Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, November 18, 2016

42 55 88 187 | Donald Trump's 3 latest appointments, all born in December, Jeff Sessions, Mike Pompeo & Mike Flynn (All Washington Insiders)

In the CNN clip, listen to Michael Flynn compare Donald Trump to 'George Washington'.

George Washington = 88/97/187 (Trump = 88) (187-days from July 18 to January 20, 2017)

July 18, or 18/7, the start of the GOP Convention in "Cleave the land", to Inauguration Day, January 20, 2017, is 187-days.

The headline has familiar coding.

Today's date has relevant numerology for these big decisions.  In non-leap-years, today is the 322nd day of the year.

11/18/2016 = 11+18+20+16 = 65 (Fordham = 65) (Knights Templar = 65)
11/18/2016 = 11+18+(2+0+1+6) = 38 (Masonic) (Jewish)
11/18/2016 = 1+1+1+8+2+0+1+6 = 20
11/18/16 = 11+18+16 = 45 (Election of 45th President)
11/18 = 11+18 = 29 (29, 10th prime number) (Senator = 29/92) (Sessions = 29/65/119)

Today is the day leaving 43-days left in the year.  The phrase "civil war" is being used in discussing these picks in the media.

Civil War = 43; Charleston = 43 (Where Civil War began)

Let us begin with "Jeff Sessions", a real "outsider".  Keep in mind Donald Trump was in the 47-story Midtown Hilton Hotel, November 8 and 9, 2016.

President = 47 (7, the 4th prime number)

Of course, Jeff Sessions is a Republican.  In case you were not aware, the majority of Presidents in this country have been Republican / Whig.  And if you did not know, the Whig Party became the Republican Party.

With the 's-exception', the name 'Jeff Sessions sums to '83', like 'National Security Team', or "The Donald".  Remember, 83 is the 23rd prime, and in 1993, 23-years ago, 'Cobain' predicted Trump would become the President.  Saturn = 93; 45, the sum of the Magic Square of Saturn

Let us look more at Jeff Sessions.  Jeff Sessions = 47/83

Here's another good one.

Notice he became a Senator in '96.  Freemason = 96

His full name connects with his nickname.  It also reminds me of our true rulers, and a hit TV show on HBO that has a lot to do with this actual world we live in.

His full birth name is Jefferson Beauregard Sessions III.

His first name also connects to '44', like 'military', and Trump being the 44th man to be President.

And isn't it funny Trump would go with a pro Iraq War guy after saying he thought the war was a mistake and proof of poor judgment, in Hillary?  People can't see the puppet show and the deception only because they choose not to.  Jeff Sessions is as much of a Washington insider as there is.

Notice Jeff was born on Christmas Eve.  Christmas Eve = 142; Forty-Two = 142
He was born the same year as Donald Trump, 1946.  Chaos = 46

12/24/1946 = 12+24+19+46 = 101
12/24/1946 = 12+24+(1+9+4+6) = 56 (President) (Rockefeller)
12/24/1946 = 1+2+2+4+1+9+4+6 = 29 (Senator = 29)
12/24/46 = 12+24+46 = 82 (Armageddon = 46/82)
12/24 = 12+24 = 36 (His birthday is 36-days from today, November 18)

Next up, Mike Pompeo, possibly taking over the CIA, who seems to be a November 8, 2016 election ornament.

118?  The election was November 8, or 11/8/2016.  That was a date with '55' numerology.

11/8/2016 = 11+8+20+16 = 55

You'll notice him and Jeff Sessions were both born in 'December', the month we celebrate 'Santa'.

And to see who is taking notes, do you remember the connection between 'Santa Claus' and the 'Easter Bunny'?  Recall, if you add the first 144 decimal points of Pi, it totals 666.

Michael Richard Pompeo = 111/192

He has the right initials for the job as well.  MRP = 13+18+16 = 47 (Authority = 47)

His initials and name Mike also tie with 'Kansas', where he is a "representative".

MP = 13+16 = 29; Kansas = 11/29/38/65

Kansas was the last state to join the union before the Civil War.

Notice Mike Pompeo was born the year JFK was assassinated.  Eight days before his birth, December 22, 1963, the 33rd President, Truman, wrote an op-ed, saying it was time to dismantle the CIA.  That was in response to the death of JFK, November 22, 1963.

11/22/1963 = 11+22+(1+9+6+3) = 52 (Mike Pompeo's age) (Prophecy = 52)

Tea Party = 34/106 (Prophecy = 52/106)

Let us decode his birthday as well.

12/30/1963 = 12+30+19+63 = 124
12/30/1963 = 12+30+(1+9+6+3) = 61
12/30/1963 = 1+2+3+0+1+9+6+3 = 25
12/30/63 = 12+30+63 = 105
12/30 = 12+30 = 42 (Freemason = 42)

The other name is Michael Flynn, who was introduced last night.

Michael Thomas Flynn = 81/90/198 (Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn = 81)

Notice he is also born in December.  December = 55 (Satan = 55)

It's probably just a coincidence that all three of these men were born in December, eh?  The only thing that could really be coincidence here, is two of them being called 'Mike'.  There are a lot of Michael's in this world.

January 20, 2017 will also be a fitting date for a 'Mike' to take office.

1/20/17 = 1+20+17 = 38 (Mike) (Masonic) (Jewish) (Gematria) (English) (Jew)
1/20/2017 = 1+20+20+17 = 58 (58th Election)

Again, in the video, Michael Flynn referred to Donald Trump as the most important election since George Washington.  George Washington died in December.

12/14/1799 = 12+14+17+99 = 142 (Forty-Two = 142) (Washington, 42nd State)

Think about how the 'purple' Washington Huskies are doing well this year.

Also, in the time of December, is Saturnalia, the ancient Roman Festival.  Recall, Donald Trump's selection as President has much to do with Saturn, including him being the '45th' President of the United States, which is the sum of the Magic Square of Saturn.

Saturnalia = 35/44/116

Let us also not forget that Donald Trump has the same birthday as the flag and the Army.


  1. Saturnalia, celebrated from Dec. 17th, to Dec. 23rd. 'Saturnalia' = 696 in Standard. Inversion of 969, speed of Saturn.

  2. "Trumps Right Turn" = 242
    "Global Thermal Nuclear War" = 242

    If we write that number out:
    "Two Hundred Forty Two" = 94
    "Donald Trump Sacrifice" = 94
    "Terror" = 94

    "Terror in United States" = 94 & 274
    "Two Hundred Forty Two" = 94 & 274
    "Trumps Right Turn" = 242

    "Murder President Elect Trump" = 322
    "Military Industrial Complex" = 322
    Skull and Bones uses 322

  3. The opposite of revolution, besides government, is

    Domination=114, 333

  4. Well, George Washington wore a powdered wig and Trump's hair looks like some sort of a costume wig and they both like to scowl.
    I think the over-the-top hair and orange makeup probably makes it easy to have a number of actors play the character of Trump. Browsing through all of his TV and movie gigs, books, commercials, and various PR appearances for his brands, you've got to wonder when he had time to do any actual business.
    I really doubt hes a billionaire, maybe he has a some money, but I think he's mostly a character.


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