "outages" -- people are being coached into a "terror-filled state of mind". Best thing to do if it does happen, is ... nothing.
      Just wait. It'll come back on ... whenever they're ready for it to. And no amount of stressing out is going to change that.
      Twenty years ago -- when everyone had dial-up -- outages were as frequent as stormy weather! Lol

  3. Eventbrite was down for a while today. A lot of people tried to buy concert/event tickets that went on sale today and couldn't.

  4. Suppose there's any connection between the DYN company that's (supposedly) "under attack" & DYN Corp -- the computer company responsible for the "hanging chads" debacle in FL during the 2000 election?
    (DYN can also be pronounced like DJINN -- "a genie or demon" ...)

    Could this be the psychological warmup for a similar "attack" around election time?
    Setting the stage to divert blame when a larger, deliberately planned outage coincides with the reporting of election results?

    If so ... nobody should freak out -- because remember this --
    WE DON'T "elect" the president ... the ELECTORAL COLLEGE does that for us.

    1. Yeah, I get the feeling this is one of those foreshadowing type stories that lays the seeds for a larger narrative so it's good that we've noted it.
      The name DYN Corp rang a bell for me as I have been researching DYsoN Spheres. Synchronization!

    2. Great thoughts Mfsyy, it is very possible.

  5. I got an email about some web software not working and a website I use at work was down. Mild scare tactics.

  6. My wife was at a store yesterday and they said they couldn't operate their credit card machines because of the Internet being down.
    It was a blessing though, believe me!


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