Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

45 197 | CNN election coverage, November 8, 2016, 'Voters: We don't like either one' +Trump wins Kentucky, Indiana

The mockery is thick.

197 is the 45th prime, and this is a race to be the 45th President.

Also, here's MSNBC and Fox News.


  1. Its over folks. First three states have been called with electoral votes

    Trump 19 Hillary 3
    193 the 44th prime

    Landslide = 44
    forty four = 144
    Hillary Rodham = 144

    Good night All

    1. I see that trump is winning right now according to cnn but the elite didn't select him to win. That's what people can't see.

    2. It seems like the loser always gets the early lead in these rigged elections.

    3. The way the results are running, he's gonna win the popular vote regardless of electoral votes which is gonna cause a problem hopefully, people need to revolt regardless of who wins, and if one loses by electoral only, it's gonna be hilarious lol.

    4. Represents the colts coming back after a 3-5 start.

    5. I am saying this is good for Clinton not Trump

    6. ATL is beating Cleveland. Georgia = 44

    7. I mean we did just watch a 3-1 comeback twice in the NBA and then again in the WS. This has already been posted but maybe a late comeback win for Hillary.

    8. yeah look at all the comebacks we've had: Cavs, Cubs who both have connections to Hillary. Clinton is going to come back and win with one or two states remaining.

    9. That's just it Trump is the underdog, 2 weeks ago it was landslide for hillary.

  2. I see a serious parallel right order to win the election trump/Hilary needs 270 to win, ironically in the nfl the London game Washington Cincinnati Bengals tied 27 27 on October 30 4 days after hillary Clinton bornday

    1. Nice. The 270th prime is 1733. The first Freemasons Lodge in America was opened in 1733, on July 30th.


  3. is trump really going to win? with all the tributes for hillary? i thought this one was on lock for clinton... kinda in shock right now...

    1. Don't worry just watch how it plays out towards the end.

    2. you would think after watching the cavaliers and cubs come from 3-1 down i would have a little more faith...

    3. don't forget the Warriors comeback over Thunder as well. We saw 3 huge comebacks which rarely happen let alone in the same year lol probably means something.

  4. It's gonna be close, she still is likely to win but it's clear they don't want it to be a landslide it would be too obvious.

  5. hahaha. wow.

    Hawks 110 - (President - 110)
    Cavs 106 - (Prophecy)

    Trump started his presidential campaign in the QL Arena. Cavs loves with the prophecy number, trump loses election.

    The elections always going to be close, election day has turned into a marketing gimmick now a days. It has to be exciting the scripts still the same, hillary wins.

  6. I don't know betting odds are updated. Trump is the favorite now

    1. Betiing odds ha ha. You can't put actual money down anywhere.

  7. Wow wtf is happening? Trump pulling out an upset? That doesn't make sense with any of the Hillary coding. I guess they script this just like a game to have excitement or something.

    1. Hillary will comeback just like cubs.

    2. Possibly she is sacrificed for the cubs everyone here thought both her and the cubs would win, if he holds NC/FL and takes either VA/WI/Mi he's the next president of the country.

    3. yeah, i thought she would win florida... the ONLY thing that is giving me hope is they KEEP saying that the key swing states are too close to call... and the mountain of tributes and evidence that we know about... and there goes ohio... wow...
      but as of right now, it really does not look good for clinton...

    4. Both Michigan teams in COllege football are winning right now if that means anything.

    5. Big blue? Colors of the Democratic Party? The election is coming down to Michigan. Notice how the west coast is all decided, but they still don't have the votes in in Michigan or Wisconsin. It's all for ratings and excitement. CNN has been doing the most psychotic coverage I could ever imagine for more than an hour, with a man nonsensically touching different spots on the map and reporting percentages at the moment.... as if that is meaningful information.

  8. California hasn't even come in. Once it does, Clinton will get the lead, and not look back.

  9. Hillary will steal the election just like arrogate did at the breeders cup classic.

  10. The Hawks just won over the Cleveland just like the Cubs did in the WS.

    1. Oh, Atlanta Georgia?

      Georgia = 44

      Another 44 for the Trumpsters.

  11. I think we live in a choose your own adventure book. This is an illusion of choice and they have a narrative written for either outcome. They take the pulse of the people and see what the people will buy in on the easiest and that's the book they choose to go with. We don't write shit..they just manipulate us and then steer us whichever direction works best. Trump may well end up winning just because they know so many people hate Hillary and the people will respond thinking they won...all the while they are just driving the boat off of a different cliff. Freemasons are the "builders of freedom"...Trump is a builder of buildings and followers. It's an american dream come true. Anyone that thinks he's not one of them is dumber than a box of rocks.

