Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, October 24, 2016

Reader Contribution | Solomon, Freemasonry & the Bible

More amazing work from Trav W.


  1. I am a big fan of bible decodes. That book is the biggest obstacle the truth faces.

    1. That's where my research started. Taking apart the most obvious lie shoved down our throats.

    2. The Holy Bible=123, **629**(Doomsday, The Death of All Humankind)

      The Good Book=117, 336(Doom and Gloom)

    3. I grew up a fairly strict Catholic, it didn't take me long to realize that priests and deacons were all power hungry and self obsessed. Why would that sort of man shove these rules in my face? For my own good, supposedly. Really, just to get you on your knees.

  2. Amazing! I am going to go look this up in the bible right now! Thanks for sharing!! I love stuff like this.

  3. exactly. keep an eye on Baez/Boez for the Cubs ... and dylan (joan baez)

  4. Well if you look deeper and I have since its my name lol. Solomon is a very spiritual word. Solo=Sun Mon=Moon or Solo=Soul Mon=Man

  5. Well if you look deeper and I have since its my name lol. Solomon is a very spiritual word. Solo=Sun Mon=Moon or Solo=Soul Mon=Man

  6. Read this!!
    The decoding in the above link just speaks for itself...I won't even try to extrapolate it. Check it's absolutely mind blowing.

    Now, I just happened to be watching a video by Enterthe5t4rs on youtube and it was about Solomon and the anatomy of the eye. I had just started it last night before I saw this post and when I read this post and went back to that video I think I leapt from my body. Check this out...there are two little parts of the back of the eye called the suprachiasmatic nucleus. On a diagram of the eye you see these two nodes, they look just like pillars standing on either side of the optic nerve and the path to the pineal gland. This is was regulates your circadian rhythm and allows your brain to know when it's day or night and when to produce seratonin or melatonin. Those two pillars, just like the Jachin and Boaz, are the keepers of pathway for us to "see the light" and regulate our daily rhythms. I keep thinking about how we are born into space and time and the cube is part of that story. The cube matrix can be found inside the eye anatomy as well. Some say that the story of Jesus is telling us how to solve the riddle of the cube in a sense. The cross after all, is just the cube unfurled, but it can also be found in the crossing of the optic nerves! So if we are really trapped in space and time and those two little pillars in the back of our eyes are regulating can see why this is so important to the masons. They worship the keeper of time and the material world. This is where they want to keep us trapped. And our eye anatomy explains all of this if we just understand what we see, and I am starting to see that it is also the way out of the matrix if you will. Because we have to begin to see with our other eye...the pineal gland, so that we see the "light" and not the material world in front of us. What I've been learning about the bible lately is that it's practically a book of anatomy as much as it is physics. But what it is not, is an historical account of anything! I mean, think about the story of Noah. It's a story of procreation when I read it. You have the womb, like the ark as well as the eye, and the flood, the amniotic fluid, 40 days and 40 night, like the 40 weeks of gestation, when you are born you come out of the waters and your first vision as a baby looks like a rainbow, because all you see is a prism of colors at first. I could go on and on about this stuff...but I just wanted to start with the pillars at the temple of solomon and how all of this relates to the human anatomy. And inside the temple of solomon is a cube too! Look at a couple of these videos if you are interested. This is some crazy interesting stuff. It is at least worth consideration. These two videos pull both ideas together. And the first one also brings more light to the 37 73 star of david and the cube and Tesla's 369 discovery within all of that. It's all related.

    Suprachiasmaic nucleus=1243/1536/256/85 (1243 has only 11 and 113 as factors and 113 is the 30th prime) And when I see 11 and 113, I also see 223.

  7. I'm RIGHTHERE with you guys, when it comes to the NT being Scripted by the Zionist, to largely control mankind...the reader contribution said, 'the bible was largely scripted by the masons by the numbers' ... but have you considered that the masons made these numbers 'relevant' when they had no relevancy at all? I mean, it's clear to see that they picked these numbers to 'validate' their B.S. NT, which is why the "everything must be backed up by the "OT" rule exists #credibility when there is none....Also, one other point is you guys are doing Gematria by the satanic English language that they made up SPECIFICALLY for their purpose of control and confusion; HOWEVER, the REAL TRUTH 'by the numbers' are in the gematria of the Hebrew Aleph Bet; sure we can decode their B.S. via Gematria and English, but it has NO BEARING on 'Actual Scriptural' messages... Just my 2 cents... Dude broke it down something awesomely tho, my gooooooodness!


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