Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, November 7, 2016

Reader Contribution | (MUST READ) Opening Day of the Cleveland Indians MLB 2016 season, the 2016 World Series & the Election

Doug Lerner

10th Inning of Game 7 Foreshadows Election Results

Hello Zach,
This is Doug in Fountain Hills, AZ. Enjoyed your Game 7 analysis
tremendously, and would like to add a footnote to the World Series
events that unfolded as scripted. During the 17-minute rain delay,
Jason Heyward called a meeting of the Cubs players in the waiting
room. He said, when interviewed,"I just reminded the team of who we
are -- the best team in baseball. We can pull this out. All we have to
do is outperform the Indians in the 10th inning, and the game and the
series will be ours." That is exactly what the Cubs did. In the 10th
inning, they outperformed the Indians by a two to one margin, and won
the series. This is exactly what I see happening in the election, with
Hillary outperforming Donald by a two to one margin in electoral
votes, on Nov. 8, 2016. 11/8/2016 adds up to 10, matching the 10th
inning. An extra week of campaigning, just like an extra inning of
baseball, because Tuesday, Nov 1st cannot be election day, by law.
2016 is clearly the best year that a woman can come to power in our
country for several reasons.
The clearest signs in the World Series are right in front of us, in
games 6 and 7. John Maddon made a brilliant move for the last two
games in Cleveland, an American League city, where the DH is in the
lineup. This move created a relentless hitting machine for the Cubs,
which resulted in 9 runs in game 6, and 8 runs in game 7, for a total
of 17 runs in the last two games in Cleveland. I will return to the
number 17, which reversed is 71 -- the number of years since the Cubs
were in a World Series, several times. Maddon decided to move Kyle
Schwarber from the number 5 hitting spot, and instead INSERT HIM IN
THE NUMBER TWO hitting position, thus shifting the power hitters to 3,
4, and 5. So, instead of Bryant, Rizzo, and Zobrist batting 2, 3, and
4 as they did in Chicago, they were now batting 3, 4, and 5. This
consolidated the hitting in the middle of the lineup, followed by
Russell, who came alive in the last couple of games. So we have a
clear shift in power by the insertion of the DH in the number 2
position in the batting lineup. The number 1 represents the primordial
male principle, yang energy, creator and giver. The number two, the
second prime number, and only even prime number, represents the
primordial female principle, yin energy, receiver and nurturer, also
represented by the vescica pisces in sacred geometry. 2016 is also the
perfect year for a female to come to power, because it is the most
evenly divisible number: 2016 is 14 x 144, or 2x7x144 and 144 is by
far the most divisible of all 3-digit numbers, having factors of
1x144, 2x72, 3x48, 4x36, 6x24, 8x18, 9x16, and 12x12, a perfect square
- and 144 is the 12th number in the Fibonacci sequence. We only get to
experience a year that is evenly divisible by 144 every 288 years. The
last time was 1728, which was 12x144, this year is 14x144 = 2016, the
next occurrence is 16x144 in 2034. We already have Angela Merkul
running Germany, Theresa May came to power as Prime Minister in the UK
after the male Prime Minister resigned from the fallout of the Brexit
vote, and now it's time for female leader #3 to take power: Hillary.
2016 will go down in history as the year of female leaders. Perhaps we
could call it herstory after 2016. So, after the 17 min. rain delay,
the Cubs come to bat in the top of the 10th inning. The first batter:
Kyle Schwarber in the #2 batting position as DH. He immediately gets a
single to right field, to bring up the power hitters and the two-run
rally to follow. The Indians only get one run out ouf Rajai Davis in
the bottom of the 10th, before Martinez grounds out to Chris Bryand,
#17 at third base, who throws him out to end the game.More now on the
number 17.
For three years, I was employed by Progressive at their Call Center
in Phoenix. During the month of January, 2016 I entered a contest, and
wrote an essay as to why I should be chosen as Opening Day Ambassador
to represent the company on Progressive Field for the Opening Day
Ceremony. My essay won, and I was notified in February that I was
chosen as one of 188 Ambassadors that would be flown to Cleveland,
stay at the Westin Hotel, and then walk to Progressive Field on Monday
April 4, 2016 for the Opening Day Ceremony where all 188 Ambassadors
would unfurl the huge American Flag on the field before the first
pitch. 4/4/2016 adds up to 17. After lunch at the hotel, we walked to
the Stadium 4 blocks away. There were snow flurries that afternoon. We
get to Progressive Field, get into the stadium with our tickets, and
proceed to the basement to practice the flag ceremony. 20 minutes into
the practice, our managers get the radio call: the game is cancelled,
not because of the snow flurries, but because the game-time
temperature with the wind chill was 17 degrees. The Player's
Association threw a fit, so the umpires called the game. We spent the
next 15 minutes outing away the huge flag, and then proceeded to our
back-up destination: The Corner Alley just 2 blocks away, where we
played some bowling games for the remainder of the afternoon. While at
the bowling alley, I got to speak to some of the local residents, and
told them, "Hey gus, you know that the last time Opening Day was
cancelled in Cleveland was 2007, and that year, the Indians made it to
the ALCS. So this year, 2016, with Opening Day cancelled against the
Boston Red Sox, (Manager Francona's old team, which he brilliantly led
to the World Series Championship in a previously scripted year), the
Indians are going to WIN the ALCS and go on to play in the World
Series, and they're going to face the Chicago Cubs." I had the tact to
not mention that the Cubs would beat them. They were getting snockered
at the bar, and I was a guest in Cleveland. So the Chicago Cubs did
beat the Indians in the Game 7 finale, which has only happened 38
times: 3+8=11., and this was only the 6th time a Game Seven went into
extra innings: 6+11=17. Opening Day was cancelled for the Indians due
to 17 degree weather. There was a 17 minute rain delay in the final
game, and the final out in the series was fielded by third baseman
Chris Bryant, #17 for the Cubs. 17 reversed is 71, the number of years
since the Cubs were last in the World Series. The Cubs one in the 10th
inning, after out-performing the Indians by a 2:1 margin. Hillary was
born in Chicago, the winning team. Trump received his nomination from
the Republican Party on July 2, 2016 in Cleveland, the losing team
that hosted the last two games in the Series, where we saw a SHIFT IN
POWER by inserting the DH Schwarber into the #2 spot in the lineup.
The Cubs scored a total of 17 runs in the last two games after this
shift was put into play.
I have done number crunching on electoral votes and maps for the past
12 weeks, and have come up with Hillary getting 324 out of 538 total
electoral votes, which is 60% to Trump getting 214 out of 538 total
electoral votes, which is 40%. I don't see him getting more than that.
He could very easily get less. If the 10th inning of game Seven is an
accurate indicator, Hillary could get as many as 359 electoral votes,
66.7% and Trump getting only 179 electoral votes, 33.3% which would
equate to a perfect 2:1 landslide victory for Hillary on 11/8 -- the
tenth inning of politics in a very evenly divisible year. Once
elected, Hillary will take her oath of office in 2017, a year that is
not divisible by anything but 1. 2017 is the year to unite the country
under one leader: her. 2017 is the 307th prime number, and the number
307 is itself the 44th prime number. Opening Day for Cleveland was
cancelled on Monday, 4/4 of this year, 2016. Trump will be cancelled
from our memories after the 10th inning of..


