Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

ALCS & NLCS Discussion Thread, October 18, 2016


  1. Cleveland with the revelation coding 1 run 2 hits 1 error

    1. Cleveland = 33 and 51 with the v-exception (score, 1-5)

    2. Brother!
      I love what you are doing for consciousness in this reality Zach… Did you ever think about the idea that you were just tapping into synchronicity of sorts rather than the games being thrown just wondering… How can you be so sure the games as in baseball are being thrown? I was wondering if you saw the photographs of Sergio Romo smiling after I gave that game away? And what's the best way to get you those photos so you can check them out…?
      Also just so you know I tried to donate and it wasn't very easy from an iPhone 4s

    3. the last 3 games played all equal to 6

  2. I wonder if the series will tie up for the 33 tribute to Indian, Cleveland, and then Indians win game seven for a 3-4 series (Indians= 34). After all, this score just told us the kill revelation for the blue Jays with that 59.

    1. That would be interesting because in Major League II the Indians win the first 3 games of the ALCS against the White Sox, lose games 4-6, and then win game 7.

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  4. #9 gets the HR, #11 got hit earlier.
    1st run was on pitch 44.
    Interesting numbers.

  5. It was pretty obvious to me that the Cubs were going to lose this game. They are down 3-0 as I type. (I put money on LA before the game) The Cubs have to face uncertainty, there's no way Vegas lets them get this world series easy if they get it at all.

    1. Exactly Vegas needs to make the most money while they can and when people start putting money on the Dodgers, they'll make some back. Wouldn't be surprised if the Cubs go down 3-1

    2. But comeback to win NLCS 4-3, right? Wow, for the Cubs to have the best overall regular-season record, yet not advance to the World Series (and ultimately winning it), would be a lost season.

    3. In every sport with exception to the NBA. The number one seed almost never wins the whole thing.

    4. All the money was on the Sox in 04. They won it and the Yankees were the Dodgers in this series. You're claiming everyone jumped to conclusions when the cubs went up 1-0 but you're doing the same when it's 2-1

      Also: the Cubs payout is as low as can be so and next year the same "fools" will bet when their odds are good again. This a the year they do it. The payout can't be low if it's supposed to be "unpredictable" next year. We'll see though

    5. @Cubs-Indians World Series...Just looked up the 2004 Red Sox-Yankees ALCS. Wow, what a comeback by the Red Sox. I see what you mean.

    6. I'm not saying the Cubs can't or won't do it. For me, if sports weren't rigged you would see number one seed winning more often. Sports would be too predictable. Vegas would be out of business.

    7. I agree Ethan. It's all a business.

  6. Replies
    1. 10+18+16=44 too. Did you see where Hill kept throwing the Ball to First when # 44 Rizzo was on base? lol The score is 0-4 right now, be hilarious if Cubs make it 4-4 at some point, but who knows.

    2. The date numerology is a good one and will see

    3. Now the cubs are throwing to first with puig

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  8. Blanton might pitch for Dodgersale next.
    He wears #55

    Fifty five=108

    1. He was born December 11

      December eleven= 118
      Today is
      118 without the 0

    2. He may give up the run that sends the Cubs into the World Series. #108 is meaningless to the Dodgers.

  9. Dodgers closer Jansen #74
    Seventy four=170
    Currently has 47 saves

    They just showed a fan with the jersey #17

  10. Iactually like the possibility of LA vs Cleveland

    1. That's what everyone wants the Dodgers. LA. California Love lol

      But I won't be surprised if they loose once they take everyone's money lol

    2. They couldn't make it obvious so it'll be Indians vs la instead of Indians vs SF?

  11. or LA vs Toronto ,nullifying the other two

  12. 6 runs 10 hits for dodgers.

    106 prophecy.

  13. Cubs haven't scored since the full moon cracked at 9:23 LA time on 10/15.the curse turned 108 years old on 10/14.

    Full moon=108

    1. Forgot to check if anything happened during the game at this time?

  14. Possible Fernando Valenzuela and Mexico tributes tomarrow with the Mexican Julio Urias getting the start for the Dodgers.