    1. i don't think so... they don't take the pulse of anything... they do whatever the fuck they want to do... they give no fucks about the people... whatever happens has been planned for a long time... its not going to change... for any reason...

    2. Great analogy -- our scripted adventures come complete with unexpected plot turns -- just to keep us on the edge of our seats ... lapping up all the LLUSION we're Presented. ;D

    3. Either way, if they need to garner the support of the people then we will just have another "terrorist attack" just like Pearl Harbor and 911. Living in America is a psyop. It's continual. We can never really know...they keep us all so damn confused. It's maddening...literally.

    4. Butler, I like it, I'll keep an eye on you.

    5. Thank you, Zach. People sure are talking about this -- & we're lucky to have a place we can do so. We'll purge some bile from our systems ... & then tomorrow, be able to go back to living our lives -- free of the rage-inducing psychosis that provokes people to REACT. Well ... MOSTLY "free" if it, anyway ... Lol.

      Suddenly I've discovered the plus side to my windy posts -- I can spot 'em -- & find any replies ... at a glance! Hahaha!!

    6. It's really telling that it looks like it is going to come down to Michigan. Now I've really got my eye on Michigan Ave. and the Mag Mile.
      Funny Mfsyy that you mention Legos...I totally agree with you. AND...the Water Tower shopping center at the Magnificent Mile not only is the location of the Macy's, but also of the Lego store. I was just looking at that last night. Lego=39/21 And it's an anagram for Goel which is a Hebrew word.

      Goel (the Go’el HaDahm) is a Hebrew term which comes from the word lig'ol ("to redeem"), hence meaning "redeemer", which in the Hebrew Bible and the rabbinical tradition denotes a person who as the nearest relative of another is charged with the duty of restoring the rights of another and avenging his wrongs. English-language translations of the Bible generally refer to a goel as an "avenger of blood".[1]

      Just interesting. I have been studying Hebrew a little lately. Crazy where this path will take you...

    7. Butler -- thanks for the fascinating info! Seems like we really are somehow "connected" -- because I too, have been taking spells of learning Hebrew. Weird huh? The Go'el HaDahm & lig'ol are getting added to my notes.
      You might be interested in some videos I've saved about Hebrew & Koine Greek. Just look up That MFSYY on YouTube, & that playlist will probably be the first thing to come up.

      You're REALLY on to something with The Water Tower in Chicago! I had to look it up -- 74 floors ... built in '76 ... & it definitely looks "ripe for the picking".
      Check out my post under "The dwindling white vote ..." -- & in the top photo, zoom in on the "Reflections" in the windows of the 4 Dryers on the Right. I see a depiction of a tall building falling over ... but I incorrectly thought it might be the Willis Tower. Now I see that it ACTUALLY looks like Water Tower Place ... a LOT like it. I'm curious to know if you "see" this too.

      Totally amazing -- until your post, I'd never even heard of this building. Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts! This is what synchronicity & collaboration are all about ... Great Work, My Friend!! ;D :D

  12. Well im off to bad ill find out who is the president of this corporation tomorrow.

  13. Trump wins Ohio. There might be a "recount" at this point. Even with the West still to play

  14. Their fabricating this again, trumps doing better than expected but half these states he's winning have low percentage of votes counted, california yet to come in for clinton as well.

    Clinton will narrowly edge out trump and trump will start shouting about how the elections rigged again.

    Look at how many states hillarys at 47% on. President - 47.

    1. Trump calls for recount and is "assassinated" tomorrow...

      Lol imagine.



  16. I asked my tool uncle who's winning he said trump and he just won Ohio and Ohio has pick the last 3 presidents ..I smell another streak broken lol


  18. I just put $100 on clinton she's a +300 i win either way lol, i dont have to listen to her for 4 years or i win $300.

    1. Did the same caught it at +300 before it went down to +240 and my train of thought was the same.. I'll win either way

      She was at -300 the whole year up until today.

      We'll see what happens.

  19. Wow -- it HAS been a long time since I voted! Lol
    All I remember is the CURTAINED BOOTHS that ensured your vote was cast PRIVATELY.
    These pics blew me away -- looks like now, everything's pretty much done out in the open.

    Is this to feed DELUSIONS of "openness" & "transparency"?

    At least when they took great pains to make it FEEL Private, there was a sense that you were doing something IMPORTANT.
    THIS could just as well be people signing up for college classes ... which I guess is the intent --

    "Vote -- Because It's Your DUTY" ... but keep in mind that -- when all is said & done -- it'll have as much EFFECT as arguing with the Dept of Motor Vehicles ...

