Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 5, 2016

Reader Contribution | How one college student taught gematria to the chagrin of their teacher (Taking one for the team)

This is even better than my Fidel Castro impersonation!  Thank you!


  1. Jericho broke through the wall like the Kool-aid man. Props.

  2. Shows courage and leadership!!!~

    Good Job Bro!!! Keep up the good fight :)

  3. Yup, got her where it hurts...

    BTW @CantStopGeorge we cool? lol you hated me earlier for some random reason when I was on your side all along, but I didn't say anything.

    Trust me I am rooting for Zach and the Truth. As long as we on the same team :)

  4. Wow! I'm in junior year of High School and I KNOW I don't have the audacity to do that. Hopefully some day. If I ever have to do a presentation on the Holocaust I just might have to.

    1. You do ~ Don't hope... can't be fearing or else how you going to learn and grow and see your opportunities??~! ^_^

    2. Hope = 44 ... not a good vocab with what type of words surround that sick 44 :P

    3. Lol still trying to deprogram the mind. I'm surrounded by it. Mom asking me to turn on the news all the time. I tell her why and she's like "I wanna see what's going on in the world." Oh yeah? Well where's that taking ya?

  5. Yeah we're good, i honestly don't even remember what I said, vaguely remember saying something about you being off on something. Regardless i'm sorry if I came off brash, didn't mean to.

  6. It's all good ~ as long as we fighting for the same cause :)

    Peace and Love ~

  7. Awesome story!!! Gives me goose bumbs...


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