Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, November 21, 2016

33 42 52 72 | Fatal bus crash in Chattanooga, Tennessee reporting, November 21, 2016 +"6 children killed"

School Bus = 33/42/51/114

Do you really think a school bus wrapped itself around a tree?

11/21/2016 = 11+21+20+16 = 68
11/21/2016 = 11+21+(2+0+1+6) = 41
11/21/2016 = 1+1+2+1+2+0+1+6 = 14
11/21/16 = 11+21+16 = 48 (Propaganda) (Hoax)

Notice that Chattanooga sums to '42', just like 'bus' and 'school bus'... as well as 'Freemason'.

Chattanooga, Tennessee = 76/94/211 (211, the 47th prime)
Chattanooga = 42/105; Tennessee = 34/52/106

Nice tweet time, 2:23.

Masonic = 223; The Synagogue of Satan = 223

Six = 52; Tennessee = 52; Prophecy = 52

This TV programming will surely add some anxiety before the parents send their children off to 'school' tomorrow.

Another good '72', is 'Monday'.

Monday = 13+15+14+4+1+25 = 72
School = 19+3+8+15+15+12 = 72


  1. I thought they were just picking news stories that fit the narrative.

    Now, I am thinking the "news" is entirely staged.

    1. I used to think what you thought too. But then when you pay attention... you see, it is being staged.

  2. It does make you wonder why they keep circulating these stories... I get the whole programming thing and i think thats the crooks of it. Keep programming negativity and you will breed a negative society a self defeating society. I can just hear parents now fretting on weather to send their kid on the bus or drive them to school tomorrow.

    Perhaps this is even bigger than programming, what if these events were occurring and innocent people were being sacrificed in these rituals that the occult keep performing. Who knows.

    1. Yes, it will make parents worry about this. Do you know the Pink Floyd song 'Mother'?

    2. Indeed, the lyrics are perfect. It really is insane how much its in your face and you dont realize.

      Ive lived with it all for 22 years and knew no different, since i woke up its all right in front of you.

      Credit where credits due, they've really nailed the mind control pshyc thing.

  3. That accident makes no sense. How did that even happen? That looks like it defies the laws of physics.


  4. Totally believable.. I had a tree try to hug my car last week and today one jumped out in front of my rig.. I think these trees are after me for shining my car lights on them... Everyone beware the killer trees are on the loose..

    1. Ha! I had a tree fall in front of me in a windstorm last year, that was pretty wild. We have some tall trees in the area I live in. In the last four years, so many have been cut down to make room for homes. It is sad.

  5. Zachary 'WE" are doomed ...We live in the Evergreen states and watch out man the trees are after us... Be safe Friend

  6. Don't buses have cameras inside them now? I think most do. Haven't been on one since 92.

  7. I believe that this is predictive programming for another agenda: driverless cars/buses, etc. Freedom to move, to get around, makes things more difficult if what you want is total control of the masses. We've been hearing quite a bit about the Google cars, and such. If you want to run, and what you get is a Google car, you're screwed. That's what they want. But they need the public to think it's in our best interest, which is easier to sell if innocent children are dying on their to/from school. There have been quite a few HOAXED bus crashes these last couple of years. INNOCENTS "dying." .... not ..... But the sheeple may fall for it.

    1. Yes, I think this is part of the longer term agenda, great points.

  8. Same state as the bus crash yesterday zach! Tennessee!
    Also the abc story I shared on your Facebook on this propaganda had a video of 1:19 in length!

    1. I forgot that story already, there's so much bullshit to keep straight. Thank you for this reminder Shane!

    2. I had to go back and double check but I was sure it was the same damn state.
      And the first thing I thought about this one when I found out it was a residential area is how the F did the driver get going that fast to wrap that bitch around a tree?!? Smells of bullshit right there!

    3. Exactly, they make these stories unbelievable.

  9. Johnthany Walker???
    Reminds one of 'Johnny Walker' the famous Scotch whiskey from Scotland.
    They have special edition Freemason Bottles of Johnny Walker here:

    1. Let's not forget he is black
      and...Johnny Walkers most known label:
      "Johnny Walker Black" = 1110 185
      185th prime is 1013 (113) Sum of divisors (228)
      (dishonest, mainstream, death)


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