Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

51 | Trump Surges, November 8, 2016, CNN's 9:30 PM PST headline

Federal = 51; Conspiracy = 51


  1. Trump on 244 votes. 122 is a divisor...

    1. Trump needs 26. Clinton needs 55. God #/Satan #

    2. President Elect Donald Trump =122. President Elect Trump Assassinated =122.

      Trump Surges =942. Victor =942.

    3. She won California with 55 electoral votes

  2. +4000 odds on Clinton. Still a chance.

  3. People are saying 11/9 might just be worse than 9/11

  4. Very interesting ..11/9. Vs 9/11... kinda fits with NWO agenda to create WWW III

  5. Zach, we really need to figure out how/why the gematria of Hillary winning was so wrong

    1. I agree Gregory. We are missing a crucial element, or the entire system is invalid.

    2. If Trump wins, the symbolism is revolutionary times, like Washington from the Revolutionary War. George Washington = 187; Numbers coded all over Trump's 18/7 GOP convention, 187 days before Inauguration Day.

    3. Trump was at 187 at one point in the votes. 187 is the homicide code in California. Hillary won California with 55 electoral votes

    4. Zach has covered both, it looked like Hillary had more narratives. Again, it's not exact science, but Zach is basically showing you how rigged it is, both ways. There is no discredit when Trump wins.

      I can see the trolls come back out after this election.

    5. And when trump does get elected and gets assassinated I'm going to fall out of my chair.

    6. Or he can get an illness and be "unfit" for the job lol

    7. Trump wont get assassinated (fake assassination) until September or October of 2018 at the earliest

    8. ^Fifty five being 108, and 108 degrees being the interior 5 angles of a pentagon; there being 5+5 angles.

  6. How can Trump win with all of this coding/programming for Hillary that has supposedly been in the works for decades? Unless I am overlooking a crucial variable value/facet of the gematria matrix, this is putting my faith in gematria as a system to decode our reality in jeopardy.

    For the two outcomes of an event, if there are so many signs and codes for both sides, and we can look back at every time we are wrong and justify it with what we apparently missed, will this chase just not go on forever? If this certainty of a Clinton election, based on the numbers was SO damn wrong, how can we truly know what is right going forward? How long can we continue getting it wrong and backtracking and pointing to what was the “right” gematria?

    I don't mean to antagonize, just a questioning mind looking for answers.

    1. You've never posted before. I've shown how Trump can win for more than a year. I just favored the evidence for Hillary. Too many people have this all or noting mentality. Wait until it's over. The entire thing is a psy-op.

    2. Judaic scholars recognize over 230+ various "forms" of Gematria, & they have been using them to decode their religious rexts for centuries. Even amongst the "originators", there is no single consensus over which is "right".

      Problems arise for many reasons:

      Foremost -- for us -- it's still a Work In Progress. Zach has stated many times that's he's learning as he goes -- as we all are. And none of us has the benefit of a study guide or Gematria elder to show us the way -- we're having to piece it together ... one day -- & one discovery ... at a time.

      Also -- there are various forms currently in use within our Media, etc. Different groups utilize their own specific variant -- & sometimes combinations of them. (Such as Bacon, Pythagorean/Simple, Jewish, English, etc.) Even the Mormons have THEIR own system.

      The Judaic scholars have been arguing over differing interpretations for centuries - especially since virtually ALL of their systems were Devised long AFTER the religious texts were written ... yet each one declares they are THE "Right One". Still others insist that the Gematria encoded in the Torah, etc. was lost long ago. So you see -- "disagreement over outcomes" is nothing new.

      It's important to remember HOW & WHY Gematria is being used (in the context that Zach addresses).
      It is a SECRET CODE ... & as such ... it was DESIGNED TO CONFUSE.
      Even the most brilliant cryptographers in the world aren't "right" 100% of the time.
      Hope this helps clear up some confusion ... :D

    3. Well said. You know how powerful this language would be if it were that easy to decipher?

    4. Yes I've only lurked here the last few months but hopefully I can contribute going forward.

      You're right, I'm still very new to this and have fallen subject to this all-or-nothing mentality. There just seemed to be so much in-your-face coding for Clinton that it seemed as sure of a lock as there could be in this numbers reality we are trying to decipher. However, if there are so many angles to each side, at what point in our decoding process can we definitely say "Aha! that's what tips the scales in favor of one outcome"?

