Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, October 8, 2016

87 | 'Trump's vulgar bombshell, October 8, 2016 headlines


  1. Yo Z, check out what Jake Crapper said, just before CNN threw to the Trump sex-talk tape..."Let's Roll"! Dude! They just had to get some 911 programming words in there. As we all know, "Let's Roll" = 113 in Simple Gematria. 113! I say Death To Pigs.

  2. I'm thinking about getting on a plane to Washington D.C. and trying to get a million people to follow me there before the election.

  3. I just heard that Trump said there's no way he's exiting the election. I think this sets up an assassination angle by a crazy feminist.

    1. But that would only make people sympathetic. The narrative is already perfect now for Hillary to ride on in for the victory.

    2. It would only make the people that currently like Trump, sympathetic. Feminists and Hillary supporters always joke about assassinating Trump all the time, and often times are open about their desire for it to happen. I say let's see how this plays out. There's still plenty of time for more "character assassination" to take place. Trump's not done saying stupid shit. I think we've only just begun to see what's gonna happen. I'd be shocked if Trump makes it to election day.

    3. This was new material for debate ratings.
      NFL better come up with a high profile athlete incident soon!

    4. Emperor has no balls translates to the next president will be hillirary who will not defend this country.
      These Zionist propaganda are just pure genius when using tactful tools to manipulate the lab rats

    5. The Art of Making the Perfect Penyata

    6. I wonder how long it'll take for Hillary to sign TPP?

  4. Count me in. 999,998 more and we'll be one million strong.

  5. It's not a numbers thing. That is more of the programming. What they want is either a dumbed-down-drone-taxpayer or a protestor. All they want are willing participants in their spell. 1 millie on the Washington lawn protesting for truth is just another backroom orgasm for them.


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