Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

54 93 175 226 | Matthew Broderick, Ferris Bueller's Day Off, and the 2016 Cubs-Indians World Series

3/21/1962 = 3+21+19+62 = 105 (Zionism) (Masonry) (Indians going for 105th win of season)
3/21/1962 = 3+21+(1+9+6+2) = 42 (Freemason) (Zionism)
3/21/1962 = 3+2+1+1+9+6+2 = 24
3/21/62 = 3+21+62 = 86 (Symbol) (Triangle) (Pyramid) (Film came out in '86) (19+86 = 105)

This is unreal.  Ferris Bueller's Day Off is connected to the 2016 World Series.  Thank you Dan Berhendt!

Now let me expand.

First the title of the film.

From Matthew Broderick's 54th birthday, to today's Game 7 is 226-days.  '54' is that baseball number, and '54' is also that 'SUN' number.  They say the Sun is 93-million miles away.  Let me show you how '93' connects to '226' in just a moment.

Think about the '93 WTC bombing, on 2/26, when Hillary Clinton was First Lady.  Think about the parallels between the WTCs and the Sears Tower in Chicago, which is 108-stories tall.

Think about how Game Six just ended 9-3, on November 1, or 11/1.  New York = 111

Matthew Broderick was born March 21, or 21/3, in New York.  Not by coincidence, today is also the 213th day of the 2016 MLB Season.  Nimrod = 213 (Jewish Gematria)

'213' connects to the original Freemason, Nimrod.

As for the name of the actor, Matthew Broderick, his name also connects to '93'.

Remember, on September 11, it was Flight 175 that hit the WTCs second, the buildings that had been bombed in '93.

Also interesting, he was married in 1997, to Sarah Jessica Parker.  That was the year the Cleveland Indians lost in the World Series to the Florida Marlins.

Jewish = 74; Masonic = 74; Occult = 74; NYC on 74th Meridian (Sex and the City)

Also, the name Broderick has a parallel to '108'.

The name Broderick also connects to the date of Game 7, November 2, 2016.

11/2/2016 = 11+2+20+16 = 49

The name Ferris Bueller also connects to 'Cleveland'.

Ferris Bueller = 69/78/150
Cleveland = 33/51/78

Notice the film is 103 minutes.  The Cubs won 103-games this year.

Again, the city of Cleveland was "cursed" until this summer, when LeBron broke, on the real King James's birthday, June 19, 2016.  Doesn't it make sense for the Cubs to break the curse against the formerly cursed team?

LeBron = 66; Curse = 66; World Series = 66
LeBron James = 114 (If the Cubs win, it will be their 114th of the season)


  1. I got a notification from YouTube for a recommended and "trending" video, so I clicked on it. It was named "World Series tied 3-3 after Cubs win 9-3" and it had 444 views, 17 likes, and 4 dislikes. I'm sure YouTube wanted me to see the numbers 33,93,74,47,and 44. Is 444 significant?

    1. Use the search bar in the top left. Search for the number '444' or '93' or a subject you're interested in. There is three years worth of information on this blog.

    2. Ahh...444 and 74 are connected. Masonic, Jewish, and Killing all = 74/444

    3. GEMATRIA =74,444,233

      Bueller =332.

      Ferris =75. Bueller =75. World Series =57.

      Ferris =270,450. CUBS =270,45. Bueller =450.

      Game Seven =37,91. Chicago=37. Chicago Cubs =91. Cubs Win=91.

  2. This post and Dan's video are uncanny. Btw

    Search=54, 187

    Research=77, 272

    Great stuff, Z.

    1. And I swear YT has it our for Dan. I never get notifications for him, and I have been booted from his subs twice. I don't think he would do that, so...

    2. I agree, i got unsubed from him as well

  3. FS1 played the 'chick chick ah' track from the movie last night during the game ...

  4. world series moved up due to rain

  5. I immediately remember Len Bias connects to 213. This movie released June 11, 1986. Len Bias died in Riverdale Park, MD June 19, 1986.

    riverdale park, MD = 157. 157 is the 37th Prime
    Maryland = 88 (Circles & Cycles) - Kluber's ERA 3.14 and 227 Strikeouts, Pi. Twenty two divided by seven = 314
    Maryland = 34 - Game 7, 3-4 or 4-3

    More 213 connects this year. Hendricks - 2.13 ERA.

    Chicago = 37
    Game Seven = 37
    Game Seven = 91
    Hendricks = 91
    Kyle Hendricks = 144

    1. Brian Tribble supplied Len Bias the drugs that supposedly killed him.

      Brian Tribble = 112

    2. Just for anagram fun his name can say Tribe Liar with BBN left.

  6. Unrelated but the movie 'Little Giants'=501,888,148,49,841.Just came on and I begun to do a little research. 106 minutes running time.Its set in Urbania,=66,30,396,453,333. Then the clock goes forward 30 years, 30 years ago was 67th NFL season,1986-87. Giants won the superbowl 39-20 over the Broncos. Also defeated the Redskins in the NFL championship 17-0. There was two tie games that year. Colts went 3-13, Vikings 9-7, Houston Oilers 5-11. They end up beating the Cowboys on a 99 yard play, called 'the annexation of Puerto Rico' =311,131.Based on a play from John Madden in Superbowl 11, Who made an appearance in that movie. Superbowl 11 was Maddens Raiders versus the Vikings. The Vikings went 11-2-1 that year and lost 32-14,was Last year of the purple people eaters domination. Was the earliest superbowl in the year to date 1/9/77 and last to finish under daylight. The first td that game was from #87 Dave casper,=40 he finished 4-70-1 td. He was born in MN. He has the most tds in a single postseason for a TE with 5. Before playing the Vikings they played the Baltimore Colts where he went 4-70-3 tds. Eventually he was traded to the Oilers then traded to MN with Archie. Disneys 'It's a small world' =52 played at that halftime show. I did learn something interesting I didn't know as the the Vikings never scored in the first half of any of there 4 superbowls.

    1. That is good stuff.

      Go google the girl from Little Giants now.

  7. Zach, I noticed this movie yesterday 'Against All Odds,' not sure if it's something you would've watched. A love story of sorts but based on American Football with a match fixing undertone, very much about corruption, gangsters etc.
    Running time 128 mins
    Rating 5.9 (Could read 59?)
    Released March 2nd 1984

    In the movie Jeff Bridges wears a big 87 on his shirt.
    I've put the numbers and name of the movie through your search and through the gematria calculator, not sure I have the 'eyes' like you. Anyway, given the title of the film, I wondered if you could see more in it, cheers.

  8. Check it to thinking about Ferris and looked up the history of the word and this is really wild. First, Ferris=39. Now look who invented the "Ferris Wheel" and built the first one for the 1893 Chicago World's Columbian Exposition!

    George Washington Ferris Jr. Died on 11/22/1896 There's an 11/22 again. I will read about it more tomorrow...but I had to share this right quick! Crazy interesting the overlaps and so obvious that it's tied in not only with the movie...but everything else as well. Look at the specs on that Ferris Wheel. The Ferris Wheel had 36 cars, each fitted with 40 revolving chairs and able to accommodate up to 60 people, giving a total capacity of 2,160 <---216 again...just wow.


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