  15. Dodgers world series 1988 vs A's, and then then next year SF vs A's..California gets all the unicorns and rainbows.

    then the earthquake

    1. I'm feelin a 3-1 Cubs comeback tho I' was just pointing out


  17. I hope the cubs win in game seven with puig striking out to chapman who throws 103 mph with a underhand floater pitch like the movie Rookie of the Year. People would still be like that wasnt scripted he just fooled him. Lol

  18. I wonder if the Cubs thing was just a teaser by the elite. It's a good media story to bring up buzz to a dying sport. But they can't lose that for the future so they pulled the rug out from under them. It just looks too suspicious to me that suddenly they can't score runs.

    No number crunching on my part, but if this is indeed all scripted, and the TPTB want to extend this out, my prediction is that the Cubs somehow find offense and win game 4, lose game 5, win game six by a low 1 to 0 score, and lose 7 on something like a blown 3 run lead in the 9th.

    But logically, I don't think TPTB are looking to prolong things at all. I actually think they want to bury the Cubs and it will be over after game 5 with the Dodgers taking the series.

  19. I think Cleveland loses today and wins on Friday (10/21) 121
    I think Cubs loose today and go down 1-3
    I think the Cubs comeback to win it all on Sunday (10/23) (John Lackey's birthday)
    "The Comeback Cubs" = 131

    1. Look at this post on the Blue Jays Facebook...

      Lol right in our faces how they use numbers, dates, etc... to script games.

  20. Cleveland eventually beats Toronto 4-2 Just like The Cavs beat the Rapotors 4-2

    1. I thought about this, but the funny thing about that is that the Cavs/Raptors series physically ended in Toronto in Game 6. Game 5 for Blue Jays is last game in Toronto for the series. Everyone has already basically given Toronto Game 5 because of Cleveland's young rookie pitcher on the hill and they are big underdogs today. Something just doesn't sit right with the idea of Toronto winning today as the whole world is suggesting. Maybe this series ends IN Toronto as the Cavs series did and not the same number of games.

  21. Full Prediction for ALCS Game 5 today:

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  23. LA Dodgers 2-1" in the English Gematria system equals 301 (30+1+0+4+60+4+7+5+90+100+0), which reduces to 4

    Chicago Cubs 1-2" in the English Gematria system equals 496 (3+8+9+3+1+7+60+0+3+300+2+100+0), which reduces to 19, which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1

    "Cubs VS Dodgers 2016" in the English Gematria system equals 1175 (3+300+2+100+0+400+100+0+4+60+4+7+5+90+100+0), which reduces to 14, which reduces to 5

    Coincidentally(?), the first two phrases add up to the last one's reduction. Now using this to predict anything is beyond me except to guess as I did before that game 5 is the deciding game and it will be the Dodgers since the Cubs can't win the series in 5 now. But because the second phrase adds up to 19 (which is also the number of our current day) it means the Cubs may win today. Vegas betting lines also seem to favor the Dodgers and people putting money their way means you can almost bet something is up.

    1. Following the money is key, but vegas is built on 'winners' not losers, cuz if you never win, you never come back...Following the money works both ways, meaning the 'easy' games that everyone has their money on, is a winner 40% of the time, cuz 60% of 100 Billion is a lot. Dodgers are winning tonight, freemason Bill Plashke told us today, just don't bet on it, but I will :)

  24. LA Dodgers 2-1" in the English Gematria system equals 301 (30+1+0+4+60+4+7+5+90+100+0), which reduces to 4

    Chicago Cubs 1-2" in the English Gematria system equals 496 (3+8+9+3+1+7+60+0+3+300+2+100+0), which reduces to 19, which reduces to 10, which reduces to 1

    "Cubs VS Dodgers 2016" in the English Gematria system equals 1175 (3+300+2+100+0+400+100+0+4+60+4+7+5+90+100+0), which reduces to 14, which reduces to 5

    Coincidentally(?), the first two phrases add up to the last one's reduction. Now using this to predict anything is beyond me except to guess as I did before that game 5 is the deciding game and it will be the Dodgers since the Cubs can't win the series in 5 now. But because the second phrase adds up to 19 (which is also the number of our current day) it means the Cubs may win today. Vegas betting lines also seem to favor the Dodgers and people putting money their way means you can almost bet something is up.

    1. Just realized the calculator I am using is ignoring numerics. So that means the values are above are the same regardless of what numbers I put in there.

      In other words nevermind. Maybe I will be back with converting numbers to words and see what I can make out if it.

    2. Just realized the calculator I am using is ignoring numerics. So that means the values are above are the same regardless of what numbers I put in there.

      In other words nevermind. Maybe I will be back with converting numbers to words and see what I can make out if it.

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