Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 2, 2016

Donald Trump nominates Steven Mnuchin for Treasury Secretary, Tom Price for Health and Human Services, & Wilbur Ross for Secretary of Commerce

Emphasis on escalators, heading down?

Mainstream = 113; Dishonest = 113; Scottish = 113

The Treasury Secretary is to be Steven Mnuchin, a Jewish banker tyrant, who worked for Goldman Sachs.  Not by coincidence, 'Goldman Sachs' has gematria of '44', like Donald Trump being the 44th man to be President.  Again, there were '44' Kings of 'Israel'.

Goldman Sachs = 7+6+3+4+4+1+5+1+1+3+8+1 = 44/53 (Steven is 53-years old at announcement)

He is a big name on 'Wall Street', having a parallel to Trump being the 45th President.

Wall Street = 36/45/135

Now the name gematria of 'Steven Mnuchin'.

334 / 2 = 167 (Announcement on 334th day of 2016)

Notice 167 is the 39th prime number.  The Jewish go by the 39 Books in the Old Testament.

Steven Terner Mnuchin = 94/103/247 (Washington = 49, reflection of 94)
Steven = 22/85; Terner = 35/80; Mnuchin = 37/82
Steven Mnuchin = 59/68/167 (Donald John Trump = 68)

The name 'Mnuchin' is right for 'treasury'.

STM = 7/16/52 (Government = 52/133)

12/21/1962 = 12+21+19+62 = 114 (President of the United States)
12/21/1962 = 12+21+(1+9+6+2) = 51 (Federal) (Conspiracy)
12/21/1962 = 1+2+2+1+1+9+6+2 = 24
12/21 = 12+21 = 33

This news came '22' days before his birthday, December 21.  The news was made November 29.

Wall Street and Hollywood?  What's the parallel there?  Oh yes, they're both run by Jewish banker tyrants.  Hollywood = 48; Illuminati = 48; Donald Trump = 48; Wall = 48

And always notice how the media speaks with more clarity about what these candidates will do than the candidates themselves.  That's because the media's voice is the voice of the puppeteers.

I love the pronunciation with the NEW in caps.

New = 14+5+23 = 42

The New World Order loves their Tuesdays.

For Tom Price, the announcement comes 52-days after his 62nd birthday, or a span of 53-days.  It is interesting how '53' synchs with Steven Mnuchin as well.  Government = 52/133

Down below, you'll see how they coded '52' into the dinner photo with Trump and planned cabinet members.

This guy's name and birthday remind me a lot of the World Series, and the parallels to this election.

Baseball = 54; Illinois = 45/54/99; Chicago Cubs = 91; Chicago = 37/46/81; 108-year drought

Thomas Edmunds Price = 81/99/207 (Tom Price = 45/99)
Thomas = 22/31/76; Edmunds = 26/35/80; Price = 33/51

10/8/1954 = 10+8+19+54 = 91
10/8/1954 = 10+8+(1+9+5+4) = 37
10/8/1954 = 1+0+8+1+9+5+4 = 28
10/8/54 = 10+8+54 = 72

There was also the mention of Wilbur Ross, another '48'.

Wilbur Ross = 48/66/156 (Thirty-Three = 66/156)
WR = 23+19 = 42

This announcement came the day after his 79th birthday, the 22nd prime number.

You have to love the way Donald Trump is filling up this administration with old cronies.

11/28/1937 = 11+28+19+37 = 95
11/28/1937 = 11+28+(1+9+3+7) = 59 (Steven Mnuchin = 59)
11/28/1937 = 1+1+2+8+1+9+3+7 = 32 (America)
11/28/37 = 11+28+37 = 76 (Master) (America, Francis Bacon Gematria)
11/28 = 11+28 = 39 (Old Testament)

Jean-Georges, eh?

Donald Trump, building possibly the "swampiest" cabinet ever.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry off topic
    The creator of general tsos chicken died yesterday as well like joe McKnight and the inventor of the Big Mac
    Peng Chang kuei dies 12/1
    Peng Chang kuie=121 and 67


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