Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

24 33 42 44 75 144 | 75-year-anniversary of Pearl Harbor Day, December 7, 2016 +99-year anniversary of declaration of war on Austria-Hungary

Tomorrow, December 7, 2016, will be the 75-year anniversary of Pearl Harbor

'Pearl Harbor Day' has a parallel to military and killing.

Pearl Harbor also has a parallel to World War and more.

Here's the date numerology of the attack.

12/7/1941 = 12+7+19+41 = 79 (Murder) (Massacre)
12/7/1941 = 12+7+(1+9+4+1) = 34 (Murder)
12/7/1941 = 1+2+7+1+9+4+1 = 25 (Massacre)
12/7/41 = 12+7+41 = 60
12/7 = 12+7 = 19

Here's the date numerology of the 75-year anniversary.

12/7/2016 = 12+7+20+16 = 55 (December) (Satan)
12/7/2016 = 12+7+(2+0+1+6) = 28
12/7/2016 = 1+2+7+2+0+1+6 = 19
12/7/16 = 12+7+16 = 35
12/7 = 12+7 = 19

The coordinates of the attack were also fitting.

JAPAN = 10+1+16+1+14 = 42 (Ordinal) (Honda = 42) (Toyota = 96)

Also, it was December 7, 1917, that the U.S. declared war on Austria-Hungary in World War I.  It will be the 99-year anniversary of that declaration tomorrow.

12/7/1917 = 12+7+19+17 = 55 (December)
12/7/1917 = 12+7+(1+9+1+7) = 37 (December)
12/7/1917 = 1+2+7+1+9+1+7 = 28
12/7/17 = 12+7+17 = 36
12/7 = 12+7 = 19

It's interesting to note that December 7 is the day that leaves 24-days left in the year, and the December 7 dates connecting to both World Wars, are 24-years apart.

For the record it was April 2, 1917, that the U.S. declared war on Germany.  That was a date with '42' numerology, the reflection of '24'.

4/2/1917 = 4+2+19+17 = 42
4/2/1917 = 4+2+1+9+1+7 = 24
4/2/17 = 4+2+17 = 23 (Symbol)
4/2 = 4+2 = 6

JAPAN = 10+1+16+1+14 = 42 (Ordinal)

'42', the number of the 'Freemasons.

Last, let us not overlook that the U.S. joined the war in 1917, emphasis on '17.

The heroism of a generation = 124/133/250 (Government = 133)

Let us not forget, 'Hawaii' is one of the '33' states, ripe for a false flag.  We could be looking at one of the faces above, of the Americans who attacked their own troops, in the staged incident, that started the U.S. involvement in World War II.

Only the first, sixth and fiftieth states have '33' gematria.  There are 3 '33' states.  Delaware, the first, was established December 7, 1787.

12/7/1787 = 1+2+7+1+7+8+7 = 33


  1. with face packs, facial cleansers, moisturizers, skin vitamins, cleaning soap loose face wash, soaps, equity and lip salve etc,. by means of using those merchandise we are able to shield our pores and skin from pollution, UV rays and dust and so forth,. For more ==== >>>>>>

  2. Pearl Harbor was an inside job.

    1. Yes, which is why they used the same date from World War I.

  3. Zach, this morning the local Fox News in Atlanta purposefully froze their on screen clock at 8:18 for thirteen minutes. It almost made my wife late taking my son to school. She said people were driving like mad all over the road due to this. Then I remembered that:

    Pearl Harbor Day = 144
    Time = 144
    They finally turned their clock off around 8:31, meaning it was frozen at 8:18 for 13 minutes.
    Thirteen = 99
    99 year anniversary of the Austria-Hungary war declaration.

    I wonder what 818 means...

  4. This was interesting and maybe could be emphasized in some way...
    Flag Lowering Declarations are intended to represent mourning through national unity.

    'National Unity' = 58
    'Freemasonry' = 58
    'Flag' = 44 adding to the above 44's and 144's.

    George Bush lowered the flag after 9-11-01 self inflicted terrorism mongering attack.

    G-dub lowered it for 6 days, then 6 days more, for a 66

    After the Orlando Pulse 'incident' Obama made his 66th flag lowering proclamation on 6-16-16 (666)

    'Flag Lowering' - 66 E.R.
    'U.S. Flag' - 66 E.O.

    Following with the 12's from above there have been 17 Flag lowerings for Tragedies.
    'Flag' = 17 E.R.

    Of those flag lowering tragedies there have been 94 proclaimed days and 92 days without 2 days of overlap.

    Obama has the record now at 72 proclaimed lowerings and 178 Days of mourning, or 176 days not including the 2 days of overlap.

    He mourned Pulse in Orlando.
    We will not be mourning the Ghost Ship in Oakland, which was 'LGBTQ similar'

    Remember all of the O's over the past year or two.
    There like 6 more, it escapes me, someone will help our the O list...

  5. Pearl Harbor is a hoax. The USS Arizona was demoed by Navey intel. Nobody was on board like the Twin Towers. Nothing they tell you is real.


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