Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, November 20, 2016

13 33 44 51 91 | The Vikings 13th point scored by #44, Asiata, November 20, 2016, at home against the Cardinals

#44 scored the 13th point of the game.  (Houston = 31)

More on '44' and Asiata, the man who rushed in the TD below.

#44 for the Vikings just scored, Asiata.  A few things are running through my mind.

Asiata = 1+19+9+1+20+1 = 51 (Super Bowl 51, on a date with '44' numerology)

2/5/2017 = 2+5+20+17 = 44
*Adrian Peterson's birthday will be 44-days after the Super Bowl.  He lives near Houston as well.

Matt Asiata = 4+1+2+2+1+1+9+1+2+1 = 24/33

Also, with regards to missing the extra point to keep the score 13-10...

Vikings = 91 (Vikings owner's father died at 91) (When you sum 1 through 13, it totals 91)


  1. Zach Alot of KICKERS has missed field goals today! Gues what? Adam Vinetateri kissed his 45th attempt. He has made 44 straight field goals... go figure.


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