Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Monday, December 5, 2016

Someone is spreading gematria on Instagram named 'Modern Day Awakener'

Thank you to whoever you are!


  1. This is awesome. I've been planning using Instagram for this purpose and was looking for the proper approach. This gives me some much needed ideas, thank you.

  2. Well done. Great vehicle to spread the knowledge.

    Just a side note - Smith & Wesson, based in Springfield, MA, just reported a "63 percent" increase in their quarterly earnings from the same period in 2015. Gun sales are booming. Summing 1 through 63 equals 2016.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Looks like the work of "Citizen of Gotham" on Youtube

  5. GEMATRIA ANALYSIS: Trump and Abe met for 'very candid discussion' in NY - signal a NEW WAR in the Middle East - great codes:

  6. Zach... Margaret Whitton from 'Major League' dies at 67. Wow!!! You have to be kidding me with how brazen these scum are. All the ties to the World Series and that movie with the Indians, and now this...

  7. Yes, this was the guy I told you about a few weeksback in one of my comments here, and I asked him if he followed your work and he said he definitely did. We follow one another on IG, I think we stumbled upon one another through the wonderful world of hashtags, which, mind you, there are COUNTLESS hashtags on IG, and were talking some the most random and obscure nouns/phrases/sentences/quotes/trends etc. But when it came to the gematria I remember being a little surprised upon finding the very small number of posts with that tag. So the community, if you wanna call it that, is/was small still on that platform. Have you ever thought about venturing over there?

  8. Hey does any body know what happened to modern_day_awakener he disappeared and was dropping tons of knowledge

    1. He messaged me on instagram and we talked about some stuff. He started bringing up the bible and some other stuff and now he doesnt know what to believe anymore. I told him to go with what was in his heart. a couple days later i also noticed his account died. He had many followers and usually they delete your account once you get too many for the wrong reasons. I got inspired by him and decided to make my own IG page (because i thought i could present the information a little better, lol). I posted the IG page above.


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