Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Andrew Stoeten, a fat, sloppy Jew (who covers Toronto Blue Jays), mocks my AL Wild Card video, October 5, 2016

Look at how this fat, sloppy jewish jabba the hut mocked my work.

Here's some future fertilizer.  How much longer until we clean up this place?

The comments are full of more future fertilizer.

Here he is, the Star Wars fill in, in the flesh:

This disgrace to the human race also writes for VICE:

Go figure, Jewish filth, writing for a Jewish filth publication.


  1. Wow! Atleast you know how far your work is going. Good job!

  2. The fact that they take time out of their day to speak against goes to show that they're worried. You're not unnoticed brother.

    1. Exactly! I think this is definitely means they are aware of Zach! He must be on the right track!

  3. All he is doing is giving free publicity. They are either going to shut him down or he is part of some larger plan to control the story.

  4. I'm gonna echo what the others are saying Zach. We're striking a nerve. More people are awakening. They are just trying to do damage control, hoping to keep those on the fence, on their side.

    I used to post on the Blue Jays message board when I was still asleep. Lots of condescending assholes on there, who don't have a clue.

  5. Espn news -

  6. Just no I'm riding till wheels fall off bro...u no wat they say ALL PUBLICITY IS GOOD PUBLICITY

  7. Zach's the man. Continue the good work. Fight the good fight

  8. Just noticed Madison Bumgarner has "14" Career Home runs....

    And "14" Playoff season At Bats.....

    How funny would it be if he ended up getting his "15th" Home Run today on "10/5" ......

    maybe for his "15th" post season at bat?? haha....

    1. Lol he's only thrown 14 pitches through 2 innings. They made sure to emphasize that too.

    2. Just missed it!...... to the warning track haha..

      Anyways, he ended the regular season with "214" games starting...... and "14" games closing.

      This is his "15th" post season game....

      today, on "10/5"

    3. He'll have another couple of AB's if the pitch count stays low.

  9. Lmao! Rigging in plain sight. Even with replay they get the wrong call.

    1. I think it was u I cursed out sayin Mets win if it was my apologies jus wanted to be a man and find that person

  10. It would be funny if the Mets win 1-0 on a walk-off hit (most likely a home run) by Yoenis Cespedes #52 to connect back to the 5-2 win of the Blue Jays over the O's. The Mets' 1-0 win connects back to Encarnacion of the Blue Jays who wears #10

    1. I called a possible shut out yesterday.

      Giants = 25
      Shut Out = 25 & 744 (74 ties)

    2. Yeah man I read your comment earlier and thought about it again during the 9th inning. Nice work

    3. Yeah man I read your comment earlier and thought about it again during the 9th inning. Nice work

  11. Um, I really don't think these mainstream guys should cover your work, Zach, unless they DON'T want the rigging to be secret any more. The numbers speak for themselves. Maybe the first few times the rigging doesn't stand out, but when the numbers keep aligning over & over & over, then does become apparent.

  12. He's not jewish. Your numbers must not have added up right.

  13. Zach will be salivating over this one lmao! Can't wait for you vid on this dude hahaha.

  14. Madison Bumgarner finsihed the 8th inning with 106 pitches. Thats when I knew the Giants were going to win

  15. They plastered that stat on tv too lol

  16. Gillaspie's home run comes 79 days, or 11 weeks and 2 days (112) after his bday. The Giants won in 2010, 2012, 2014, and this year is 2016... Starting to get worried that they'll push the Giants again.

  17. Damn
    It's just one game tho the cheap wildcard but yea makes u think about it huh me to

    From his bday to game 7 11/2 is 107 days
    Conor Michael gillaspie=107
    One hundred seven=74

  18. Gillaspie also has birth numerology of 112
    7+18+87=112 (112th World Series) ws game 7 on 11/2

  19. Warriors sacrifice for the Giants. Fuck me if that happens again..

  20. I figured the giants were gonna win as soon as I saw a time stamp of :25, on, of the Bumgarner/Syndergaard showdown right before the game started. Giants=25

  21. I figured the giants were gonna win as soon as I saw a time stamp of :25, on, of the Bumgarner/Syndergaard showdown right before the game started. Giants=25

  22. That would be in the last 7 years 4 titles for the (74) lol

  23. Or it could just be part of the script for the 112th World Series.

  24. Hey Zack

    With all the "74" coding I found something interesting about the year 1974 MLB season. Dodgers, Rangers, Blue Jay's were in the playoffs.

