Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 12, 2016

33 38 58 68 83 115 168 | Robert Vaughn, Man From UNCLE actor, dead at 83, November 11, 11-days before 84th birthday

This man has died November 11, 11-days before his 84th birthday.  He was born 31-years prior to the assassination of JFK, November 22, 1963.

11/22/1932 = 11+22+19+32 = 84 (United States of America) (Jesuit)
11/22/1932 = 11+22+(1+9+3+2) = 48 (Donald Trump) (Wall) (New York) (48-years since 1968)
11/22/1932 = 1+1+2+2+1+9+3+2 = 21
11/22/32 = 11+22+32 = 65

11/11/2016 = 11+11+20+16 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Secret Society) (58th Presidential Election)
11/11/2016 = 11+11+(2+0+1+6) = 31
11/11/2016 = 1+1+1+1+2+0+1+6 = 13
11/11/16 = 11+11+16 = 38 (Death = 38) (Killing = 38) (38, reflection of 83)

Regarding him dying at age 83, just three days after the election of Donald Trump, let us not forget the following gematria calculations:

Election = 83; Leap Year = 83; The Donald = 83

The title of the show he is remembered for, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., has gematria of '168', like New York City, where he was born, and where Trump was on election night.

The Man From U.N.C.L.E. = 69/168 (New York City = 60/69/168)

The word 'UNCLE' alone has gematria of '55', like the date of the election, November 8, 2016.

11/8/2016 = 11+8+20+16 = 55

Let us also decode his name.

Robert Francis Vaughn = 95/104/122/221 (The Bavarian Illuminati = 221)
Robert = 33/78; Francis = 34/70; Vaughn = 28/73

His character name, Napoleon Solo, has relevant gematria.

Napoleon Solo = 54/63/153 (Forty-Five = 54) (1 through 63 totals 2016)

His cause of death, Leukemia, is also interesting.

Leukemia = 32/41/77 (America = 32) (USA = 41) (Washington D.C. on the 77th Meridian)

His acting credits are numerous.  His first role was in the 1955 TV series, 'Medic'.  There's that '55' again.

Notice his most remembered show, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., ended on January 15, 1968, in that special year, '68.  Donald John Trump = 68

Also, with regards to the date January 15, or 1/15, Trump will becomes President with the start of the 115th congress.

Notice the date the show began, September 22, 1964.  That date can be written 22/9, a lot like '229', the 50th prime number.  The year the show began, was the year Donald Trump began attending Fordham in New York.

Donald = 50; America = 50

9/22/1964 = 9+22+19+64 = 114 (Trump Card) (President of the United States)
9/22/1964 = 9+22+(1+9+6+4) = 51 (Federal) (Conspiracy)
9/22/1964 = 9+2+2+1+9+6+4 = 33 (Masonry) (Secrecy)
9/22/64 = 9+22+64 = 95

1/15/1968 = 1+15+19+68 = 103
1/15/1968 = 1+15+(1+9+6+8) = 40 (United States)
1/15/1968 = 1+1+5+1+9+6+8 = 31
1/15/68 = 1+15+68 = 84 (United States of America) (Jesuit)

The show's length was 173-weeks, the 40th prime number.


  1. The Man From U.N.C.L.E. also equals 888
    Trump = 88

  2. Here are some more 31, 55 and 88 connections. From 11/22/1932 to 11/11/2016 is 30,670 days. If you take those days and divide by 364, the days in the 13 Moon Calendar, the result is 84 years 94 days. The end date, 94 days past his birthday, falls on February 24th, which is the 55th day of the year. February 24th is also 8/18 on the 13MC. The 94 days can be broken down to 3 months 10 days (31) by dividing by 28, or the number of days in a 13MC month. Confirmation bias or simply a coincidence? =)


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