Zachary K. Hubbard Video Channel

Friday, December 2, 2016

Something I never thought I would see on Facebook (I'm sure a ban is coming)

Ha!  Maybe the ZIONTRIX would be more appropriate?  No matter, the point is right on.  And let us not forget, the Catholic Church, the Jesuits, they were created by this same outfit, the banker / money cartel.


  1. I'm sure you are aware of the third pill in this picture. If Neo had just decided to walk out of the room knowing all that he did at that point. This is kind of how we Truthers are living right now. We are in a constant state of perpetual disillusionment, not really knowing where the path leads us.

    1. I commend you for that and admire your tenacity in this long road ahead. Confronting the constant ridicule from my friends and family is the hardest test I face, but giving up has never been a character trait of mine. I will try to emulate your optimism in the days ahead. Thank you. Take care.

  2. That is hilarious. I just heard Lawrence Fishburne in my head say, "What if I told you that you are owned by Jews?" Then Keanu went Whoa.....

  3. Wondering if you saw the story about Tiger Woods at the "Hero World Challenge"? Bogey-free 65.

    1. Hero World Challenge = 95 inverse of Tiger 59

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