Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 9, 2016

37 | Dylann Storm Roof says 'I did it', December 9, 2016 +Charleston Church shooting by the numbers

I could have walked out = 77/86/212 (Christ = 77) (Symbol = 86)

'I did it', the quick confession, in 'December'.

Satan = 19+1+20+1+14 = 55; Santa = 19+1+14+20+1 = 55

Today's date has '37' numerology as well.

12/9/16 = 9+12+16 = 37

Again, this is propaganda for a nation. coming December 9, or 12/9.

America = 129 (Jewish Gematria)

The quote is purposeful, an actor's line.

Dylann Roof = 52
Government = 52
Hate Crime Act = 52
Charleston = 43/52

Dylann Storm Roof = 74
Black Panther Party = 74
Calhoun = 74
Masonic = 74
Jewish = 74
Jesus = 74
Cross = 74
*Storm Roof was arrested on I-74

Notice he used a .45 at Bible Study Class.

Recall the address of the Church was '110' Calhoun Street.  The World Trade Centers were 110-stories tall.  The parallel between both incidents, are many, including they're both false flags put on by the feds.  Anyhow, his quote has gematria of '185', a number relevant ot '9/11', and the movie Monsters Inc., which came out right after 9/11, and not by coincidence.

Him not knowing how many he killed, and saying maybe '5', is no coincidence.  Of course, he is accused of killing '9'.  Recall, Obama went to the funderal for 9, 9-days after the shooting.

Remember, '5' and '9' are the only numbers that sum to '42', just like February is the only motnhs that sums to '42'.  '59' is the other number stamped on black people throughout history.

With regards to 'slave', notice the use of the description "mushroom shaped haircut" in regards to Dylann Storm Roof's hair.  That is no coincidence.  The Civil War began in Charleston, April 12, 1861, the 102nd day of the year.

And with regards to '61, that is the number coded into the word 'church'.

Civil War = 43/61; Charleston = 43/52

The date of the incident was right for Freemasonry rituals, such as divide and conquer and killing.

6/17/2015 = 6+17+20+15 = 58 (Freemasonry) (Secret Society)
6/17/2015 = 6+17+(2+0+1+5) = 31
6/17/2015 = 6+1+7+2+0+1+5 = 22
6/17/15 = 6+17+15 = 38 (Death) (Killing) (Masonic) (Jewish) (Cross)

From the incident until today, is 541-days, or a span of 542.

I won't be surprised if some legislation comes out of Congress in regards to this shooting, in the wake of the 'December' trial confession.

Notice he fired 'seventy' shots.

Seventy = 29/38/47/56/110 (110 Calhoun St.) (Bible Study Class = 47) (Christian = 47)

Notice the mention of '15' minutes.

Fifteen = 38; Death = 38; Killing = 38; Cross = 38

With regards to him being under the influence of alcohol, Prohibition ended in '33.

Alcohol = 66; Thirty-Three = 66; The Bible is 66-Books in length; Gutenberg Bible = 66

Again, Dylann Storm Roof was born on April 3, the 93rd day of the year, connecting to his hometown of Shelby, North Carolina, and 'Christianity'.

Rememeber, Crucifix has '93' gematria as well.  Crucifix = 93; Saturn = 93; Propaganda = 93

'Revelation' has '22 chapters'.

Trayvon Martin, the young man buried on '3/3', the anniversary of the Rodney King beating, is what woke Dylann Storm Roof up.  I wonder if it is a coincidence that Rodney King died on June 17, years before the Charleston shooting, at age 47?  I'm kidding, I'm not wondering at all...

Notice Rodney King's 4/2 birthday.  Hello Jackie!

Police = 33; LAPD = 33; Race War = 33; KKK = 33; Dylann Roof, 33 count federa indictment

The '88' mystery is solved with the selection of Trump.  It couldn't be anymore clear now.  We talked about this possibile connection earlier this year with Trump having his GOP Convention in Cleveland, and calling for legitimized torture in Orlando.

David Bruck = 41/95

Forty-Four = 144; April Fourth = 144; Time = 144
Purple = 88; Trump = 88

Tywanza = 110; Sanders = 80; Tywanza Sanders = 190 (Synaogue of Satan)
Tywanza = 29; Sanders = 26; Tywanza Sanders = 55 (Sacrifice)

Notice Sanders was reportedly '26'.  God = 26

Further, his aunt was '87'.

26+87 = 113 (Mainstream = 113) (Dishonest = 113)

And then the mention of the 74-year old.  Oh JESUS!

He has a gun = 39/48/84

Pinckney = 43; Charleston = 43; Massacre = 43; Civil War = 43



  1. If you are thinking of on making your very own line of bodybuilding videos at your house, you have to remember that there are loads of factors you want to ponder on. You might be doing this due to the fact you want publicity and publicity.

  2. Adam Lanza had a mushroom shaped haircut as well

  3. I couldn't stop myself=1277J

    Fulfilling my programming=277

  4. by saying I did it, best believe their will be no trial, and Dylan roof will magically disappear. I still believe rev Pinckney was assassinated, because he would not go along with democrats up coming agenda. Note: during the funeral of any pastor of a church only the Deacon can offer Eulogy, many deacons were outraged when they saw he President eulogizing rev Pinckney.


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