Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Insane blog views in last half hour (3+ year record)

About 30 minutes ago, the page views today were at 6,000.  On a typical week day for the last few months, I have average between 10k and 13k views a day.  So in other words, in the last 30 minutes, I just got more than 12k views.  Why?

Where did this block of views just come from?  It does not show me any heavy traffic source besides Google and Facebook.


  1. Interesting! Curious to see how this plays out ... please keep us "posted" ... Lol.

    9:48 = 9+4= 13 ... 13 & 8 = 1 , 3+8= 11 ... = 1, 11 = 111 ??

    I know that's stretching it ...
    but following the "Law of Various Forms of Gematria" ... ?? ;D

  2. That is quite the leap. Can it tell you which pages in particular?

    1. Sometimes I can see where traffic is coming from, like when USA Today attacked me, or when Sports Illustrated knocked me, but today I cannot see anything.

  3. One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind. Lol

  4. You have about 12,000 total blog entries. Maybe some kind of super computer pulled up each of your posts at the same time.

    1. That's a good point, that probably is what happened.

    2. Seriously this site is like wikipedia. Most topics im working on I'll search it and it saves me time.

  5. wouldnt be surprised if its a bunch of people checking for your TNF predictions man, huge gambling following in here as well now

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Something else is up to get that massive spike. They were either blocking correct numbers to you, or something else is going on.

  8. My long comment is gone.

  9. I know youre a highly intelligent man Zach, I do worry about your safety though , considering the information you deal with and how ANTI- establishment it is in nature.I noticed those thatfollow your work have now made it over to Instagram too ( I know, because I asked if they followed you when the posts bear striking resemblance ) because a lot of #gematria posts are popping up over there now. Its a shame that it has to be bittersweet to notice the heavy traffic like this, because we all know it could be perfectly innocent(sports betting) OR ...the lader. Its a shame you couldn't just celebrate the blog views, but thats just NOT the type of world we live in, that comment up there by maddog is plausible too. We know youre on their radar( I saw the video awhile back about the strange occurrences in your life with people following you and whatnot)Its always prudent to be vigilant and on alert (which you are ). I'm just hoping youve got kickass protection and/or use proxy servers(?idk), whatever it takes to keep you safe and doing what you do.
    ~Peace and Love~

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. Hey Zach, do you have your work on hard copies backed up in several places, and not on the web, in case the gang erases it?


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