Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

ESPN/FS1 analyst says "Andrew Luck is the new Cam Newton", October 11, 2016

Colin Coward, ESPN's CC, 33, analyst who doesn't know anything about sports, said "Andrew Luck is the new Cam Newton" of the NFL this morning.  And yes, I know that isn't how CC spells his own name, but it is how I spell it.

Anyway, what I take away from this is that Cam went to the Super Bowl last year.... so who is going this year?  I have a feeling if Luck is in the big game, he'll lose, just like Cam did last year.  Why?  Because the people with the major connections to cities, often seem to get punked in them.  Of course Andrew Luck played his high school ball in Houston, where his father was once the QB of the Oilers, and where his father was a career loser, something like Archie Manning.

Think about how last year Cam Newton has the parallel to Huey P. Newton, who established the BPP in Oakland in '66, the year of the first Super Bowl season.  Of course Cam lost out west, not far from Oakland.

Also, take a second gander at the stats on the screen.... 111?  123?


  1. Beloved LSU Mascot, Mike VI, has died. I am talking the actual Tiger.

    Mike VI=69(in a year filled of 69s kicking the bucket), 763J(7+6=13, 13/3 again? Nah!)

    Sad year for the Bayou.

  2. I thought the colts would beat the jets in the afc title game.but now the jets season is over
    I think the colts beat the pats

    Omly question is who will they play vikings or giants?

    1. I still have Bills making playoffs and or winning division

    2. They actually mite the jets are done in the Bengals are done. They still have to fight with the ravens chiefs in texans

    3. They actually mite the jets are done in the Bengals are done. They still have to fight with the ravens chiefs in texans

  3. House of pain = 57. Kept referencing the Vikings stadium as the house of pain against the Texans

  4. Zach, this report originated from Fox sports 1, not ESPN.

    1. Good catch, I didn't even know I had that channel. It looked just like ESPN to me!

    2. So is this season over for the panthers

  5. Call me crazy but I have a feeling Calvin Johnson might make a comeback this year.he was rumored before retirement in February to be traded to new England.hed go well with Andrew luck however I think ,but is also from Georgia so ATL could be a place but they are already got receivers ,Giants ? Stays retired ?? I just think NFL has something up their sleeve possibly

    1. Detroit still hss his contract rights, so they would need to be compensated.

    2. In the scripted world/That shouldn't be a problem

    3. Barring an injury, and really even with one, Atlanta doesn't need him.

  6. " I have a feeling if Luck is in the big game, he'll lose.."
    So you having doubts about the Colts winning the superbowl, or even going to the Superbowl now ?

    1. we've been looking at the NFC to win this the whole time. as in times past, there are narratives for multiple teams (see: 2016 OKC Thunder)

    2. Min may be a nfc team but they are a younger in years nfc team. The Colts are an original longer nfc/nfl team nfl vs afl.
      the Reason ( one of the reasons) the Steelers and Colt go to playoffs so often is they are original nfl teams.
      The Browns play dead because they owned the 1940s through the 1960s.
      notice how as soon as the original Browns became the Ravens,they kept making the playoffs and already have 2 super bowl wins. Thats because they have nothing to do with the original afl.
      for what ever reason/s only three original afl teams have been successful..Denver/Oakland/Patriots..that has to do with who owns them and the locations they occupy among other things.
      Dallas is a successful team but they obviously bow down to GB/Pitt/Giants/Colts in the long term of football history.

  7. Next Andrew Luck touchdown will be his 112., and most probably will be sunday at Houston!!!!!!

  8. comparing Cam to Luck as a possible loser, I of course disagree with. Cam is just in a long line of Black QBs who will never win the big, He doesnt have anything to do with Doug Williams who only started 3 games the year he won a SB with Redskins..that was an inside Joke in itself.. a black QB won on a team with the pseudo controversial name 'redskins'... Russell Wilson isnt full black either.. He's supposedly part indian and he also plays on a team with American or Alaskan indian origin names.
    Lucks' father is irrelevant to Andrews career as far as assuming failure because he hardly played.( if thats his dad?) Archie played but he hardly won anything, therefore the Son's get to be stars he wasnt (if they are even related to him)
    I read on a Giants forum... a guy said he met a guy who was head of security at Giants stadium but he was a dallas fan. the security guy said he hated the Giants and that Eli was rude to kids and didnt even give autographs etc.
    on another forum.. a guy said he met Roger Staubach in a Airport. He asked him if he was Roger. Roger said "I use to be" but of course it never dawned on the guy to question what that meant lol

  9. Cam was a black QB on a team in a black populated area.
    every team in the nfc south has had black starting qbs for the same reason.
    they lose purely for that racial reason. Vick in Atlanta never even got to SB, Saints had Aaron Brooks for a while, Bucs had Doug Williams,Josh Freeman,Shawn King.. They call it southern division because those teams are expected to be losers a majority of the time.
    the point is..Luck is a white guy on the Colts,he wont be a loser like those teams.

    Colts horse show on helmet=Luck.. Johnny Unitas = -U- like a horseshoe..its too perfectly cliche.
    Manning like horses mane LOL

  10. Speaking of ESPN, the other day on Mike & Mike, the caption read "is Beckham Jr. becoming too much of a distraction?" (or something like that) I didn't do the entire phrase, but the word "distraction" = 51, as in Super Bowl 51. They have been labeling him with this word. If the league is scripted / contrived, then they could tell anyone (on any team) to act up on the sideline, but instead it's Eli's star receiver.


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