Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Sunday, December 11, 2016

25 33 43 79 118 | 25 killed in Cairo Cathedral blast, Sunday, December 11, 2016

Massacre = 25; Twenty-Five = 149
Cairo = 28/46 (Chaos = 19/28/46)

Today's date is right for killing.

12/11/2016 = 12+11+20+16 = 59 (Kill = 59, Jewish Gematria)
12/11/2016 = 12+11+(2+0+1+6) = 32
12/11/2016 = 1+2+1+1+2+0+1+6 = 14
12/11/16 = 12+11+16 = 39

Cairo Cathederal, CC, 33....

Cairo Cathedral = 64/118 (Death = 118, Jewish Gematria)

Notice it was a Coptic Church.  September 11 is New Year's Day of the Coptic Calendar, the old world Christian Calendar.

Coptic = 66; Christians = 66; 66 Books in the Bible
Abbassyia District = 64/181 (181, the 42nd prime); Abbassyia = 25/43/79; Massacre = 25/43/79

The reporting comes from 'MENA'.

MENA = 13+5+14+1 = 33

Government = 133

Notice Egypt was also bombed December 9, 2016.

12/9/2016 = 12+9+20+16 = 57 (Scottish Rite)
12/9/2016 = 12+9+(2+0+1+6) = 30
12/9/2016 = 1+2+9+2+0+1+6 = 21
12/9/16 = 12+9+16 = 37 (Egypt = 73)


  1. Lately it has been 2 attacks, either close to one another or at the same time. I suppose, looking back, it is like that a ton. The Twin Flames of Solomon??

    1. They intentionally report it that way.

      A huge disaster could occur. But, if the news "story" cannot use it in their narrative, it is ignored.

      I really hate the "NEWS" stories. It seems like every single "story" is designed to manipulate your emotions.

      When will people stop believing in this garbage?

    2. Sadly, it really is a one person at a time process. The collective doesn't care a bit.

    3. I suspect everyone disconnects when they r ready and not a minute before. All u can do is continue to point out that it's fake to them and not take it personally when they call u crazy etc..
      Easier said than done, I know. But u have to stop worrying about the masses. They will be alright or they wont, it's not your job to save them.
      Your job is to stop believing in nonsense, so u r doing great.

  2. The story was updated at 10:56, which is alot like 156. Cairo = 28. Egypt = 28. When you write out 28 it sums to 156. Today is 12/11. 12+11=33. Thirty three = 156.

    Grand Mufti = 113/50
    Al-Ahram News = 115/43
    Coptic Orthodox Church = 111/246
    25 Killed in Cairo Bombing = 184/103

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.


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