Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, November 3, 2016

A confused religious person's response to my World Series Game 7 preview

Doesn't the Jesus crowd really sell it?


  1. I'll take my chances and try to figure it out...thanks padre.

  2. I would argue clearly seen based on the fact that the players have no idea what's going on LOL SMH

  3. Some people were meant to lay down and ask for salvation. I'm pretty sure my DNA won't allow me to do that. Everything that gives you knowledge is considered d'evil - I never bought that lie.

  4. Zach, I came up with a gematria table of the 50 states. LOTS of interesting connections laid out in an easy to read format. State names, capital cities, mottoes, etc. I didn't know what it would look like or reveal when I started, but the patterns are coming through.

    1. Awesome work Tal, I started with the 50 states and always wanted to do the capital cities! Brilliant! Much appreciated!

  5. Lol. No thanks guy, you all go fight the good fight, I'll be here waiting for Jesus.

  6. Im not holding hands singing spiritual songs WAITING for HELP BRO,,, LIKE I said b4 I go back an fourth with old folks in my building over politics political beliefs its no use there are totally brain washed

  7. I admit that this has become a bit of an addiction since I've gotten into it, and sometimes I do feel like all of us overthink shit, BUT there's no doubt that the majority of numbers we see presented to us, are not random chance.

  8. Gematria rarely works in sports - especially the so-called 'simple English Gematria', which is a copy of the Hebrew and the OLD Latin code from XVI c. that we put it on our website [more accurate than everything else -]. I made ALL my Sports predictions in the last few months (posted on the website) without using FULLY Gematria, and my record is quite excellent, over 75% winners - in any event, soccer is much easier to predict than baseball, even NBA (they have been wild this year!) - here it is soccer-easy my take on today's games:

    , and you do not have to wait the entire year to pick odds of 3:1 for the Favorites, and kind of "sh. in your pants" until the last at Bat to see whether you won or you LOST...This kind of "proposition" is simply pathetic, to be honest...

    1. Well, quit coming here and promoting your own pathetic sports prediction gematria site. Go sell some Gold.

  9. Numbers are the other half of the story the letters tell. Personally I think we were given a brain in order to learn how to use it. The bible is all parables and poetry, highly open to individual interpretation (as it was designed to be I'm sure) but most Christians take it literally as they've been told to by the Church.

    Unquestioning Obedience is a highly valued trait in dogs.

    1. Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth. The Bible is actually about your mind.

    2. Took me forever to see that! I blame Catholicism mostly, but thankful I had people around me that were very spiritual.

  10. I used to be a stage manager for Justin timberlake Britney Spears and others I worked in the illuminati imusic industry for 18 plus years you can go on you tube and put in ex stage manager for the illuminati music industry speaks out for an interveiw I've done recently that goes over what's realy going on I used to follow this page all the time and have commented several times under my real name Mac cook. But since my experience of being cured instantly of drug addictions and back problems and other issues by the one you want to deny Jesus Christ and if anyone knows about opiate addiction you know it's impossible to do without withdrawals everyone I know that came off opiates is on methodone or falls back to addiction. This is important to understand that one minute I was a drug addict about to go thru withdrawals and detox the next I was hit by a force that put me on my face then got to my knees and was thanking Jesus totally fine no withdrawals and no desire for the drugs that had me bound for years I was set free. A miricle that has blown my mind ever since that was 8 months ago and I thank him everyday for doing it. So why am I writing this well science 2001 I was just like all of you seeing all the lies and evil in our government which really came to a head about a year ago and made me cry out to whatever was in charge of this place if there was any good force to show itself and tell me the truth about this place and if there was a god to prove it well man did he. One touch of his power freed me from the bondage of this place and proved God is real. So now I'm not gonna preach or try to sell you people anything what I am gonna do is challenge you you call yourselves truthers and you are on to part of the truth what your seeing in the gematria is the code of satans matrix that we are all trapped in. But if you think that all these people or sports stars are perfectly scripting all these scenarios and games your nuts it would be impossible to make sure all went perfect to line up all that code time and time again not to mention not have one person or player blow the whistle on the fixing. If you want to finally see the truth study the demonic realm what he the interveiw I mentioned it will get you started there is tons of good info out there on demons and how they operate ( Chris lasala) (house of healing Arizona) (them that belive) you tube channels to name a few. If you start to understand that there is a spirit realm that controls this physical realm then the big picture becomes clear of what all this code in all our lives really is . So I challenge you. To be the truthers you say you are and reasearch it don't just dismiss it because I mentioned Jesus and see what you find. One last thing I've seen what satan has planned for us 6 billion hollow points, martial law (wall mart ) get it. Just look at the election setup. Not to mention all the weapons you don't know about. Then research the d wave computer. CERN and the like and if you still think your going to make it on your own strength your fooling yourselves what is coming is a buzz saw of epic proportions and they are about to pull the trigger. So I for one have no problem admitting I need a savior and if you admit the truth to yourselves that you have no chance against what's coming them maybe you'll cry out to Jesus even if you just ask him to prove he's real and see what happens. I pray he opens your eyes before its to late.

