Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, October 6, 2016

79 113 187 | 'This storm will kill you', CNN headlines, Hurricane Matthew, October 6, 2016

Each time I look at CNN, they have a new headline about how this storm is ready to 'kill'.

This = 2+8+9+1/10 = 20/29
storm = 1/10+2+6+9+4 = 22/31
will = 5+9+3+3 = 20
kill = 2+9+3+3 = 17/26
you = 7+6+3 = 16
This storm will kill you = 95/104/113/122

Again, 'Hurricane Matthew' has the name for homicide.


  1. Zach – I don’t know how any of this will help, but perhaps it can be worked into your Super Bowl work once we figure out more. There is something deep going on here in the numbers.

    Broncos vs. Panthers = 228
    Super Bowl Fifty = 197

    2x2x8 = 32…+228 = 260…+62 = 322 (Skull & Bones)
    1x9x7 = 63…+197 = 260…+62 = 322 (Skull & Bones)

    Also…Super Bowl Fifty in English Sumerian = 1182…+2811 = 3993 - this is a number that connects to Saturn…3x9x9x3 = 729…+3993 = 4722…+2274 = 6996 (9x6x9 = 486…+969 = 1455…+5541 = 6996)

    Super Bowl Fifty-One = 231
    2x3x1 = 6…+231 = 237…+732 = 969 (speed of Saturn)

    Super Bowl LI = 912 (English/Sumerian)
    9x1x2 = 18…+912 = 930…+39 = 969 (speed of Saturn)

    Colts v Vikings (this is admittedly different than the ‘vs’ used on the others) = 1092 (English/Sumerian)
    1092+2901 = 3993…which is the number mentioned above that ties back to Saturn.

    1. Very interesting, I like the way your mind works.
      Hillary Rodham Clinton (That goes well for New York)

    2. Thank you!

      Hillary Rodham Clinton = 231+(2x3x1)= 237...+732 = 969

      And Donald Trump = 138...+831 = 969

    3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    4. Im curious if this same method reflects on previous SB winners.

  2. Twenty Eight Dead=1688J=The Promise of the Rainbow

    Dead Across Caribbean=144, 471J

    Twenty Eight Dead Across Caribbean=300

    Twenty Eight Dead Across THE Caribbean =333

    1. Oh my...those numbers are telling...that's terrible. I am just so angry that they are doing this. I hope people are getting out. This looks to be pretty bad...

  3. This Geo-manufactured storm will provide destruction and aid narratives for the bogus election. Obama, Hillary and Trump all will visit post storm destruction areas. Also I'm sure we will see race bait looting hoaxes and such.

    1. Plenty of race bait already with the differing effects on poor/rich communities.

    2. NicksRSR:

      Could not agree more. The use of weather weapons in the US is the perfect launch pad for multiple psyops.

      The awareness of weather weapons needs to increase quickly.

  4. Here's some more stuff I just calculated. It's unbelievable how deep this stuff goes.

    Ben Bernanke = 546 (English/Sumerian Gematria)…5*4*6 = 120…+546 = 666

    Ben Shalom Bernanke = 954…+459 = 1413…(1x4x1x3) + 1413 = 1425….+5241 = 6666

    Yellen = 438…(4x3x8) + 438 = 534…+435 = 969 (speed of Saturn)

    Janet Yellen = 1236 (Jewish Gematria)…(1x2x3x6) + 1236 = 1272…+2721 = 3993 (3993 connects back to Saturn)….(3*9*9*3) + 3993 = 4722….+2274 = 6996

    Bernanke chairman of the Fed for 2,924 days. 29x24 = 696…flips to 969

    Bernanke’s book is called “The Courage to Act” which equals 972 in English/Sumerian.
    (9x7x2) + 972 = 1098…+8901 = 9999 which flips to go with his name of 6666.

    1. I like your approach. It is def a different way at looking at the digits, which is always great to see.

    2. Yeah, great approach man. Keep up the good work!

    3. Thanks! With all of us working together, we can get to the bottom of these occult rituals and expose it all. The arrogance in coding everything right in front of us is their biggest weakness. But it's ritualistic, and they won't change it until they are absolutely forced to.

  5. This storm is now "projected" to do a complete turn around and head for Florida/the Caribbean next week after its initial impact this week. Its obvious who their target is. Such a joke.


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