Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Thursday, December 8, 2016

117 | Gatlinburg / Tennessee fire blamed on "two juveniles", December 8, 2016

The fire is being blamed on two fictional children.  We know who really set the fire, "the gang".

Juveniles = 117
Pigeon Forge = 117
Central Intelligence Agency = 117


  1. This way there are no names or pictures released. Same thing happened in GA with our 5 or 6 random small fires just before this. Atleast 2 of them were blamed on invisible youths.

    Think that is why they are called "Jew"-vees??

    1. Lol. Venial is a type of sin in Christian theology, mostly Catholicism. It is a sin that is not considered bad enough to rid you of divine grace in the afterlife. So get it?

      Jew Venial.

    2. Awesome work, Lord! FINALLY -- an explanation for the origins of that word -- that actually makes SENSE!!
      Terrific insight ... Juveniles have always been their favorite Targets -- programming them as Weapons to disrupt society & using them in every way imaginable -- as bait, playthings & fall guys without a voice.

      This ”class" of citizens has had it rougher than ANYONE -- & it's beginning to really show. They're constantly TOLD their "lives are full of promise & hope" -- but they're clearly not believing that anymore.
      Now ALL juveniles are sullen, bitter & sardonic.

      "Juveniles" USED to be known as YOUNG ADULTS -- before mandatory forced schooling became law. Now the push is on to extend "adolescence" (a new word) into the 20's & 30's. It's evidenced by the ever-lengthening time spent in school -- "getting ready for adulthood".
      By then though, their INDEPENDENT SPIRIT has been vanquished.

      Thanks so much for pointing out what SHOULD have been taught to us all along. This is no joke -- you're EXACTLY RIGHT! :D :D

    3. Interesting that they also blamed the GA fires on "juveniles". Like you said -- "sealed records" will keep the TRUTH a secret Forever.

      Gives new -- & Truthful -- meaning to the term "Controlled Burn".

      CONTROLLED BURN = (J) -- 694 = 19 ... (E) -- 1038 = 1, 3+8=11 = 1 11
      (P) -- 173 = 11

    4. With extended adolescence 30 will always be the new 20, 60 the new 60, etc etc.

      My favorite line from Statship Troopers;

      Come on you Apes, you wanna live forever?(then they die, har har)

    5. Haha -- that line is one of my favs too! For a cheesy movie, it sure did a good job of foretelling our future. Fifty years from now it'll be even more accurate. At the rate "average people" are losing their "normal lifespan", by then 50 is going to start seeming old. Do THEY want US to live forever -- of course not! Soon as our "productive years" start to wane, OUR lights start to dim.
      For a SELECT FEW -- 70 really IS the New 50". For the rest of us, it's bullshit propaganda steering us to keep working our asses off til we're 70 -- if we make it that long.

      Check ou "END TIME" if you haven't seen it. Where Time & Lifespans are a Commodity. I honestly believe we're already there -- WE just don't know it yet. And the "Clocks" that are ticking aren't visible on our arms (like in the movie) -- they're inside us.

      Seeing the articles about 90+ year old astronauts (if they are still actually alive) just convinces me more. Practically NOBODY around here lives that long anymore.
      Meanwhile they keep shoving stories at us about 100+ year old voters & 80 year olds running marathons -- making all the broken-down people wonder what they did "wrong".
      They don't realize their problems probably stem from the vaccines they were given as kids. Those too old to have gotten them aren't doing too bad -- it's those born from the late 50's on that are dying too young.

      And people in their 30's -- their prime years -- are sicker than I've ever seen before. I used to scoff at the "mass genocide" claims -- but after seeing the shape EVERYONE'S in -- I'm starting to believe it. Especially since there are other countries where not EVERYONE is sick.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.


    Claude Sharon" in the English Reduction system equals 49

    Claude Sharon" in the English Ordinal system equals 121

    Stutts" in the English Reduction system equals 11 / 29

    Stutts" in the English Ordinal system equals 119

  4. I did some work for tonight's game between Oakland and Kansas City. Here is what I have got

    Date Numerology 12/8

    12+8+20+16 = 56 Alex Smith could get loss number 56 in his career

    12+8+16 = 36 Andy Reid has birth numerology of 36 (3+1+9+1+9+5+8 = 36)

    12+8+(2+0+1+6) = 29 This will be Jack Del Rios 29th game as Raiders head coach

    1+2+8+2+0+1+6 = 20 Derek Carr could get win number 20 in his career. Alex Smith could get loss number 20 in a Chiefs uniform. Andy Reid could stay on loss 20 as coach of the Chiefs

    Derek Carr is 5-0 on the road, a loss would make 5-1(51) year or super bowl 51.

