Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 12, 2016

13 14 17 41 45 99 | Giants 10-Cowboys 7, SNF, December 11, 2016, a "39" ritual & more

I love that the Giants won with 10, in a game summing to 17-points.  Eli Manning wears #10, and this year, the Giants selected Eli Apple #10 overall in the NFL Draft.  He had a big play and was complimented by the announcing crew last night.

Eli Manning earned his 106th win last night, all-time.

Elisha Nelson Manning = 106 (Prophecy = 106)

*Eli began season with 97-wins (This is the 97th season of the NFL)
*His first game against Dallas, he earned his 98th (Eli Manning = 98)

For this next part on "10", remember, yesterday's date had a '39' numerology, December 11, 2016.

12/11/16 = 12+11+16 = 39

New York was established July 26, 1788, and the United Nations in New York is 39-floors tall.  Not by coincidence.

7/26/1788 = 7+2+6+1+7+8+8 = 39

The opponent last night, the Cowboys, also have '39' name gematria.

Cowboys = 3+6+5+2+6+7+1/10 = 30/39

If you watched the game, there were a lot of '39s' put on the screen, as there always are on SNF.

There was the 39-yard field goal.  There was Dez Bryant's first fumble in 39-games.  There was big play ending at the 39, which the announcers blurted out!  There was more.  There always is.

Also, earlier this year, the Giants beat the Cowboys, in their stadium 20-19.

Winning with 20 on September 11 was a tribute to Eli himself as well.

Again, Eli = 17/26

Notice both QBs had 17 completions last night.  Now you really know why those receivers drop the ball when they shouldn't, so often on third down, the reason they should be paid the millions.

Notice Eli had 167-net-yards.

The 193 total yards connect to '44'.  193, the 44th prime.  2/5/2017 = 2+5+20+17 = 44

This was the 13th game of the season for both teams.  

This is Eli Manning's 13th season total.  With regards to 13, notice the '45' yards rushing for the top two Giants rushers.

Also, those 33 rushing attempts, and '93' total yards, the reflection of '39'.

By the way, did you see Eli Manning's face after 93 hit him last night?  His face said, "Come on.  It's scripted.  You don't need to hit me that hard!"  93 really did smash him.  He fumbled on the play.

As I said, streaks end with '14', and this was Week 14 of the NFL season, a span of 57-days from the Super Bowl.

Fifty-Seven = 131; Championship = 131; Super Bowl = 131; World Series = 57

'Fourteen' also has a parallel to Super Bowl, and 'Deflate Gate'... regarding the latest Steelers-Giants Deflate Gate 2.0 headlines.

Giants are 4-1 in Super Bowls all-time.

If the Giants make it to Houston, for Super Bowl 51, they'll have a chance to become 5-1.

Also, keep in mind the Cowboys were 11-1 when they showed up in New York last night, they exited 11-2.  They were on an 11 game winning streak and New York is the 11th State.

9/11 = 9+1+1 = 11 (Giants 20-Cowboys 19, at Arlington)

Recall when that oil pipeline busted in Alabama on September 9, 2016?  It ran from Houston to New York City.  I documented that then, as well as a riddle with the Alabama Crimson Tide and a river turned red in Russia at the same time.


  1. The colts and Giants were playing the two teams from Texas yesterday and the colts lost with a sum of 39 points... Hm

    1. In case this was missed. The colts and giants games points totaled 56 like 56 days til the stupid bowl

    2. Great observation

  2. The year of the comeback it's gonna happen! COLTS AND GIANTS

  3. I don't care what everyone says, I still "believe" in the colts and giants. The colts might have lost their last game in week 14. End=14

    1. I'm still on Colts Giants until Colts are knocked out 100%

    2. Colts remaining schedule


      I don't know about the Colts. It's definitely going to be a tough road for them minus Jacksonville

  4. I am so disgusted with the COLTS right now. Every time I put them in a parlay, they bust it.

    If it wasn't for the FACT that the AFC South is the worst looking division since the Panthers won the NFC South with a LOSING record, in 2014, I would have just given up on the COLTS by now.

    It is actually possible that the COLTS could WIN with an 8-8 record. It is actually possible they could lose to the Vikings and STILL WIN the division and get a #4 seed.

    That is ridiculous. But, that is NFL entertainment.

