Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 9, 2016

33 44 53 106 | Jeopardy contestant 'Cindy Stowell' fakes death to fleece public for more "cancer research money"

Here's a contrived story, made to fleece more money from the public for cancer research.  If you haven't caught on in 2016, they're not using your "cancer research donation money" to fight cancer, they're just stealing it, like an extra tax, for kind hearted sheep.

The way to fight cancer is by not putting toxic food in your mouth, by cutting out the dairy and factory farm raised meat.

Cancer = 44; Chemo = 44; Kill = 44
Jeopardy = 40; United States = 40

Notice she passed Monday, December 5, 2016.  The date connects with her name.

12/5/2016 = 12+5+20+16 = 53 (Cindy Stowell)
12/5/16 = 12+5+16 = 33 (Number coded on hoax story of Susan G. Komen)

The 'prophecy' code is also in the name 'Stowell'.

Stowell = 106 (Prophecy) (Destroy)

She was 41 and her episode will debut December 13, 2016.

12/13/16 = 12+13+16 = 41 (USA = 41)


  1. Lots of things coming up on the 13th. Dolly has a charity event for the fire vic-sims.

    1. No shit? They're gonna be milking this cash cow for a long time.

      Our local Ostpolitik news channel keeps running stories about churches gathering "supplies" to take there.
      Of course:

    2. Correction: Local PSYOP CHANNEL ...

      How the hell did autocorrect get OSTPOLITIK from that? Not a word I'VE EVER typed before!! Lol


      Somebody wants you to have a look.

    4. Good thinking! Got to remember to pay attention to these little "glitches". Thanks Lord!!

    5. Stopped by gematrix before wiki:

      OSTOPOLITIK = (J) -- 498 ... (E) -- 876 ... (P) -- 146

      Other (J) 498's: Excellent (#1) ... Hearing Spirit ... It Looks Like A Scam

      Great tip!!

    6. Lord -- I think it was directing me to Willy Brandt. Spend a good while last night reading up on him. Had heard the name before, but didn't know anything else about him. His wiki page is HUGE.

      Now I'll be watching to see why this info may be relevant. He was also a TIME Person Of The Year ... & 1974 was a VERY important year for him.

      Thanks again for the reminder!! :D

    7. Probably should've clarified -- OSTPOLITIK is associated with WILLY BRANDT -- a German socialist politician -- & Mayor of BERLIN when the WALL went up.

  2. Full Moon 7:05pm
    December 13, 2016
    1 + 2 + 1 + 3 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 16
    12 + 13 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 34
    12 + 13 + 20 + 16 = 61
    12 + 13 + 16 = 41
    348th day/18 remaining

    New Moon 1:53am
    December 29, 2016
    1 + 2 + 2 + 9 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 6 = 23
    12 + 29 + (2 + 0 + 1 + 6) = 50
    12 + 29 + 20 + 16 = 77
    12 + 29 + 16 = 57
    364th day/2 remaining

    16 days between = 2 weeks, 2 days

  3. And she's wearing satanic red and black colors for scumbags

  4. Of course no mention of what KIND of cancer.

    Real slap in the face to REAL cancer victims -- who spend THEIR last days immobile & in agony.
    Paints a "pretty picture" that contradicts the REALITY of dying from cancer.

    Cruel & evil.

  5. Great name they picked for her -- look how it breaks down:

    Ci -- as in CI = "PSY" or "SIGH" ... N -- as in "AND" ... Dy -- as in DY = "DIE"

    CINDY = "PSY AND DIE" ... or ... "SIGH & DIE"

    St -- as in ST = "SAINT" ... O -- as in "OH" ... Well -- as in "WELL"

    STOWELL = "SAINT 'OH WELL' " ...


    "PSY & DIE" ... or ... "SIGH & DIE" ... "SAINT 'OH WELL' "... real funny, assholes.

  6. Not sure if it the same person but does look like her ... scroll down the page. Dr. Cindy Stowell ... An Alumni of the Korgel Group ( Nano-tech )

    1. That IS her!! No doubt whatsoever. Great find! :D

  7. your money is stolen as well when there is a Tsunami or Earthquake or flood or hurricane or tornado or any other made up 'natural' disaster

    1. The "Red Cross" is at the top of the list, when it comes to stealing money from people with kind hearts.

      "Red Cross" in English Sumerian equals 606

    2. "Christmas" in English Sumerian equals 660
      "Cindy Stowell" in English Sumerian equals 966
      "Hoax" in English Gematria equals 669
      "Donations" in English Sumerian equals 666

    3. Marian Marcus -- So True!
      And most people don't realize that the blood they DONATE to the Red Cross is SOLD - as a commodity -- on the Open Market.
      It is NEVER given away.
      Nor does the blood given in a community help those living there. It's shipped -- to be SOLD -- All Over The World ... Where it ONLY goes to the Highest Bidders.

      To the Red Cross -- blood is no different from corn or wheat ... except they can get people to GIVE them ALL of the "product" they trade in -- for FREE.
      Plus -- they also get the costs of processing & shipping their product donated. And if any of the donors themselves ever need some of that blood -- they'll have to PAY to get it.

      Can you believe what a sweet scam they've got going?
      It wasn't always like this with the Red Cross -- but that's what it's become.

  8. That Mfsyy. Your comments are always insightful and well written. I want you to know how much you are appreciated.
    I used to donate blood every eight weeks or so and often encouraged friends and co-workers to do the same. Within the last few months though, I just couldn't bring myself to donate. I was fixated on the plant in "Little Shop of Horrors" and kept thinking that the blood bank was probably feeding my blood to the global elites to keep their poor sorry asses alive. United Blood Services keep emailing and calling me for a donation and, in my head, all that I can hear are the lyrics to "Feed Me."


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