      I will take this as a big lesson going forward. Thanks for all your work Zach.

    5. Thank you everyone for your input, especially for that perspective That Mfsyy. I'm just suffering from a bit of numbers fatigue and the craziness of tonight's election.. Would not be able to find clarity throughout this without you guys.

    6. They like to create division and a Trump win creates a massive amount of that more than a Clinton win ever could. As an extra perk, they discredit truthseekers (who believe this is rigged). The narrative on CNN is that the people have risen up to tell the establishment 'no more.' That's total BS. It's barely a 51% victory. All I see is division and the projected winner being the same guy who said the election is rigged. It's laughable.

    7. I believe it is as simple as Zach wanted Hillary to win so he was pushing her hard. Maybe the gematria has actual power to make the future come to pass. But no way this time for Hillary.

    8. Don't underestimate their power to create controlled opposition. They run multiple narratives to keep us confused. But I think the more we all work together on this stuff...we are getting better at cracking through their bullshit. They ran a pretty hard narrative on both sides of this one...the biggest take away for me is that it's ALL bullshit. Don't get too wrapped up in anything you hear on the news...they lie and then they lie about their lies...

    (all caps) = Bacon Gematria = ... 47 & 47 ... ("medium" reduced)**

    (Long) -- 46+44+47+39+42= 218 ... 45+47+44+33+31+45= 245 ... 218+245= 463

    **"Medium Reduced -- 10+8+11+12+6= *47*... 9+11+8+6+4+9= *47*... 47+47= 94

    (Short) Reduced -- 1+8+2+3+6= 20 ... 9+2+8+6+4+9= 38 ... 20+38= 58

    Trump's ... "PILLARS" of ... 47 ... to SUPPORT ... the "CENTRAL FIGURE" ... ??

    PILLARS -- (Pythagorean/Simple) = ... 87 ... & ... 33

    CENTRAL FIGURE -- (Pyth/Simple) = ... 139 ... & ... ** 67 **

    ** 67 ** = "The Perfect Age To Be President" ... & ... Hillary's Age ... (!!)

    I see this as telegraphing that:

    TrumpS Surge ... (same as Trump SurgeS -- just move the S) ...
    & -- His PILLARS of 47 ... (& whatever ELSE those 47's may eventually mean ...)

    WILL Serve to Support The CENTRAL FIGURE -- The 67 -- of President Hillary ...

    Who will be elected by the Electoral College.
    (Via code) ... Trump represents: the Basis of, or Foundation Behind -- Her Election.

    At 67, Hillary ... IS the ... CENTRAL FIGURE ... ;D :D

  8. The gematria of Hillary winning wasn't wrong. The people fought the gang and won. Hopefully we can make this a trend.

  9. Never thought he would actually win.

  10. Designated Survivor series just showed a preview of an attempted assassination of the president. Lmao what a joke

  11. Replies
    1. No she isn't. I believe but it isn't happening.

  12. Infowars predicted Trump. Here comes the collapse of the US dollar.

  13. Wonder if this ties into the MNF game in Mexico in a couple weeks.

  14. lol John just basically conceded. Told them to go home.

  15. Everyone...

    Tomorrow is 119, the inverse of 911

    That's the reason for the delay

    1. Trump will be 16 years from Bush, 8&8, so 9/11 2017 will be interesting, as 110 days later will be 88 years since 1933.

  16. Folks we are being dupped look at the NBA finals, MLB WS, NHL all series are 3-1 to build the hype and lead the nation to believe one sidr is going to win only to see and reverse and shock the nation with opposite results, i tuned in this evening thinking Hillary will win but now the numbers are siding with trump but folks if anything these threads have tought us is its not over till the big lady sings...and hillary can still very well carry the tunes of this nation...stay tune all and i hope this comment finds you well Zach

  17. Zach,

    You said something about 218.
    Clinton is at 218 at the moment

  18. Not... Anybody factor in the "17 Min Delay". And the fact that the series went into Overtime... The tenth inning...

    This was just an announcement that regardless, they are "not conceding"

  19. Stop and frisk is coming .. The trumpet has been sounded


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