Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, October 21, 2016

84 102 108 | Cubs defeat Dodgers, NLCS Game 5, October 20, 2016

Like I said, the last two games for the Cubs, which they won, were for the Cubs to win.

10/19/16 = 10+19+16 = 45 (Wrigley = 45) (Illinois = 45) (Cubs = 45) (Last Cubs WS, '45)
10/20/16 = 10+20+16 = 46 (Chicago = 46) (Chicago Cubs = 46)

The Cubs have now won Games 1, 4 and 5 with the respective scores:




United States of America = 84/102
Obama = 84 (Born 8/4)

Hillary Clinton has '102' birth numerology and started his presidential campaign on the 102nd day of the year.

Game 7 of the NLCS will be on a date with '49' numerology.  For the Cubs, Jacob Arrieta will pitch if that game is necessary.

Jacob Arrieta = 49 (Number 49)
10/23/16 = 10+23+16 = 49 (Revelation) (Jacob Arrieta)

My favorite stat from the entire game is just below.  Notice the Cubs starting pitcher had 108 tosses on the game.  It has been 108-years since the Cubs won the World Series.

Major League = 108 (108 stitches on a baseball)

The '144' total pitches is also nice.  Time = 144

Rizzo = 94 (First RBI of game)

Ninety-Four = World Series


  1. Cubs and Indians have played each other "18" times like 108 head to head. Each team with 9 wins.

    1. Wow, awesome!
      Is that all-time, just 18-times?
      I guess interleague play is a relatively new thing.

    2. I put the link Zach.

    3. First time they played against each other was in 1997

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I hope to god CLE wins but it won't work like that

  3. My younger brother is into gematria too, and once the score was 8-1, he guaranteed the Dodgers would score 3 more for the 8-4, and he was right lol.

  4. Hey zack. I just read the article about the ddos on the Internet. I had a few things I wanted to bring up because I was interested in what you thought of them. With regards to your point about most of humanity being a plague or worse, I think we have to remember that for the vast majority, they've never had much of a chance to begin with. The education system is engineered to deny people of basic survival skills, so it's mostly not their fault that they rely so heavily on technology, because they were kept in the dark from the jump. The other idea i had was that most people on this planet aren't inherently evil. They're sure as hell clueless about many things, but isn't the goal then to properly educate them? I mean, they are after all simply products of their upbringing. Idk, maybe I'm just too empathetic. I just wanted to hear your thoughts on this.

    1. Also, most people are incapable and do not need to exist. I make no apologies. I know the truth of the people of this world. I've been calling it out since I was a child. Easy school work, to difficult for the mindless retards. Simple games, too challenging for the same group. Look at all the people who can't contribute a dollar to the campaign. They just confirm what I've known for going on 30 years. Pathetic. Misguided. Useless.

    2. Man, you are going to get your money. Just be patient. Some of us are waiting until the World Series is over. Win lose or draw, I got your $66.60.

      I am sure there many others besides me.

    3. Did you do that "666" on purpose lol

    4. Naw, it's just a coincidence. ;)

    5. It isn't my money. It is to do something for all of us. And Rhodes = 33

  5. are the leader when it comes to the quick break down! love your rants on youtube! going to DC is a dumb idea. stick with what you do...

  6. One more thing I wanted to address was your view that the destruction of technology would be for the greater good. Can't it be acknowledged though that many things would simply not be possible without it? At the end of the day, humans are limited in their capabilities. Certainly technology has been used for much evil, but like anything else, it's a double edged sword. Lastly, are you suggesting that we do away with ALL technology, or simply modern electronics?

    1. I'm saying if the power grid collapsed, a lot of problems would be solved.

  7. Idk, I might be pessimistic but the way I see it is that we were all able to wake up and start questioning, researching, etc. So why can't everyone else?

    1. Even when people see or hear the truth they question it or dismiss it. Most people dissmis it. That's why most people are dumb.

    2. Because it really is a sad, frightening truth. People are emotionally invested in the tv. They've felt joy, anger, sadness from events like 9/11 and when their team won the super bowl. To say that was all a lie is a direct blow to their outlook on life. The red pill is hard to swallow because it says we're ruled over by the literal synagogue of satan. Christians know this, but they're waiting for Jesus to help. We know this and are willing to leave our material things behind and take action. Not for us, but for future generations. But sheeple would rather live in la-la land and destroy the earth because they're selfish and never consider, existentially, what their place is in the universe. The fact is we're born slaves. That doesn't mean we cant be happy, but one has to take steps just to get off the grid and live free. We know that we're not animals like they teach, and that freedom, not priviledges, should be granted to us in the first place.

  8. If you go back look at the 2005 Chicago white sox post season is very similar to the cubs. White sox faced the last team to win the world series in their respected league in the first round being the red sox kinda like the last team to win the championship in the NL was the giants then the white sox faced the angels out from California similar to the dodgers. Last the white sox faced the Houston astros when they were in the NL central division similar to the Indians who are in the AL central division.

  9. So I abbreviated
    World Series Cubs



  10. The thing is Matthew, I can see a glimmer, even if only tiny, of potential in many people. I've known a decent amount who could almost certainly arrive at the same conclusions we have. Is that to say that there aren't many who simply won't become aware? Absolutely not. I think it's just too soon to write off the majority, stubborn or seemingly mindless they may seem. Again this might just be a weakness of my own in terms of empathizing too much, but that's my own personal view.

  11. Bill Murray visited the White House with Cubs gear on talking about the Cubs today.

    1. He was at game 1 and 2 of the series in Chicago

    2. He was born

      September 21
      219 or 216

      And he's born in Illinois
      and he's 66.
      Illinois = 99 or 66

    3. He was born in 1950
      50 states in the US.


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