Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 9, 2016

26 37 57 101 129 | Obama order review of Russian election-related hacking, December 9, 2016 news

Russia = 24/42/87
Russian = 29/47/101 (101, the 26th prime) (Putin = 26)

12/19/16 = 12+19+16 = 47 (The date the electoral college votes)

This news comes Friday, December 9, 2016, 10-days until.

12/9/2016 = 12+9+20+16 = 57 (Scottish Rite)
12/9/2016 = 12+9+(2+0+1+6) = 30 (Saturn = 21/30/93)
12/9/2016 = 1+2+9+2+0+1+6 = 21
12/9/16 = 12+9+16 = 37 (Kremlin = 37)
12/9 = 12+9 = 21

The date December 9, or 12/9, looks like '129' as well, connecting to 'America'.

You might recall that before the election took place, I theorized we could see a repeat of 2000, where one candidate is declared the winner, then they take it back and declare the other.  I thought it would happen more in the time of a night, or a couple of days, but here, the narrative is rolling out, as if the unprecedented could happen, the electoral college overturning the outcome of the election.

They want chaos, this will bring more chaos.

To put this in percentage terms, I'd say there is a 37% chance Hillary Clinton ends up oin there.  Between Linda McMahon, Mad Dog Mattis, this latest Russia thing (a building narrative for months), and "The Dump" himself, the possibility is there.

Back in 'October'.

October = 33

That comes from the Oregon Senator, the 33rd State.  Oregon = 74; Masonic = 74; Jewish = 74

OR = 33 (Oregon, 33rd State)


  1. Its all about timing. business that is.

  2. I still like the World Series connection to the POTUS race...Chicago wins after a rain delay...Hillary wins after a delay for the Electoral College to do their thing....let's talk about the ultimate chaos...:))))


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