Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Media questions NFL football player Eric Ebron for saying "Football" was invented by the Mayans

I don't know why this story is treated as if it is such a bizarre statement.  If you study the sport the Mayans played, it was a combination of what we call football, mixed with soccer, mixed with basketball.  If you're not aware of this Mayan sport of the past, look it up.  There was a field, much like a football / soccer field, and at midfield, there was a wall, and maybe twenty feet up, there was a circle to put the ball through.

At the ruins of Chichen Itza in Mexico, there is one of these fields that can still be observed.

For the record, in case you're not aware, in the Mayan sports championships, the winning team would be sacrificed to 'God' or the 'The Gods' after the game.  What I've wondered since learning this as a child, is if this is where the original tradition came of "tanking" (intentionally losing).


  1. Didn't the losing team have to sacrifice a player to the winning team? Glad to see how far we've evolved since the Mayans ;(

    1. The winning team is who was sacrificed. God wants winners!

    2. Clearly we haven't evolved much since the days of the gladiators, still have the modern gladiator athletes as the "epitome of society." I don't know if it's people's inability to evolve or the gang promoting stagnation and preventing change. You know we live in a sad world when animals seem to have more going for em than most humans, dogs know more about love than most people.

    3. I often hope reincarnation is real, so I can come back as an animal in the forest.

    4. If you want to reincarnate, just go into the light when you die. Then you get another spin through the trap. I will be heading into the dark to see what's going on over there.

      You know what happens to animals in the headlights.

      Or as Mr. King calls the bright light in IT

      The Deadlights.

    5. The light is a lie = 144 (English)

      Fourty Four
      Heaven Earth Hell
      Keeping the Faith
      False Christian

      All of these equal 144 in English Gematria.

    6. I live at the middle of the horizon.

  2. Makes me think of how we see some athlete stars who line up so well with birth dates and numerology for a game and still end up losing or are the "sacrifice" because maybe they have the winning numerology so that's what god wants is winning sacrifices but in modern times they "lose" the game symbolic of being a "sacrifice"

    Just brainstorming on this because we see the reversal of it as well, someone with great numerology winning the game in a championship scenario

  3. Can we really be sure what sport the Mayans played if the tyrants are the ones who taught us that? How can we be sure the sacrificing these apostate tribe were supposed to be doing weren't the rituals of our favorite rulers?

  4. Lions will be a sacrifice in the playoffs to the Vikings. Ebron #85 TE for the Lions

  5. So I am reading up on this and I am finding that major political/cultural leaders would attend these games, religious leaders and important figures at the time, there were playing fields all over, people would gamble and bet on these games.... shit, the fix is in could easily have been going on then too... very easily

    Here is a 5 minute video of a guy talking about it here:

    Very interesting because he is saying that the games were nothing but reenactments of rituals... SCRIPTED.... 100% based on rituals

    I think you can make TONS of connections with NFL and Myan Ball based on this 5 minute video....

    Mind blowing

  6. Watched the vid @NumbersGame. What we have to remember is all rituals, all religions, all everything that is supposedly sacred, mirrors the naturally occurring processes occurring within us. Energy is electricity and matter combined. Matter is represented horizontally. Electricity is vertical. Matter and electricity form a cross. Hmmm. This is THE cross that all religious crosses are based on, this place where these two "gods" meet and spawn creation. All rituals follow the natural cycles and seasons of nature. We have been copying nature since the beginning in our rituals. The tyrants figured out a way to control us by perverting the rituals just slight enough to do the damage but not enough to be noticed. There is no god who needs any kind of sacrifice. What a pussy god that would be. These are metaphors for the gods within, the natural forces within and without, that are there, like the wind, that no one can find the source of. There is no power to be gained from this knowledge. All you get is the knowledge that is to be shared. The tyrants turned into something else.

    1. Oh trust me I don't believe in man made religions. I have the same thought as you it's all based on the cycles and circles of summer and winter, day and night, the sun and the moon. The two twins of nature. What I find fascinating though is them running "passion plays" based on their own sacred rituals, scripting out the games through religious means which is what we see in the NFL. Predetermined endings based on phrophecy. Yeah, and as far as the belief in religion behind it goes, I think we have similar ideas in that sense

  7. Maybe these man-made rituals are the distraction to keep our focus off of the shit they are doing.

    "A skilled decoy can throw your enemies off your trail. A master decoy can survive to do it again."
    —Gerrard of the Weatherlight

    Copying nature to a "T" is what I would call a master decoy. I think there is a hidden wisdom in how to work with numbers, gematria, astrology, etc that only the bloodlines are privy to. They use it to distract us from who we really are. Nobody needs anything to find that out except solitude. They do everything they can to keep us from that. So simple. They create gadget after gadget to keep us busy. If they can keep us dreaming, then waking up will be next to impossible. And they can't have that. Government and religion are only to domesticate slaves. They can't have a totally pissed off slave pool. Some have to believe they are in that upper 1%.

  8. Check this out Zack! Eli Manning had a span of 317 days from his b/day to Mon. nights game. 317 IS 66TH prime. Chuck Pagano's next b/day is a span of 317 days from Sun. game. Amazing how scripted this shit is....


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