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Doug,

    Nice work. Tremendous attention to detail.

  3. Wow, what a GREAT PREDICTION - 66.7% for Hillary and Trump getting only 33.3%...I CANNOT wait to see that happening! Let see tomorrow, it appears the Clinton's Madness is ALL over this Blog!

    Here is some REALITY CHECK, as I am NOT trying to prove WHO is RIGHT AND WHO is WRONG:

    according to the Professor, Trump WINS:

    1. Didn't you post a link yesterday showing that the Packers would beat the Colts?

  4. Trump's gonna win like the Spurs did, right?

  5. Doug this is by far the BEST breakdown of any hoax in this matrix. Friday's telecast of the election. One of the panel members stated " Hillary will win BY FAR a huge number of Electoral votes" everyone including the black host of cnn started to laugh. Now I see this post.
    Trump never had a chance, just like the email scandal then retracted at the last minute.

    Thank you Sir!!!

  6. #1 Germany #2 Japan #3 USA

    Just like the wars

    123 conspiracy

  7. That tells me Cavs will have 66 wins at least and will lose in game 6 to the Warriors.
    Lebron who's management team owns the rights to #1 pick out of LSU who broke his foot and had not played for the 76ers the city where the DNC took place. The same place Wentz is crumbling and the " Executioner " Bernard Hopkins retired recently. Same reason Ohio state loses to Michigan this season.

    1. And Michigan wins the championship

  8. Makes sense why bama scored 10

    Game was on 11/5 or 55

    Ed Orgeron 55 years old LSU coach 19-28 career=47

    He's currently 3-1 like the NBA finals and World Series was.

    Not sure how these fuckers pull this off but everything is freaking coded all over.

    Saban 108-18 lol in conference play ( before beating Lsu)

    His salary 6.9 million like Hillarys age

    10-8 in bowl games

    My prediction is Bama vs Michigan

    Saban was coach at Michigan state and Harbaugh was Colts QB and coached Andrew luck at Stanford

    Michigan takes the NC

  9. 97 Michigan Wolverines were the national champs and qb was Brian greesy just like the legend who bob his father 71-72 dolphins perfect season
    Saban coached the Dolphins too, back to Shula who coached Miami and owner Steven Ross Michigan alum.
    Dolphins had the bullying incident with a Stanford player who played with Andrew luck.

  10. Oliver luck West Virginia

    Saban West Virginia

    Dec 17, 2014 - The NCAA has hired Oliver Luck as the executive vice president of regulatory affairs, a new position that will bring the national office regulatory functions – academic and membership affairs, the Eligibility Center and enforcement – under one umbrella.

  11. Saban has feuded with the NCAA about In conference transfers. Did not want his player transferring to Georgia.

    I keep seeing Georgia, Atlanta , Howard went from Houston to Atlanta .

    Can't figure out why????

  12. "I have done number crunching on electoral votes and maps for the past
    12 weeks, and have come up with Hillary getting 324 out of 538 total
    electoral votes, which is 60% to Trump getting 214 out of 538 total
    electoral votes, which is 40%."

    at this point might as well say Hillary gets 322 and Donald gets 216...haha

  13. My prediction. If Hillary wins there's going to be a civil war. She will try to squash it by starting WW3 with Russia, that we will lose. because the patriot crowd that normally rallies around the flag will support Putin in an open gesture of defiance, saving their war energy for the homeland. Rebellion both open and subvert will spread into every western country. There will be no unity only wars. My prediction has nothing to do with numbers just my spidey sense that smells big big trouble.


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