Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, October 3, 2016

86 221 | Trump running out of time as controversies pile up, October 3, 2016 headlines

The Bavarian Illuminati = 221 (Their signatures have been on Trump in the shaming rituals)

Recall, August 8, 2016, was the 221st day of the year.  This was the day Trump revealed his 'Tax Plan'.  Trump = 88; Tax Plan = 88

The headlines makes one wonder, is Trump about to be 86'd?

Symbol = 86; Triangle = 86; Pyramid = 86; Republic = 86; Citizen = 86

Tomorrow, October 4, 2016, is the day that leaves 88-days left in the year.

10/4/2016 = 10+4+20+16 = 50 (Donald = 50) (Trump = 88) (Jerusalem = 104) (7/4/1776 = 104)

If Trump get's 86'd tomorrow, remember this headline.


  1. Running out of time
    Gematria Jewish 966
    Gematria Reduction 86
    Gematria Summerian 1326
    Gematria Ordinal 221
    Gematria English 1436

    FYI. A new NBC show premieres tonight named "Timeless". The premise is that a master criminal steals a time machine in order to change the course of American history and destroy the country. Traveling back in time to catch him is a team made up of a history professor, a soldier and a scientist.

    Pilot episode, "The Hindenburg Explosion".

    Second episode, "The Assassination of President Abraham Lincoln".

    Gematria Jewish 349
    Gematria Reduction 30
    Gematria Summerian 612
    Gematria Ordinal 102
    Gematria English 489

    October 3, 2016
    13/216 = 13/666
    1 + 0 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 13
    10 + 3 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 22
    10 + 3 + 20 + 16 = 49
    10 + 3 + 16 = 29
    October 3rd is the 277th day of the year with 89 remaining.

    1. The show airs tonight at 10pm PST.
      Protect the past
      Gematria Jewish 762
      Gematria Reduction 60
      Gematria Summerian 1116
      Gematria Ordinal 186
      Gematria English 1212

      Save the future
      Gematria Jewish 1500
      Gematria Reduction 54
      Gematria Summerian 1026
      Gematria Ordinal 171
      Gematria English 1620

      Protect the past. Save the future.
      Gematria Jewish 2262
      Gematria Reduction 114
      Gematria Summerian 2142
      Gematria Ordinal 357 (Magnum?)
      Gematria English 2832

  2. October Fourth = 67
    Blood Sacrifice = 67

    1. Scarecrow Trump" in the English Reduction system equals 67

  3. Everything comes Back To Oz. 2016-1939= .. 77 .. (Years)

    Trump is Scarecrow" in the English Reduction system equals 77

    Trump is Scarecrow" in the English Ordinal system equals 221

    221-77= .. 144 ..

    Margaret Hamilton Who Played the Wicked Witch in Oz Died 1985. (Hillary= 85)

    Clinton is the Witch" in the English Reduction system equals 85

    Clinton is the Witch" in the English Ordinal system equals 211

    211-85= .. 126 .. (Hillary Born 10-26)

    If I Only Had A Brain" in the English Reduction system equals 85

    Scarecrow" in the English Reduction system equals 42
    (D.T. = 42)

    Scarecrow" in the English Ordinal system equals 105

    105-42= .. 63 .. (2016)

    Ray Bolger the Man who played Scarecrow. Died January 15, 1987.

    2016-1987= .. 29 .. (Masonic)

    The Wizard of Oz Election" in the English Reduction system equals 115 (Jan. 15)

    The Wizard of Oz Election" in the English Ordinal system equals 259 (Two 59's? As in 2 Kills Not one?)

    259-115= .. 144 ..

    Oh By The Way Ray Bolger was 42 When He Played The Scarecrow. Donald will be 70 if he "dies" tomorrow. It all relates back to The Witch (Hillary's) Master Plan.

    70+42= .. 112 ..

    Clinton is the Witch" in the English Ordinal system equals 211

    1. Scare " in the English Reduction system equals 19

      Scare " in the English Ordinal system equals 46

      Donald Born 1946.

      Crow" in the English Ordinal system equals 59

  4. Anyone think that Peyton/Eli commercial with Peyton penciling in Eli for a Tuesday is any kind of clue?

    Elisha Nelson Manning = 88
    Trump = 88
    Donald J Trump = 888

    Yesterday #88 for the Steelers scored the 1st TD, and the Steelers went for a 2 pointer to make it 8-0 (888).

    Tuesday October Fourth = 1566
    Thirty Three = 156
    October = 33
    Orange = 33

    1. Eli (Like Peyton writes in on Tuesday) = 156, 44!

    2. The only thing I can think of is Tuesday is a big false flag day. 9/11/2001 was on a Tuesday. The etymology of 'Tuesday' comes from the Old English 'Tiwesdaeg' meaning 'day of Tiw', and old Germanic God of Way and Sky. It was an equation to the old Latin term for Tuesday of 'dies Marti' or 'day of Mars', the Roman God of War. False flags are definitely a starter of many wars.

    3. Pencil You in for Tuesday" in the English Reduction system equals 106 /115

      Trump Tuesday October Fourth" in the English Reduction system equals 115

      Pencil You In" in the English Reduction system equals 62

      For Tuesday" in the English Reduction system equals 44

      Mason Kill " in the English Reduction system equals 34 / 43

      Mason Kill " in the English Ordinal system equals 106

      All Entertainment is interconnected with Pre-conditioning. This Commercial Relates To The Wizard of Oz also.

      Peyton Manning Scarecrow" in the English Reduction system equals 110

      Peyton Manning Scarecrow" in the English Ordinal system equals 272

      The Wicked Witch of The West" in the English Ordinal system equals 272

      The Wicked Witch of The West" in the English Reduction system equals 110

      If you add up all the numbers from Hillary's Birth Numerology you get 272. And 110= President

  5. Donald Trump wore a 'blue tie' for the debate, and I feel a big focus has been put on this for the color reversal of the two candidates respective of their parties' colors.

    Blue Tie = 74
    Blue Tie = 341 in Jewish Gematria

    Every time I go onto youtube I see these stupid 'Register to Vote' videos. Register while you watch this, register while I do that, etc. The time length of ALL OF THEM is 1:34. Why not 1:30 or 2:00 or some other round number. The reflection 431 is the 83rd prime number.

    Election = 83
    1:34 length 'Register to Vote' videos and "blue tie" = 341 are both rescramblings of this 431.

  6. Trump was a democrat turned republican

    Hillary was a republican turned democrat

    Btw women love blue and red attracts men

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Both Freemasons and illuminated
    The sheep are asleep


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