    Mac cook


      Not telling people what to believe but here's interesting evidence. Click the video

    2. Thanks for the post Mac. As closely as I follow gematria, I also understand that it is the result of humans working alongside with, not independent of, the dark side of the matrix. Unfortunately, these differences of perspective are enough to separate parts of the community, which damages our collective ability to grow and learn, both spiritually and intellectually.

      The more I learn, the clearer it becomes that those in power simply possess a chunk of knowledge about the workings of our reality that they never shared with us.

      Some athletes are definitely in on game-rigging, but I doubt it's even close to being everyone. These guys tend to go broke right after retirement. Why would they all keep their lips sealed when they're no longer benefiting?

      I just think it's more prudent for us all to proceed as if we don't know exactly what's happening until we do. Because we might not ever find out.

    3. I was born a Catholic but during my life of 52 I have fallen away from the church, (maybe I didn't take it seriously enough) because something just didn't feel true.Ever since I found Gematria,Zach,false flags,Manela effect,Cern,rigged elections, etc. it has brought me closer to God. At least it made me realize that there has to be a higher power.I am just trying to find the truth before it's too late.

    4. Thanks Woken, I meant to allude to the fact that all this knowledge has also brought me more spiritual enlightenment as well. Because NOW this all makes sense. It made none before.

  11. I think of Jesus as a character personifying Hope. His torture and death on the cross is symbolic of how awful it feels when the world is tying you down and trampling on your dreams of something better. His resurrection is the story of Human Hope and Optimism and how it can survive even in the most hopeless of situations.
    That's my interpretation anyway.

  12. What exactly is the objection to what was posted there by Scott Wasinski? Zach, this is your blog and you're free to moderate as you see fit, but like Alex Jones you can't go around proclaiming your devotion to truth-seeking no matter the cost, no matter where it takes you, and then mock those who suggest alternative approaches or explanations to the truth. You don't have that monopoly. What Wasinski posted in any event didn't contradict your findings; he merely suggested that people's energies could be properly spent elsewhere. Why you single out that post of his versus the hundreds of other postings outright refuting the correlations you point out is odd and belies your claim to absolute dedication to truth. Is this blog truly dedicated to exposing lies or is it an indoctrination program?

    1. Hello, I'm curious about your comment. I don't see where any comment at all was ever in this conversation thread by a gentlemen with that name of Scott Wasinski. I'll often see where a comment was written but later taken down and if memory serves me correctly, it will say it was either taken down by the author or the administrator. WAS his comment under his name Scott or a screen name? I'M just curious because I don't know that I've ever seen Zach remove a comment. Thank you ahead of time.

    2. Great most MC...we need to be more open to acknowledging a spiritual realm. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to immediately accept Jesus and start reading the Bible front to back.

      I encourage everyone to review the double-slit experiment. Light photons behave differently when being watched. I repeat...PHOTONS behave DIFFERENTLY when being WATCHED. Think about that. What does that tell us about our understanding of reality?

