Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 12, 2016

33 43 | "Weekend of Terror", December 10-11 attacks in Istanbul, Cairo and Mogadishu

I covered the Istanbul and Cairo attacks by the numbers over the weekend, I am just now hearing about 'Mogadishu', a name ripe for a reported 'massacre'.

Mogadishu = 43; Massacre = 43

'Sixteen' dead connects to 'false flag'.

Here are my posts from the weekend on the subject:


  1. Speaking of terror... I was with 2 of my zombie-like friends this weekend, and they were asking me if I thought the Boston Bombing was a hoax. I said yes, so then one of 'em laughs and goes "ya know my friend would punch you in the face, right? He knew a girl who died personally, and was at the funeral". So I ask for a name, and get no answer of course.

    1. That's America. That's exactly how it is with almost everyone. That's why I stay inside and decode the bullshit. I've had enough for going on 16-years before long.

    2. People say this because they absolutely do not know who they really are.

      And feel like they have to be associated with a group or a fad. Socially engineered.

      You have to encourage people not lie by questioning their logic like you did. That will help their illness.

    3. The legion, I live in CT 2 towns from sandy Hook..I hear that shit all the time...everyone knows someone, but cant name them as they know someone that knows someone that knows someone...But I know nobody tht actually knows anyone involved direct, which would be highly unlikely if 26 died

    4. Good posts. Yeah, it's just funny how there's so many people who know victims of these hoaxes. It's always "My friend knew..." or "My cousin knew...". I think it's what you said Matrix. It's a fad... they make themselves feel special by saying they knew a victim.

  2. Off topic: I believe (THEY) burnt down the mountains to smoke out the survivalist.119,000 acres burnt=911

    1. Is that really what they're reporting? Tell me it isn't!


      Newest article I could find was 11/20 with those numbers. Although I did find info on a Colorado fire in 06 that took out 777 acres then they burned an additional 119. Can't find a direct link.

      Oddly enough, it seems 777 acres or 119 acres or 330 acres are all common numbers for natural fires all around the globe.


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