Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Saturday, December 17, 2016

13 45 55 | 13 soldiers killed in Turkey due to bus bombing, December 17, 2016

55 minutes?  55 people wounded?  Here we go again...

December = 55; Santa = 55; Satan = 55

Today's date numerology connects to '13' as well.  It is December 17, 2016.

12/17/16 = 12+17+16 = 45 (Thirteen = 45)
12/17/2016 = 12+17+(2+0+1+6) = 38 (Death = 20/38)
12/17/2016 = 1+2+1+7+2+0+1+6 = 20 (Death = 20/38)

And let us not forget the gematria of 'bus'.

Bus = 42; Freemason = 42

And let us not forget the other recent numbers reported.

December = 37/55
Kill = 44
Christianity = 155; Science = 155

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