Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 4, 2016

106 | Google Doodle's Walter Cronkite tribute, November 4, 2016 +A career of broadcasting lies by the numbers

4/16/1962 = 4+16+19+62 = 101
4/16/1962 = 4+16+(1+9+6+2) = 38
4/16/1962 = 4+1+6+1+9+6+2 = 29
4/16/62 = 4+16+62 = 82
4/16 = 4+16 = 20

This was the day Walter Cronkite became the nightly anchor of CBS News.  Interestingly, April 16 is the 106th day of the year.  Prophecy = 106

Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. = 106

11/22/1963 = 11+22+19+63 = 115  (Freemasons)
11/22/1963 = 11+22+(1+9+6+3) = 52 (Prophecy)
11/22/1963 = 1+1+2+2+1+9+6+3 = 25
11/22/63 = 11+22+63 = 96 (Freemason)
11/22 = 11+22 = 33

This is the date JFK was assassinated.

7/20/1969 = 7+20+19+69 = 115 (Freemasons)
7/20/1969 = 7+20+(1+9+6+9) = 52 (Prophecy)
7/20/1969 = 7+2+0+1+9+6+9 = 34
7/20/69 = 7+20+69 = 96 (Freemason)
7/20 = 7+20 = 27

This is the moon landing hoax date.

3/6/1981 = 3+6+19+81 = 109 (29th prime) (First Cronkite broadcast on '29' date)
3/6/1981 = 3+6+1+9+8+1 = 28
3/6/81 = 3+6+81 = 90
3/6 = 3+6 = 9

This was Walter Cronkite's last broadcast.

Walter Leland Cronkite Jr. = 97/106/250
Walter = 25/79; Leland = 21/48; Cronkite = 41/50/95; Jr. = 10/28

11/4/1916 = 11+4+19+16 = 50 (America) (Cronkite)
11/4/1916 = 11+4+(1+9+1+6) = 32 (America)
11/4/1916 = 1+1+4+1+9+1+6 = 23
11/4/16 = 11+4+16 = 31

7/17/2009 = 7+17+20+09 = 53
7/17/2009 = 7+17+(2+0+0+9) = 35 
7/17/2009 = 7+1+7+2+0+0+9 = 26 (Kill)
7/17/09 = 7+17+09 = 35 

He died 110-days before his 93rd birthday, or a span of 111-days.  He also died 255-days after his 92nd birthday, or a span of 256-days from it.

It's always been the same code truthseeker.  Well, as long as the Freemasons have been running things.


  1. So weird, he popped for me just yesterday when I was researching some old pbs show called Liberty Kids. Its about time traveling kids who end up in the middle of the American Revolution. Walter was the voice of Ben Franklin.

    1. What's blowing my mind is he died in 2009. I remember the day he died so well, and I can't believe it was more than 7 years ago. Time is flying!

    2. No doubt, the last decade is so unidentified culturally that it hasn't felt like anything. No Pop Culture Label. Just Fear and Spending.
      That's my new band name.

      Fear and Spending=137, 882

      How perfect is that?

    3. Love that name, lol!

      Can we assume that your band plays monotone music that's really blah & unidentifiable -- punctuated by unexpected crashes of cymbals & screams that jar the shit out of everyone ... immediately followed by a return to the mind-numbing monotone?

      Embed the sound of rustling coins into the monotone phase --
      it sure soothed Scrooge McDuck's ruffled feathers ... Lol

    4. Fear & Spending ... somewhere Hunter S. Thompson is laughing his ass off. ;D

    5. Lol. We sound a lot like Eddie Veder in the shower meets the Drum Pit from your local highschool.

      We good.

  2. "Walter Cronkite" = 75 & 174 = "New World Order"

    "Walter Leland Cronkite Jr" = 250
    "Government Tyranny" = 250

    Geee....I wonder if Cronkite was a New World Order Agent?

    Lets see if the most famous Walter Cronkite quote gives us any clues:

    "It seems to many of us that if we are to avoid the eventual catastrophic world conflict we must strengthen the United Nations as a first step toward a world government patterned after our own government with a legislature, executive and judiciary, and police to enforce its international laws and keep the peace," he said. "To do that, of course, we Americans will have to yield up some of our sovereignty. That would be a bitter pill. It would take a lot of courage, a lot of faith in the new order. Pat Robertson has written in a book a few years ago that we should have a world government, but only when the Messiah arrives. He wrote, literally, any attempt to achieve world order before that time must be the work of the devil. Well, join me. I'm glad to sit here at the right hand of Satan." - Walter Cronkite

    Coincidence Confirmed. You can go back to sleep now. I was just thinking maybe we could pin point one of these bastards...clearly Cronkite is not one of them.

    1. "Bitter Pill" what an interesting choice of words. Kinda reminds me of the movie "The Matrix" (Red Pill/Blue Pill).

      "Bitter Pill" in Eng. Reduction equals 51
      "Matrix" in Eng. Sumerian equals 510
      "Hillary" in Eng. Sumerian equals 510
      "Hail Satan" in Eng. Sumerian equals 510
      "CBS News" in Eng. Sumerian equals 510


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