Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, October 13, 2016

73 | 'He was like an octopus', October 13, 2016, more Trump groping allegations


  1. Was curious if you had a look at the announcement for the upcoming 11-1-16 release of the Hillary Wikileaks stuff that is going to "destroy the Democratic party". Sounds fun.

    1. That's a date with '48' numerology. Donald Trump = 48

  2. Can't help but chuckle at da bs on 10/13=113 o an another thing Zach i read the 137 article an low an behold Max Sherzer birth numerology = 137 the 33rd prime also Rich Hill = 113 can give Dave Robert his 72 loss 7months 2days b4 his 21 bday smfh

    1. Roberts 44 years old, Rich Hill #44.

      Blue vs Red.

      Maybe red advances to meet the other blue team?

    2. 224 years ago today, the cornerstone for the White house was laid. It will be interesting to see if there is a narrative with Washington Nationals tonight.

  3. Ha yeah right! Wikileaks is pathetic, controlled opposition. It's obvious because of the way Assange always says he's going to do such and such on this particular day. People who mean business simply act instead of just talking about it and giving dozens of warnings ahead of time.

  4. Can't help but chuckle at da bs on 10/13=113 o an another thing Zach i read the 137 article an low an behold Max Sherzer birth numerology = 137 the 33rd prime also Rich Hill = 113 can give Dave Robert his 72 loss 7months 2days b4 his 21 bday smfh

  5. An Octopus has 8 arms, which could be seen as 4 and 4 or 44

    I like how he is holding up 5 fingers on each hand in that picture (55)
    "Eight Arms" = (55)
    "He threatens to sue" = 203
    "Donald" = 23

    The following is from Wiki, about Octopus':

    "Due to having numerous arms that emanate from a common center, the octopus is often used as a metaphor for a group or organization that is perceived as being powerful, manipulative or bent on domination. Use of this terminology is invariably negative and employed by the opponents of the groups or institutions so described"

    It also seems in Greek Mythology the Octopus represents the severed head of Medusa. (evil women, sexual warfare, serpents)

    I love the name of the media tart who wrote the groping article.
    "Daniella Diaz" (DD) (44)
    "Daniella" = 31
    "CNN" = 31

  6. LOL I'm learning I'm learning...hard work pays off bro

  7. Zach,fine RADIO SHOW. That lady at the end @ OH-BA-MA should have her own weekly segment,and we could not catch Jeremy's website. If you come east to D.C. Count on my logistical support.

    1. Peter, this is the information I was talking about on the radio show.

  8. Man I'm from Newark nj (the bad part) an i say that to say this i had a math teacher who was old African American perverted only into young girls mocked the men about how we was stupid etc..i don't have a teacher i can say that i felt really cared..with that said i learned more truly from Zach mainly Dan..Jeremy an others in this community then all teachers wanna say thank you guys

  9. Zach - I was thinking the best way to do the DC thing would be to schedule a time in advance to do a live show for an entire week in front of the White House or Capitol, and then as many of us as possible can meet you there and help out. Although scheduling in advance might give the opposition time to plan on how they'll deal with us and shut us down. I don't know the best way, but we need to do something, that's for sure.

  10. Man I'm from Newark nj (the bad part) an i say that to say this i had a math teacher who was old African American perverted only into young girls mocked the men about how we was stupid etc..i don't have a teacher i can say that i felt really cared..with that said i learned more truly from Zach mainly Dan..Jeremy an others in this community then all teachers wanna say thank you guys


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