    Derek Carr has birth numerology of 51


    3+28+(1+9+9+1) = 51

    This will be Derek Carr's 45th game all time.

    Andy Reid has birth numerology of 45


    3+19+(1+9+5+8) = 45

    Derek Carr has played 44 games in his career

    Andy Reid = 44 (coach for the Chiefs)

    kill = 44

    Derek Dallas Carr =132/60

    Oakland raiders = 132/60

    60 days including end date from Thursday until the Super Bowl.

    Alex Smith comes in with 132 career games started.

    Alex Smith comes in 3-1 at home, if he loses he will be 3-2

    Kansas City = 32

    Chiefs = 32

    Alex Smith is 32 years old

    Alex smith is 76-55-1 in his career. He could stay on 55 loses. Could also go to 56 losses to match date numerology.

    Raider = 55

    Chiefs and Raiders have played a total of 115 times.

    Alex Smith has birth numerology of 115


    5+7+19+84 = 115

    Alex Smith record is 8-3

    Jack Del Rio could get loss number 83 in his career

    Derek Carr = 83

    This will be Alex Smiths 58th game as a Chief.

    Andy Reid is 58 years old this year.

    1. 60 is a HUGE number right now.

      US entry to WW2 anniversary yesterday.
      Pearl Harbor = 60
      seventy fifth = 60

      Larry Bird, born on 12/7 turned 60 yesterday.

      Of course, the Celtics DESTROYED the Magic by 30 points (half of 60).

      Magic = 60 Gematria

      If Oakland is marked with 60, I think they are going to beat the Kansas City Chiefs tonight.

      It is the only reason to schedule the game on a Thursday (Carr is undefeated on this day) night (undefeated at night) when otherwise, the Chiefs own the Raiders.

    2. It was also Larry Birds 60th, and probably last, birthday on Pearl Harbor Day.

    3. Thats easy then Chiefs will be 6-0 at home after they win

    4. I think they are connecting these first for some reason.

      one hundred seventeen (117) = 1302 Sumerian or 132 with no zero
      Oakland Raiders = 132 Ordinal = Derek Dallas Carr

      Still seems to point to Oakland, to me, especially with that club fire.

  5. If we add the number 2 in '2 Juveniles' it sums to 119. This fire story, with Joel 1:19 and Dolly's birthday, had 119 connections.

  6. locals say Russian soilders are doing night time operations waking people up...using national forest area s to stage and they set the fires

    1. Our military has already been caught replacing the american flag logo with russian ones on planes so why not uniforms too, we all know who started it

  7. Found these numbers interesting, while watching the film inferno with Tom hanks. Movie was released on October 28 31 days before the November 28th Tennessee fires. Both days share 47 numerology.

    seek and find" in the English Reduction system equals 47

    "seek and find" in the English Ordinal system equals 92

    "cerca trova" in the English Ordinal system equals 106

    "cerca trova" in the English Reduction system equals 43

    "bertrand zobrust" in the English Reduction system equals 68

    "bertrand zobrust" in the English Ordinal system equals 203

    "inferno" in the English Ordinal system equals 81

    "inferno" in the English Reduction system equals 45

    "thirty one" in the English Reduction system equals 53

    "thirty one" in the English Ordinal system equals 134

    "october twenty eighth" in the English Ordinal system equals 242

    "october twenty eighth" in the English Reduction system equals 98

    "november twenty eighth" in the English Reduction system equals 105

    "november twenty eighth" in the English Ordinal system equals 258

    "dantes hell" in the English Ordinal system equals 100

    "dantes hell" in the English Reduction system equals 37

    "paradise twenty five" in the English Reduction system equals 87

    "paradise twenty five" in the English Ordinal system equals 222

    "paradise 25" in the English Ordinal system equals 73

    "rebirth" in the English Ordinal system equals 80

    "rebirth" in the English Reduction system equals 44

    "quarantine" in the English Reduction system equals 48

    "quarantine" in the English Ordinal system equals 120

    "seventeen" in the English Ordinal system equals 109

    "seventeen" in the English Reduction system equals 37

    "dante" in the English Reduction system equals 17

    "dante" in the English Ordinal system equals 44

    "fire" in the English Ordinal system equals 38

    "fire" in the English Reduction system equals 29

  8. Movie Inferno was also 35 days from the December second fire in Oakland or 1 month four days.

  9. In the film Inferno one of the characters Bertrand zobrust" in the English Ordinal system equals 203, 203 connects with 2016 and the thirty third degree, Zorbrust has created a virus that he wishes to utilize for population control.


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