    We even had the MVP from the Rangers and Dodgers that year.

  25. October 22 "1974" – Pat Pieper,dies at the age of 88, the Chicago Cubs field (public address) announcer from 1916 to 1974, a span of 59 years.

  26. Funniest fucking post ever hahahahahaha you're the best Zachary

  27. damn, lost a couple dollars on this. i need to stop gambling, dont know what else to say

    1. Omg man tell me about it in going to try and get my money back with cardinals and under

  28. This comment has been removed by the author.

  29. He also has Michael middle name, and we all know that's a 33. The 33, 74 pairing is present again.

  30. I am glad your work is touching a nerve though. It's sort of a compliment in a way from this fatso. There is no real way anyone that looks like that, and maintains that physical form (lazy), could ever really insult or discredit anyone. Sloth is not an admirable quality to have.

  31. Sometimes there are very weird things found in the numbers. Check this out...

    From Joe Carter's walk-off to this year's walk-off...10/23/1993 - 10/4/2016. 1023+1993 - 104+2016 = 896

    8x9x6 = 432...432+234 = 666

    I have found this kind of thing over and over by using similar formulas. It usually connects back to the speed of Saturn though...either 969 or 6996.

  32. Today's 10/6 = 32/52

    Colbert Hamels = 52

    Cole Hamels = 93

    93 days from Marco Estrada's birthday (7/5) to today.

    1. "Marco Estrada " in the English Reduction system equals 46

      Marco Estrada can get his '46th' win today. (45-43).

    2. Will be Marco's 129th career start. 43 is prime factor of 129. Stays on 43 losses?

  33. Just Realized Blue Jays Stupid Parrot Mascot might be a Symbol for them to make it to the Series only to lose.

    Parrot" in the English Ordinal system equals 88

    Parrot" in the English Reduction system equals 34

    Blue Jays Parrot" in the English Reduction system equals 57 / 66

    World Series" in the English Reduction system equals
    57 / 66

    Blue Jay World Series " in the English Ordinal system equals 223

    Blue Jay World Series " in the English Reduction system equals 79 / 88

    Toronto Blue Jays" in the English Reduction system equals 59

    Toronto Blue Jays" in the English Ordinal system equals 212

    World Series Loss" in the English Reduction system equals 68

    World Series Loss" in the English Ordinal system equals 212

    Maybe I was wrong on The Rangers. Could be Cubs vs. Jays

    World Series Jew Police. Best Friends Forever

    Hubbard Stoeten Jewish" in the English Ordinal system equals 228

    Hubbard Stoeten Jewish" in the English Reduction system equals 84

    Blue Jays Nation" in the English Reduction system equals 51

    Free to Find Truth Employee" in the English Reduction system equals 123

    Andrew Stoeten Zachary K Hubbard" in the English Reduction system equals 123

    Stoeten Hubbard" in the English Reduction system equals 55

    Andrew Stoeten " in the English Reduction system equals 55

    Andrew Zachary" in the English Reduction system equals 66

    Andrew Zachary" in the English Ordinal system equals 147

    1. Jabba The Hutt Star Wars" in the English Reduction system equals 66 / 84

  34. So you're not only fucking insane but your anti-semitic too?

    1. What about Zach is remotely anti-semetic?
      Because Zach tells the truth about the 🔯 ?

      What's insane is you thinking the western 🔯 is semetic.

    2. Actually, let Zach defend himself. He's sworn off the Holocaust, I would say it has to be in his new book, too. That's why people would think that, it's not unfounded. I think he has some anti - trust in him, but that shouldn't matter, that's why we're all here, Non - trusting of our societal leaders (pop and politics)

      I love the page and agree with at least 95% of what is offered. I come from Jews and am not offended. I also was never baptized, unlike everyone else on here.

      By the way, check out Wal Mart's current symbol. 6 point star. Don't forget, this page is to be loaded with jews, after the Blue Jay bomb above.

    3. Actually, let Zach defend himself. He's sworn off the Holocaust, I would say it has to be in his new book, too. That's why people would think that, it's not unfounded. I think he has some anti - trust in him, but that shouldn't matter, that's why we're all here, Non - trusting of our societal leaders (pop and politics)

      I love the page and agree with at least 95% of what is offered. I come from Jews and am not offended. I also was never baptized, unlike everyone else on here.

      By the way, check out Wal Mart's current symbol. 6 point star. Don't forget, this page is to be loaded with jews, after the Blue Jay bomb above.


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