Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 12, 2016

Reader Contribution | Packers to Super Bowl 51?

Wisconsin = 44
2/5/2017 = 2+5+20+17 = 44
Rodgers at 33 with the BIG G (G = 33)


  1. Noticed clay Mathews is in the commercial (forgot what company) saying "I'm the best" and it's vs the Houston Texans

    1. Zach, thanks for putting this up.

      I will be schooling everyone else with my reasons why, part gematria, part numerology, part world events, part narrative driven.

      Football part of the blog this week.

  2. Lol not happening. They'll be eliminated this weekend

    1. With which player that Chicago has already traded away?

  3. Not gonna happen. JUST GOT A BIG CLUE FINAL SCORE bal 23 NE 30 or233?????? You see where ther is going! Colts vs NE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP GAME

    1. Wait what's the 233 have to do with the Colts? lol

    2. "Luck" = 233 in Jewish gematria, which is the 13th Fibonnaci and 51st Prime.

    3. Dropping zeros is not obvious, and weak for connections...

  4. Everything aligned for colts let's hope it doesn't change now. That packer stuff is very minute compared to the crazy shit for ind especially the pawn stars episode that'll cement it

  5. What the heck is wrong with you people. Don't follow the colts off a cliff. This team is atrocious.

    1. most importanatly, whats wrong with you people who continue to "follow" Zachs work if its all junk...move on Bozo

  6. I welcome you to end my bloodlines, Im in CT.

  7. come and stand I front of me and say this
    keyboard warriors are cowards

  8. I was pretty surprised to hear Aaron Rodgers say the Pack could "run the table" - it was at that point I knew a hot streak was coming. Anyone remember "R-E-L-A-X"?

    While I totally agree that this hot streak has a lot to do with Aaron Rodgers turning 33, I don't see how any of these numbers are pointing any more towards a Packers Super Bowl any more than the Colts'.

    Until we can go back in time and find which of these types of alignments that have occurred in the past have proven to produce consistent winners, then we should all just make our case and wait. No use in trying to prove your junk is bigger than anyone else's.

    1. Zach knows I've called this from the beginning and have laid down a brick road, I will repost the goods.

      I'm in transition from a male to a wookie, I sold my junk for rock n roll.

  9. Watch in the nfl threads, I have piles of info that will make you think twice, this was a snippet.


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