      Point is, there's something far greater at work. Yes, humans are using numbers to tell stories, to communicate with each other, and to pay tribute. But the numbers of great significance weren't just decided on - they were arrived at.

    3. Tim, he's referring to the Facebook comment in the original blog post.

    4. The double slit experiment reminds of an article I read about MTVs The Real World a show created with kickstarting the reality show phenomenom. The author made the point that only the first season could be considered as "real" because once the show aired it gave the nation a kind of blueprint about how a reality show character is supposed to be so people will be unconsciously mimicking these stereotypes for every show that followed.
      We learn from copying others, I think that's what they mean when they say man evolved from apes. It's a joke.

    5. It's a great observation. There is no such thing as reality on TV, because knowing you're being watched changes what reality is.

  13. I try not to get into the whole religious aspect of life. However, even if they are secretly worshipping Satan I feel like I'd rather see a nation going to church together,dressing nice, and decoding the bible and living the way Jesus preached even if it's bullshit. Rather than a nation full of violence, hate, fags, watching garbage media entertainment TV which promotes those exact things. I went to church this past summer to see what they were up too and it's truly sickening,they had commercials. Every show,song,movie these days shows cheating,sex,yelling, dumb ass jokes,narcissism, over and over. Its sick, we could all probably work a few hours a day together and get alot accomplished for mother earth. Every show gotta have a fag in it too, and a woman in a position of charge,and the guy an idiot slob.. You know what, just fuck it,. WW3 right around the corner,this month, it will destroy the church for sure, most of the world.

  14. Zach check this out "But 2016 was the 108th year after their last title, and a baseball is sewn together with 108 stitches. This had to be the year."

    Also where is your original post of Cubs winning it all that you posted months ago?

  15. Hey Zach! I am the the co-host/producer of Off Planet Radio/TV. I have been following your work for quite a long time now. Would you be interested in being a guest on our show?I've been meaning to ask you for awhile. It would be a two hour feature. Let me know if you are interested. I can't find an email address for you.

    1. Yes, that would be an honor. You can email me at:

    2. Email sent. Hope to talk soon. :)

  16. The Bible is nothing more than a book of anthropomorphic characters re-telling the story of nature, the cycle and circles of the Summer and Winter, the cycle and circles of the Moon and Sun. Demons, devils, monsters... these things are not real. Stop being scared of your own shadow and leave Plato's allegory of the cave for good!

    1. I think the news is pretty much the same thing. Sports stars, celebrities, politicians, and historical figures are the characters/representations acting out/retelling these ancient stories in a modern setting.

  17. The Illuminati WikiLeaks 1950s interview with a captured spy tells how all games are known by the Illuminat.. Every game in the world series the illuminati know the score of every game this captured illuminati spy tells before the game even starts because the game has already been played ! we are in a time loop repeating events and the elite know the secrets and what will happen in the future. that's how come the simpsons can show you who dies way before they die... Read the WikiLeaks article on the captured illuminati spy it will change your view on life it did mine.. Every game has already been played and the Saturn super computer if you will knows this and thru gematria we can get a hint at the outcome...

    1. Yes I like this thought. Saturn rituals 9.69 orbit speed. .05555 eccentricity. 5555 days after 911 is 11/26/16. Be ready..

  18. The Bible is a a Bunch of Allegories their is a coded script underlying the Allegories. We live in a 3D Matrix by connecting the Neuro Linguistic scripts synchronicities that happen we can De code patterns and events that manifest in our lives.. The Elite arfe presently trying to Manifest a Monster Earthquake, we have the power to block this from happening by rising our consciousness to their hope for manifestation......

  19. Zach dude u should know better. Jesus christ is the truth and the way. Why the fuck else do u think these people do satanic rituals, flash satanic hand signs, and sodomize each other. its satanic anti christ garbage. before anyone comes at me read the link. don't deny the evidence. if u are not willing to examine the viewpoint from all angles u have already lost

  20. This comment has been removed by the author.


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