Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, November 2, 2016

78 86 87 | Chicago Cubs Win Game 7 of World Series 8-7, the Hillary Clinton tribute, November 2, 2016

Ohio, the 17th State

8-7, eh?  What did I say about a tribute to Hillary Clinton and the election?

Recall, in 1997, the Cleveland Indians were eliminated in Game 7, October 26, 1997, Hillary Clinton's 50th birthday.  This year, on October 26, 2016, the Cubs earned their first win against the Cleveland Indians, in Game 2, evening the series at 1-1.

The script is in.  Hillary will be your 45th President.  Remember, Bill was #42.

45+42 = 87
Clinton = 87; Voting = 87
*Hillary Clinton is from Chicago, and a Chicago Cubs fan

Also, just before the score was 8-7, it was 8-6.  Let us not forget that Red Sox recently broke their curse of 86-years, with Theo Epstein as their manager.  Theo Epstein is the current manager of the Chicago Cubs.

Notice the Cubs had 39 at-bats again.

Ten = 20+5+14 = 39

Notice the Cubs also had '13' hits.  13x3 = 39

Chicago Cubs = 91 (1 through 13 summed, totals 91)

The Jewish faith goes by the 39 Books in the Old Testament.  Again, WSJ said the Cubs were the team of the 'Jews'.  Jews = 57; World Series = 57

Notice Hendricks threw 63 pitches, again, when you sum 1-63, it totals 2016.

Notice Kluber threw 57.  World Series = 57


  1. Good job Zach. Another predicted outcome by you. Keep it up!

  2. Zach, slaying the trolls again, cutting through the scripted bullshit with a sabre of truth! Next stop, DC!

  3. 87 sum of divisors is 120.

    Illuminati 120

  4. Nice job zach. You did it again. Good gematria show tonight i was tuned in. I think your NY Giants prediction will be right too.

  5. I have to admit, that was an amazing call of 7 games to the Cubs before the series even began.

  6. Great work Zach, you should be honored for your work on this.

  7. Zach, the Chicago Tribune made an article called "Cubs win! Cubs win! Cubs win!". Link:

    Cubs win! = 3 + 21 + 2 + 19 + 23 + 9 + 14 = 91
    Chicago Cubs = 3 + 8 + 9 + 3 + 1 + 7 + 15 + 3 + 21 + 2 + 19 = 91

  8. Zach, you called it. Great work!

  9. Taking bets that the trolls will change their name to troll more. Biggest troll award Mike Manning. Hahahah

  10. great work by zach this will silence the trolls and critics

  11. it also ended on 11/3 in Cleveland (EST) from 11/3 to inauguration day is 78 days, (clinton=87)

    From @gematriaclub:
    Ben Zobrist=780. Jon Lester=708. Cleveland=78
    Final Score 8-7

    78/87 connections were strong tonight.

  12. Well done sir. Now if only the sleeping mass would be able to realize how scripted our world truly is. The research and evidence Zach has been able to unveil is undeniable.

  13. Nike Ad which ran after the win:

    Goodbye Someday
    Gematria Jewish 1098
    Gematria Reduction 65
    Gematria Summerian 930
    Gematria Ordinal 155
    Gematria English 1748

    Parade in Chicago is on Friday.

    November 4, 2016
    1 + 1 + 4 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 15
    11 + 4 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 24
    11 + 4 + 20 + 16 = 51
    11 + 4 + 16 = 31

    November 4 is the 309th day of the year with 57 days remaining.

  14. Here is interesting article about the history of the W flag.

    Gematria Jewish 900
    Gematria Reduction 5
    Gematria Summerian 138
    Gematria Ordinal 23
    Gematria English 500

    Gematria Jewish 949
    Gematria Reduction 19
    Gematria Summerian 276
    Gematria Ordinal 46
    Gematria English 559

    Fly the W
    Gematria Jewish 1439
    Gematria Reduction 36
    Gematria Summerian 594
    Gematria Ordinal 99
    Gematria English 1449


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