Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 5, 2016

135 | How to stop election cyberthreats, CNN feature article, November 5, 2016

The Key of David = 135
Philadelphia established on a date with '135' numerology
Hillary had her convention in Philadelphia, beginning July 25, 2016

I'm thinking about how they could really rile people up with the election this coming Tuesday.  How about something similar to 2000?  If you forget, that year, the media declared a winner, then said, "Oh wait, it is too close".  Then in Florida, they started a recount, that was canceled by the Supreme Court of all things.  In the end, George W. Bush was made the 43rd President, in large part thanks to his brother's state, where Jeb was the 43rd Governor.  They were the sons of the 41st President and 43rd Vice President, from New Haven, CT, the home of Yale and Skull and Bones.

Yale = 43
New Haven, CT = 43

Anyhow, in 2016, with the narratives floating in the media involving Russia and  cyber-hacking, they could announce that Trump was winning the election, then late in the evening, have a breaking alert, that election fraud has been detected, and Hillary votes have been changed to Trump votes in contested states, or vice versa.  The agenda is obvious, piss everyone the hell off, so let's see how they could go about doing it even more... we're only days away.


  1. Zach, what do you make of all of the supposed "Russian threats" of war with the US if Hillary is elected? Obvious bs of course, but at what angle?

  2. It is kinda exciting in a anything could happen sorta way. That cyber attack theory seems like a play ball to me.

    Please no Hanging Chads.

  3. Janet Napolotono warned us whats coming when she resigned in 2013. My predecessor is going to have to deal with a massive Cyber attack Really? How did Janet know that??? I think election day maybe that attack might come?? Would certainly make it impossible to judge a winner!!

    1. First, Dead President on 6-11,Terror Attack on 7-11, Then Cyber Monday! !, 8-11 nobody votes!!, then Obama comes back to life 9-11, do we hold the election day again or just let the American God run things?

      Maybe too much?

  4. Note the hacker figure is wearing a hoodie/monk robe and has an alien gray face.
    Element #43 is Technetium. Makes me wonder if both Bush sons are actual SIMS (made up identies not flesh and blood people, more like avatars or paper dolls). I remember reading about face morphing technology and how they used it to photo age pictures of missing children so they could find them supposedly. But technology like that would be way too cool for the military intelligence to waste. Why not take a childhood pic of a president and grow him some lookalike sons? Then you could have those idwntities do whatever u want. Much easier than brainwashing or ManchuRian candidate or whatever. Thwn all u need is an actor or several of them to speak the lines, pose for some pics, wave.

    The military always has technology years before they release it to the public

    1. Well it might sound crazy to most, but if u think about it, it's kind of crazier to not to question your reality. I'm not from Texas, the only reason I have ever heard of the Bush family is because of the media. It's not like I have dinner with them or know anyone who ever has or would. We r taught that the rich get to stay far removed from the plebes and no one questions their right to do so, not really. We expet these rich celebrities to have security guards and gated mansions and any interaction the public has with them is at a distance.

    2. Good call on the alien grey mask. My first thought was of the Anonymous mask definitely controlled opp. I do happen to live in Texas GW is real. Did you see him at the funeral for the 7 police officers? Dancing on the stage - he was on something for sure. He does live on an acreage property that is gated and they bought the property next door I assume for his security detail. Laura seems like a lovely woman ;) But I digress...I think you make a valid point Prunella about fake people and technology. Clearly Hillary has some stand ins or walk outs as it were.

    3. "DARPA"(Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), which is a agency of the Dept. Of Defense. They are doing some strange experiments that have been deemed "Mad Science". Such as trans humanism, terrifying robots, cloning, a killer robot army, advanced weapons and futuristic technology.


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