    Who else is scripted to come out of the AFC? I don't see any other story lines (Patriots, no way. Oakland, too soon. KC perpetual also-rans. Pittsburgh, too dull. Denver, just went. Houston, total joke. Tennessee, too young.)

    1. Too emotional.

      Welcome to Vegas and their Sportsbook with the "pit" of swings

    2. Vikings are done. Colts are winning next week.

    3. You will be committing suicide if u listened to zach. Gary the numbers guy #1

  5. The same Gary who congratulated the Cleveland Indians on winning the World Series all over his twitter, then had to go delete it all?

    Wash, rinse, repeat. Play in traffic Michelle.

  6. OBJ's game winning TD was 61 yards...
    The Giants improved to 6-1 at home. Dallas Cowboys = 61. The Cowboys fell to 6-1 on the road, and Prescott fell to 6-1 on the road as well. Sixty One = 131. Championship = 131. Sixty One = 41. Super Bowl = 41.

    1. Darius Thomas said
      "we blew it" = 99
      Dark horse = 99
      Delusion = 99
      Pale horse = 99
      99 = thirteen colts go 1-3 to end season ?
      As well jermey all I can think about is the dark horse rising in the giant music video you broke down

    2. Ty Hilton said we "laid down "= 110 n 660
      Minnesota = 110 n 660

    3. Colts are paying 41-1 to win the afc... lol

  7. ESPN JUST SAID THIS: "Last night's SNF broadcast of Cowboys-Giants averaged 26.5 million viewers, the best viewership for a Week 14 game since 1989 (49ers-Rams)"
    Jeff Fisher just got fired from the Rams after a 4-9 start. Something definetly here

    1. here is the game that happened on the same day in 1989

    2. the 49ers went on to win the superbowl that year with jerry rice as MVP, could see and Odell Beckham MVP this year

    3. 94 super bowl

      Dallas! 30-13 on January 30th lol

    4. odell beckham jr. birthday is 11/5/1992 reflection of 51.. giants got a big load pushing for them

    5. 49ers are 1-12 this year like 112

  8. In week 16
    colts 8-7
    Ten 8-7
    Texans 8-7
    Titans will beat Texans because Tennessee is the original Houston team.
    Imagine the last game ten an Texans finish 8-7-1

  9. will the Patriots complete the cycle 4-0?

    Or go 3-1 ? Like 13 ?

    If they lose to Ravens who were the Browns and once the colts will they lose to Luck I. The playoffs

  10. I'm going Baltimore Ravens
    Since there last matchup 1/10/15 is 702 days
    Raven win will leave patriots leading regular season 7-2
    Patriots record will be 10-3 .103 is the 27th prime
    Twenty seven=55 with s. 55 days until suoerbowl 51

    1. 10-3 (103) (13)
      13th prime 41

    2. TZizzle wears #55

      He is featured in the Monday night preview lol

  11. Brady went 4-1 in first 5 starts back.. Lost Seahawks team he beat in SB .

    Gronk TE=87 and wears #87 or 8+7=15

    This could be bad news for NE! Thinking near future .. Keep an eye on this

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. Assuming patriots have home field and play only 2 playoff games numbers 23,24 for Brady
    25th is the Supwr bowl

    Brady stays in the pattern of losing every 5th game he could end up 4-1 4-1 4-1 12-3 no ring
    Or 4-1 4-1 3-1 AFC loss 11-3 like 113

    Or 4-1 4-1 5-0 13-3 super bowl champ

    Teams record 13-3 also

  14. I also Remember that Peyton won 6 straight games won SB

    Eli won 10 straight and won a SB

    Luck needs 7 not impossible luck 7!

    He lost in week 14 like 41

    That could be a clue folks

    1. are you dense? Eli won 6 straight in 2011 en route to the upset and 4 straight in 2007 as they lost to NE in week 17.

      you really are a colossal moron

  15. Assuming patriots have home field and play only 2 playoff games numbers 23,24 for Brady
    25th is the Supwr bowl

    Brady stays in the pattern of losing every 5th game he could end up 4-1 4-1 4-1 12-3 no ring
    Or 4-1 4-1 3-1 AFC loss 11-3 like 113

    Or 4-1 4-1 5-0 13-3 super bowl champ

    Teams record 13-3 also

  16. It's going to be the 10 year anniversary of the 18-1 patriots super bowl 51

    Eli wears 10=39

  17. anyone else notice how when Odell Beckham scored to make the score 10-7 there was 1:07 left on the clock?


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