    1. I voted also, i felt that I cant bitch it's rigged if i dont vote, ik people say it's validating the lie but i wanted to vote on state props if nothing else.

    2. Actually I DIDN'T vote -- & should've made that more clear. I understand what you're saying though ... & people need to remember that there ARE a lot of State elections on the ballot too.

      I 100% support Everyone Making Their OWN Choice about whether or not to vote. There are as many reasons behind that Choice as there are people. Sometimes I actually MISS the days when I was younger & still held a starry-eyed faith in the system.

      But I think the Disillusionment that grows with age is nothing new. My grandmother used to say: "POLITICIANS are Old ... but POLITICS & WAR are For The Young." It took many decades before I fully understood the enormity of what she meant.

      One Positive Note: At the least, every election cycle STILL produces SOME people who will -- over time -- delve deeper into The System & concern themselves with it's Effect on Future Generations ... & their insights will serve as inspiration for those that follow.
      Overall, we're MUCH more Resilient than we've been led to believe ... & like all specks that blow through the winds of time -- this too shall pass.

      EVERYTHING Waxes & Wanes. Wax On ... Wax Off. It has ALWAYS been so. ;D

  20. And remember trump would be person #44, and in the simpsons clinton won after trump did, maybe she'll be next to still get the 87 symbolism. so bill was #42 and she would be 45th person, so that could be the riddle here if he holds on.

  21. yall are getting fooled. hilary is winning 110% dont let the fake numbers fool ya. she was chosen a long long time ago. extracapsa covers it all very well

    1. i have to admire your stick–to–itiveness... but its not looking good...

  22. they turned the voting process into fantasy football

  23. I feel like I'm watching drafted day right now

  24. Trump at "187"

    Homicide code in California

  25. Like I have been saying all month, Wisconsin will be the dark horse swing state. Hold the ice, I'm pouring drinks, stiff ones.

    Wisconsin = 44
    Eats the 44th parallel.
    Doesn't everyone here preach Freemasonry rule?

    1. 44th person as president. Green Bay Packers just went to 4-4, against the chosen colts, now it all makes sense..

      Numbers are a matrix. We are in the numbers. Use your reasoning to understand that this is another Underdog winning. Cavs, Cubs both down 1-3 now the freemason squeeze.

    2. The Milwaukee Bucks are about to go to 4-4.

    3. The bucks went 3-3 in the preseason, too. I just lay out the coincidence.

  26. Fitting that wisconsin is the state thats going to decide this election.

    wisconsin - 44
    44th President.

    I still have Clinton taking this, who knew a political show could be so entertaining? Its almost like watching sports right?

    No one wants to watch a one sided election especially with two people that no one likes.

    1. I know, we were both slamming this out at the same time.

  27. What Fox said at 11:09 was a jumble of numbers for no reason at all. 54, 64, 16, 202

  28. America is about to have its first female president. Hillary came back from a 3-1 deficit lol jk.

  29. Replies
    1. i dont bet... not to sound like a newb but... what does that mean?

  30. Twitter is just a huge clusterf*** right now lol

  31. This is amazing lol, everyone acts like the world is gonna burn down if either is elected, both wont have an impact for a while, so it makes no difference, short-term, long-term is a different story.

  32. I can get Hillary Clinton at +1000 right now.

    1. i dont bet, what does that mean? i feel silly not knowing but... i thought i might as well ask...

    2. I'd take those odds and run with them

  33. ABC 7 just reported "flying the w" behind Krishnamoorthi... alluding to the cubs and this presidential election?

  34. This election goes out to Anthony Wiener

    Wiener = 74 EO
    Wiener = 444 ES

    No explanation needed.

  35. The odds are a joke i wouldnt go by them. Clinton was 1/12 to win 2 hours ago now trumps 1/33.

    Clintons just basically won back michi

  36. 'Trump wins' = 45 E.R

    45th President of the USA

    We will see, right?!?!?!

  37. Donald J Trump = 888
    Eight eight eight = 93

    Ignore what you will..

  38. Wow I'm shocked and speechless. Trump is going to be our next President. I guess they needed that for people to not think its rigged. Or to divide us more.

    1. Yeah, there was WAY more trump supporters than there was Hillary supporters.

  39. What Happens If the Electoral College Is Tied?

  40. It ain't over till the fat lady sings! Lol

  41. what time is the election supposed to end

  42. Donald trump is gonna win he has 264 electorial votes

  43. patriots are gonna definitely win it all now


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