Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, November 12, 2016

40 41 42 47 54 67 69 | Could the Electoral College elect Hillary Clinton, December 19, 2016? (54-days after Hillary's birthday, 40-days after the petition)

From the election, November 8, to December 19, 2016, is 41-days, or a span of 42-days.

41, the 13th prime number
NYC = 42; Female = 42; Lady = 42; Bill Clinton was #42;

From November 9, to December 19 is 40-days, or a span of 41-days.  It was early November 9 that Donald was announced the winner , the anniversary of the fall of the wall.  It was also this same day that the petition for the Electoral College to elect Hillary Clinton was created.

Hillary = 40; United States = 40

Let us examine the date numerology of December 19, 2016.

12/19/2016 = 12/19/2016 = 12+19+20+16 = 67 (Female) (Freemasonry)
12/19/2016 = 12+19+(2+0+1+6) = 40 (Hillary)
12/19/2016 = 1+2+1+9+2+0+1+6 = 22
12/19/16 = 12+19+16 = 47 (President = 47)

The date distances are below.

USA = 41; 41, the 13th prime

Freemason = 42; Female = 42

The petition was created November 9, 2016, 40-days before the vote.

Hillary = 40; United States = 40

From her birthday, October 26, to December 19, 2016, is 54-days, or a span of 55-days.

'54' is the baseball number.  Recall, the Cubs came back and won the World Series, in unlikely fashion, with a final score of 8-7.  Clinton = 87; Voting = 87; Justice = 87

If Clinton is made President in unprecedented fashion, it will be perceived as a "justice" by those who do not understand the show they live in.  For others, it will also provoke, by design...

Baseball = 54; Forty-Five = 54; *Fifty-Four = 54
11/8/2016 = 11+8+20+16 = 55; Chicago Cubs = 46/55

Also, keep in mind that December 19 is the 353rd day of the year.  I have noticed multiple times on television, when a Catholic Church is shown, somewhere the number 353 will be displayed.

Catholic = 35; Religion = 53

Remember, Trump went to Catholic School, Fordham, and is a Jesuit.

Purple = 88; Program = 88; Trump = 88

Around 3.3 million?  Remember, "alternative media", such as RT, is controlled- same gang.

Look at this ad that came up with the story...  42, top center...

Could this be the first time the President ELECT is overturned by the Electoral College?

The name 'Electoral College' has gematria of '69', like Hillary's age, like the Masonic Pillars.

Notice Hillary's 228 votes.  United States of America = 228; Death = 228

Bill Clinton's biological father died on the day that left 228-days left in the year.

Read about the history of "Faithless Electors" here:


  1. Gotta love the turn around. Now the people are begging to payoff the politicians. Publicly, no less. Key Word:

    Faithless-99, 329J(Mirror)

    No Faith on the Other Side of the Rainbow.

  2. I put the date numerology on a post from Monday. I do think there is a legitimate chance at this happening especially given all that lined up for her. Btw has there been any really bad riots up in the Seattle area?

  3. "Now, I -- I know -- I know we have still not shattered that highest and hardest glass ceiling, but some day someone will and hopefully sooner than we might think right now."

    Hillary's concession speech:

    Glass Ceiling
    Gematria Jewish 301
    Gematria Reduction 54
    Gematria Summerian 702
    Gematria Ordinal 117
    Gematria English 153

    Sooner than we might think
    Gematria Jewish 1690
    Gematria Reduction 114
    Gematria Summerian 1656
    Gematria Ordinal 276
    Gematria English 1680

    Our Last Chance
    Gematria Jewish 601
    Gematria Reduction 50
    Gematria Summerian 840
    Gematria Ordinal 140
    Gematria English 851

    December 19, 2016
    12/19/2016 > 31/36 > 13/9
    1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 22
    12 + 19 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 40
    12 + 19 + 20 + 16 = 67
    12 + 19 + 16 = 47

  4. Dont forget 'Isis' will rise while this goes on as well. Just waiting for that moment then martial law midst of winter. Time to get lost.

  5. Why is the truth community spreading fear?WTF
    Trump is not doing shit, the elite are trolling hard. Nothing more. The government will continue to function by all means dysfunctional

    1. I wonder the same thing lately, Harry. Waters getting muddy.

  6. Saw this article come out today, Monday, 11/14:

    Two presidential electors to colleagues: Dump Trump

    "Dump Trump " in the English Gematria system equals 1114 (similar to the date 11/14). 1114 is between two prime numbers. Previous prime = 1109; Next prime = 1117. 11/09 was the election victory date. Makes me wonder what to expect on 11/17?

    "Moral Electors" in the English Reduction system equals 57 so no surprise one of them is Robert Satiacum" (in the English Reduction system equals 57). "Satiacum" in the English Ordinal system equals 87 (final score of World Series 8-7;  Clinton = 87; Voting = 87; Justice = 87).

    One of his supporters is Brad Chiafolo ("Chiafolo" in the English Reduction system equals 42; NYC = 42; Female = 42; Lady = 42; Freemason = 42). Chiafolo said "This is a longshot" (in the English Reduction system equals 69; Hillary's age; "Chiafolo" in the English Ordinal system equals 69; "Electoral College" in the English Reduction system equals 69). Chiafolo also said, "It's a hail Mary" (in the English Reduction system equals 55; date of the election was November 8, 2016. 11/8/2016 = 11+8+20+16 = 55; "Satan" in the English Ordinal system equals 55). "Hail Mary" in the English Reduction system equals 42 = Chiafolo.

    Another supporter is "Michael Baca " (in the English Reduction system equals 40). Hillary = 40; United States = 40; 12 + 19 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 40. "Baca" in the English Sumerian system equals 42.

    Yeah, this isn't over yet for sure. More drama and chaos to come.

    1. Oops. Not "Brad" Chiafolo, but actually "Bret" Chiafolo. "Bret Chiafolo " in the English Ordinal system equals 114 (114 = President of the United States = Trump Card). Sigh.

  7. I think the day she could be elected is 1/06. (106) he number coded all over the DNC since July. I could see a soft lead up from 12/19 until that date, to program everyone into dealing with it. The best way for them to get order out of chaos is to have a 2000 election mirror but one that is drawn out for a distracted society. People will go ape shit if Trump gets dumped. Think of all the unrest among "voters" and politically divided friends and family. Not to mention it would slap every citizen in the face with "Tough shit, this is how it works, you have no choice" "Fuck your feelings" etc.


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