Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Reader Contribution | Henry Luce, of Skull and Bones, founder of TIME, LIFE, Fortune & Sports Illustrated

Now here is some very good work!


  1. Zach, I don't know if this ties into this year's NLCS or not, but I find it very interesting. In Naked Gun, the main plot revolves around an assassination plot of Queen Elizabeth II. The end of the movie takes place at a baseball game, where in the bottom of the seventh, #44 for the Angels gets MK Ultra-ed, so to speak, to kill the Queen. What's really interesting is this movie came out in 88 (Elizabeth = 88), and the game is between the Angels and Mariners, but according to imdb, the scene was actually filmed at Dodgers stadium, with exterior shots of Wrigley Field. 88 was 28 years ago (Twenty eight= 156)

  2. The Saturn/Time tie in aslo lends to theory of Saturn controlling the "time matrix" we are trapped in. Outstanding work here.

  3. Zach, it's possible we could see the Queen die by the end of the NLCS if this movie was indeed a clue about the future. For instance, the 3rd Naked Gun movie is entitled "Naked Gun 33 1/3: The Final Insult", and it's directed by David Zucker... You get the picture. Anyway, there was a very interesting sequence in Game 5 tonight:
    The Chicago pitcher #6 (Pederson, maybe?) was pulled after 13 pitches (LA = 13), and replaced with #37 (Chicago= 37).
    #37 is Travis Wood
    Travis Wood = 47,56,65,74 & 146
    Masonic Chicago numbers and the 146 Cubs number. The LA pitcher that followed him was also named "Wood", but was number 57 (World Series). This made me think for sure it will be a Cubs WS. Funnily enough, the next Cubs pitcher was #46, the other Chicago number.
    Next, I decided to look into the span of days from the Queen's birthday to the potential date of Game Seven of the NLCS, 10/23/16 (Notice also 10+23 = 33, CC Chicago Cubs, Cleveland, Indian).
    4/21/16 - 10/23/16 is 26 weeks and 3 days, also a span of 4440 hours.
    444 makes me think Masonic, also kill.
    263 for 26wk 3 days is the 56th prime!
    Chanhassen = 56
    Travis Wood = 56
    All game they kept showing Rizzo #44 and he had a couple of hits and I think a HR. #44 tries to kill the Queen in Naked Gun.
    The thing that really solidified this in my mind was after the #37, #57, #46 pitcher ritual, the next pitcher that closed out the game was #56. All I can say is "The Queen better watch her ass!" Lol.

  4. Great post Travis and Zach for sharing.Research "Operation Mockingbird".The project was so successful that former CIA Director William Colby stated that the CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media.This still holds true in 2016.


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